
  1. 本文从CIMS的技术和哲理层次上分析了CIMS企业组织机构改革的原因。

    The reasons for organizational innovation have been analyzed from both the technical and philosophical perspectives of CIMS .

  2. 应用了工作流技术的OA系统,可以显著提高系统整体协作效率,促进企业组织机构优化,改进经营管理水平。

    Workflow based OA system could significantly improve the efficiency of the cooperative , promote the optimization of enterprise organizational structure , and improve the management level .

  3. 对EPC总承包的组织管理体系进行研究,从理论演进、国内外企业组织机构构建、EPC项目组织模式等方面进行了阐述,并进行了详尽的分析。

    The organization of EPC contract management system are studied , the theory of evolution , organization building of domestic and foreign enterprise and project organization mode were expounded and made a detailed .

  4. 结合软件系统的开发情况,对本系统开发中的几个关键问题如自动生成企业组织机构图及班组网络图、在pb中实现ftp传输、数据并发性控制等进行了详尽阐述。

    According to the development of the system , some important problems , such as the automatic drawing of organization chart and group chart , the realization of FTP transfer in PB and data concurrency control , are also discussed .

  5. 论国有企业组织机构的创新方向

    On the Innovation of Organizational Structure in Chinese State - owned Enterprises

  6. 论企业组织机构选择及人员控制

    The Enterprise Organize Institution Mode Select and Personal Control

  7. 首先建立管理人员竞聘上岗、能上能下的人事制度。1、调整企业组织机构。

    In the first , setting up personnel system , 1 , adjusting corporation structure .

  8. 论企业组织机构的形成与设立

    Formation and Installment of Enterprise Institutional Framework

  9. 企业组织机构的选择

    Choice of Enterprise Organization System

  10. 这些挑战体现在资产理论、股份制、企业组织机构、规模经济理论、企业管理理论等方面。

    These challenges are embodied in property theory , share system , enterprise institutional framework theory , scale-economy theory , enterprise management theory .

  11. 制度变迁通过促进企业组织机构的变革及企业管理制度的完善和执行来实现企业制度文化变迁。

    The institutional changes realize the corporate institutional culture by promoting the transformation of corporate organizations , and also by consuming and executing enterprise management system .

  12. 本文介绍了我国企业组织机构的形式和特点,并对我国企业普遍采用的直线职能参谋制组织机构与矩阵式管理组织机构进行了对比分析。

    The paper introduces the forms and characteristics of chinese enterprise organization system , and compares linear function management with matrix management which are applied universally in chinese enterprises .

  13. 第六章重点从企业组织机构调整、企业流程再造、建设以市场为导向的企业文化建设,论述了为实施战略选择所需要的企业支持系统。

    Chapter six focuses on enterprise reorganization , business process reengineering and enterprise culture establishment in orientation of market . Supporting systems employed for strategy selection are also described .

  14. 同时现行的质量信息管理系统普遍存在没有密切联系质量管理体系,缺乏对质量管理体系运行信息的收集,对企业组织机构及业务职能依赖性大等方面的问题。

    Furthermore , in the current quality information management system , there exist the following problems : irrelevancy to QMS , lack of information collection for QMS and great dependence on organization and operation .

  15. 本文论述的是,在新的战略背景下,县级供电企业组织机构的优化设置和关键岗位的职能标准刻画,从而促进企业强化人力资源管理,提高效率,推动企业健康发展。

    The paper analyses how to optimize the organization framework and describe the key position standard in new strategy situation and promotes human resource management , increases efficiency and drives the healthy development of the county power supply enterprises .

  16. 总包合同管理优化必须要建立在一定的制度保障基础上,具体内容包括:优化调整企业组织机构、建立先进的企业文化、加强企业内部控制制度建设。

    The general contract management optimization ought to establish upon a certain level of systematic safeguard , which consists of : optimization and adjustment of enterprise organization , establishment of enterprise culture , and strengthening system construction of internal control of the enterprise .

  17. 同时还研究了企业组织机构设置、标准流程模板设计以及订单流转方法,既为客户提供了交互性能良好的订单查询功能,也较好地实现了客户订单的过程跟踪。

    At the same time , it studies enterprises ' organization setting , devise of standard flow template and method of orders moving , which not only provides clients with orders enquiry function with good interactive capability , but also realizes clients orders process track .

  18. 为求合理解决激励机制与经营者选择机制问题,企业组织机构的设置应服从于如下原则:残余权(剩余索取权)与控制权对应原则,降低组织成本的原则,社会利益原则。

    In order to rationally solve the problem of stimulation mechanism and manager choice mechanism , the installment of the framework should observe the following principles : the correspondence between residual claim and control power principle , lowering management cost principle and social interest principle .

  19. 依据业务流程重组的思想重新确定了商业企业的组织机构及商业业务流程。

    The paper reset organization and commercial business process according to BPR .

  20. 产业市场不同于消费品市场,它的供需双方均为企业等组织机构;

    The industrial market is different to consumer market .

  21. 组织机构上重新设计了该企业的组织机构及人员分流的渠道;

    The redesigning of the business organization and the channel for staff flowing ;

  22. 企业信息化组织机构的设置

    Establishment of Enterprise Informational Mechanism

  23. 完善企业销售组织机构建设加强企业销售组织机构管理蔬菜统营处属非政府组织,提供蔬菜批销设施。

    Intensifying The Construction And The Management Of The Sales Organization In The Enterprises ; The Vegetable Marketing Organisation is established as a non-governmental body providing vegetable wholesale marketing facilities .

  24. 介绍了目前常见的混合所有制企业内审组织机构的设置模式:总经理领导的组织模式、监事会领导的组织模式和董事会领导的组织模式及其利弊。

    I have introduced the modes by which the internal auditing organ is set in mixed ownership enterprise : leading by general manager , surveillant committee or director committee and advantages and disadvantages difference modes .

  25. 现有的导航定位应用多是面向特定应用企业、组织机构以及特定人群的局部应用,其应用基础构架和软件系统也是围绕上面的应用进行设计与开发的。

    Existing navigation and positioning applications are local applications for special group , such as specific application enterprise , organization and so on . The design and development of the application infrastructure and software system are based on the existing applications .

  26. 与信息时代、网络时代相伴而生的电子商务将包括个人、企业、组织机构和政府在内的这一切进行了整合。建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业,就业容量大,产业关联度高。

    Accompanied by the ages of information and internet , e-Business integrates the all including individuals , enterprises , organizations and governments . The construction industry is a supporting industry for national economy , accommodating large employment and related with the other industries obviously .

  27. 企业组织由行政机构演变而来,如何建立法人治理机构;

    The business bodies are evolved from administrative setups . how to build up the legal person management setup organs ;

  28. 管理咨询公司是指从事管理咨询服务,为企业和其他组织机构提供咨询服务的公司。

    Management Consultancy Company is a company in the business of providing service of management consultancy , targeting to enterprises and other organizations .

  29. 亚洲、拉丁美州和东欧的崛起,将带来全新的企业规则、组织机构和企业管理者。

    The rise of Asia , Latin America and eastern Europe will bring to the forefront new corporate norms , organisations and business executives .

  30. 提出企业可根据组织机构和预算责任,制订与完善预算管理制度体系的思路。

    Thirdly , it presents the thinking for enterprises to design and improve the budget management system according to the organizational structure and budget responsibilities .