
  • 网络ovary inferior;inferior ovary
  1. 子房下位,瓶形,4室,具腺。

    Ovary inferior , urceolate , 4-celled , glandular .

  2. 雌蕊3心皮3室,子房下位,中轴胎座,每室2倒生胚珠,厚珠心,双珠被,内珠被独自形成珠孔。

    Its pistil consists of three carpels , the inferior ovary has three locules and each locule has two ovules which are anatropous on axile placenta . The ovule is bitegminous and crassinucellate .

  3. 由花器附属组织包围子房形成的子房下位花,于十一月上旬左右绽放。

    The epigynous flower was composed of ovarian tissue , hypanthium and appendicular tissues .