
zǐ yí dài
  • first filial generation;F 1
子一代 [zǐ yī dài]
  • [first filial generation;F 1 ] 由亲代特性不同的所有杂合的成员交配产生的第一代

子一代[zǐ yí dài]
  1. 通过提供适口的饲料,采用雌雄1:1、1:2两种交配方式,研究了树鼩驯化过程中行为、繁殖性能的改变及子一代部分生物学特征。

    By providing a dainty feed , adopting two kind of mating mode that female and male are on the scale of 1 : 1 or 2 : 1 , The changes of behavior and reproduce capability and some of the biology characters of their first filial generation were studied .

  2. 子一代实验室钉螺细胞色素c氧化酶I、细胞色素b基因序列分析

    Analysis of Cytochrome c Oxidase I and Cytochrome b Genes of F1 in Laboratory Line Oncomelania hupensis hupensis

  3. 杂交第一代,子一代近代量子场论(I)

    First filial Advanced Quantum Field Thoery ( 1 ) ?

  4. 王锦蛇幼蛇的饲养与子一代的繁育试验

    A HORNED KING SNAKE The Experiment on Feeding and Breeding the Sub-generation Elaphe carinata

  5. 残缺的父亲导致了子一代无法长大成人。

    The mutilated father cause the case that the posterity cannot grow up favorably .

  6. 野生中国大鲵与人工繁殖子一代雄性形态及精液特性的比较

    Comparative morphology and semen characteristics of wild Chinese giant salamander and its artificial generation F_1

  7. 晚播对萝卜子一代苗期生理生化指标的影响

    Effect of Postpone Sowing on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of F1 Generation Radish Seedling

  8. 皮肤移植对近交品系小白鼠及其杂交子一代的遗传鉴定

    Genetic Identification of Inbred Strains of Mice and Their Hybrids ( F1 ) by Skin Transplantation

  9. 栉孔扇贝♀×虾夷扇贝♂杂交子一代与其双亲同工酶的比较研究

    Comparative study on isozymes in the hybrids of Chlamys farreri ♀× Patinopecten yessoensis ♂ and their parent stocks

  10. 由于东方3号杂交海带是两个纯系配子体杂交产生的子一代,因此其孢子体形态非常整齐。

    Dongfang No.3 hybrid Laminaria is the first generation of hybridization by two gametophyte clones , so the morphology of its sporophyte is consistent . 2 .

  11. 通过统计子一代及子二代的性比,初步认为稀有鮈鲫性别决定机制复杂,其常染色体上的因子可能参与了性别决定。

    Based on the results from scoring sex ratios in the F1 and F2 progenies , a complex mechanism of sex determination in rare minnow was proposed , and factors on autosomal chromosomes might have influenced on its sex in this study .

  12. 独生子的一代除了学术本身的原因,还有许多其他方面的原因一起推动着这股涌向美国的中国留学生大潮、比如中国中产阶级人数的增加,还有中国的生育政策。

    ' One-child ' generation There are other non-academic factors fuelling the spike in students going to the US , such as the expansion of China 's middle class and policies on families .

  13. 基于激发态分子内质子转移的新一代荧光探针

    New Generation of Fluorescence Probes Based on Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer

  14. 基于多层子网的新一代信息网网络管理体系结构

    Network Management Architecture of New Generation Information Network Based on Sub-net of Multi-layer

  15. 而且假如那些比其他人移动得更好的个体有更多机会让他们的子代进入下一代的群体里面。

    And maybe those who move better than others have got more chance of getting their children into the next generation .

  16. 子二代鸟在生长速度方面与子一代鸟比较,表现为平均日增重曲线峰值前移和达90公斤体重的饲养月龄提前一个月。

    Ln compar is on to the first filial generation , the second filial generation grew faster and the curve for daily weight gain put forward .