
  1. 三苯氧胺(tamoxifen)治疗乳腺疼痛症&附51例临床治疗总结


  2. 恒旋磁场治疗肋骨骨折后疼痛症临床观察

    Clinical observation rotating magnetic field constant pain after treatment of rib fracture

  3. 两种局部麻醉药物星状神经节阻滞治疗头面部疼痛症疗效的比较

    Comparison of two local anesthetic drugs for stellate ganglion blocks in treatment of facial pain

  4. 笔拿得太紧、太久,常引起书写疼痛症。

    Holding your pencil too tightly for too long often gives you writer 's cramp .

  5. 结论推拿疗法治疗哺乳性颈背疼痛症疗效显著。

    Conclusion Massage therapy has excellent effectiveness in the treatment of nape and back pain in lactation .

  6. 电脑中频治疗泌尿系结石致疼痛症疗效观察

    Observation of the curative effects of the pain of cause by urinary organs stone treated by computer medium-frequency electrotherapy

  7. 结论:疏肝法配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔疼痛症的疗效良好,可有效降低复发率。

    Conclusions : The dredging liver method combining enema has good curative effect in treating Chronic Pelvic Pain syndrome , and can lower the relapse rate effectively .

  8. 长久以来哥斯达黎加的登革热(一种由蚊子传播的疾病,伴随使人软弱无力的骨骼疼痛症),一直被沿海山脉限制在该国太平洋沿岸地区。

    The coastal mountain ranges of Costa Rica had long confined dengue fever , a mosquito born disease accompanied by incapacitating bone pain , to the country 's Pacific shore .

  9. 因该病又可影响临近的神经纤维,所以常伴有下肢疼痛等症。

    On the other hand , because this disease can also affect adjacent nerve fiber , it is always accompanied by pain of lower limb and other symptoms .

  10. 用于缓解疼痛与刺激症为目的者21例(22只眼),疼痛完全缓解或部分缓解达100%。

    For the treatment of pain and irritation relief ( 21 patients , 22 eyes ), all patients had complete or partial relief .

  11. 慢性腰肌劳损是腰部肌肉的慢性损伤,以腰部钝痛,劳累后疼痛加剧为主症,属于中医腰痛、痹证范畴。

    The chronic waist muscle lassitude is the chronic harm of the muscle of loins , with the loins dull pain , the weariness from overwork is behind the ache turns worse for the main disease .

  12. 疼痛是骨质疏松症中最常见、最主要的症状。

    Pain , especially back pain , is the main symptom in osteoporosis .

  13. 观察透穴针法对膝骨关节炎的病情轻重分级评定积分、疼痛分级、主症疼痛疗效评定、综合疗效评定积分的改善及与常规针刺疗法的疗效比较。

    Observe and compare the appraisal score and grade of the pain before treatments and the change of pain and general score after the treatments between the two groups .

  14. 传统的有针注射在给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了许多问题,如长期注射产生皮下结节,针头刺伤,疼痛,针头恐惧症,针头重复使用容易导致传染病的传播等。

    Although traditional needle injection is convenient for us , but some problems are brought in by injection , for example , subcutaneous protuberance by injecting for long time , needle pricking , pain , needle fear , spread disease by using needle repeatedly and so on .

  15. 并确保告诉牙医你的所服药品:口干–一种导致老年人蛀牙的常见原因–是500多种药品的一种副作用,这些药品是治疗过敏,气喘,血压,胆固醇,疼痛和老年痴呆症的。

    And be sure to tell your dentist about medicines you take : Dry mouth - a common cause of cavities in older adults - is a side effect in about 500 drugs , including those for allergies , asthma , blood pressure , cholesterol , pain and Alzheimer 's disease .