
  • 网络pain;painful sensation;Pain Score
  1. 当我们劳累、紧张、沮丧或生病时,疼痛感更明显。

    When we are tired , tense , depressed or unwell , we feel pain much more

  2. 冰激凌头疼,有时也叫“脑冻结”,指用吸管喝冷饮的时候,冷饮直接到达上颚时感觉到的来自太阳穴的疼痛感。

    The ice cream headache , often called a " brain freeze " , is actually referred pain from the roof of the mouth which you feel coming from the temple area of your forehead when you suck cold beverages2 through a straw , sucking the liquid directly onto the palate .

  3. 我胸部一直有一些疼痛感。

    I 've been getting these pains in my chest .

  4. 许多人认为是温度影响了关节炎等疾病患者的疼痛感。但研究人员发现,寒潮并非罪魁祸首,参与调查的人们在湿度较大的日子里感受到的疼痛最严重。

    But researchers found that rather than a cold snap , participants felt the greatest pain on days during which there was high humidity .

  5. 冥想sessionn.期间measurev.测量magneticresonanceimaging磁共振成像:goup上升;增长【参考译文】科学家们发现冥想,也叫作“SamathaMeditation”,能够减轻人们的疼痛感。

    Scientists have found that mindfulness meditation , known as " Samatha Meditation , " could be reducing the pain that people experience .

  6. 足部自觉症状:干预结束后,麻木感、疼痛感两组组间比较有显著性差异(P0.01)。

    Foot paresthesia : after intervention , there were statistic significance between acroanesthesia group and pain group ( p 0.01 ) .

  7. 《亚太健康管理期刊》(asiapacificjournalofhealthmanagement)最近刊登的一篇文章指出,开放式办公室员工的眼睛、鼻子和、喉咙更容易产生疼痛感,染上流感的机率也更大。

    A recent article in the Asia Pacific Journal of health management said that employees in open-plan offices were more prone to eye , nose and throat irritations , and more likely to come down with flu .

  8. 在丈夫路易斯(Louis)的帮助下,巴克斯特产生了这样一种联想:将震颤和冷冻结合起来使用可能会消除打针时的疼痛感。

    With help from her husband Louis , she made the connection : Combining vibration and cold might be enough to ease the pain of a shot . '

  9. 各组患者治疗后一般状况:干细胞+针灸组治疗24h,足趾疼痛感和麻木感明显减轻;1个月后疼痛消失,足趾可轻微活动;

    Common status after treatment : Painful feeling and insensible feeling in toes alleviated evidently after stem cell plus acupuncture treatment for 24 hours , the ache disappeared after 1 month and toe could moved gently .

  10. 亚特兰大MMJ实验室首席执行长巴克斯特医生说,目前,有500家医院都在使用Buzzy以消除患者在注射和输液时的疼痛感。

    Buzzy is now being used in 500 hospitals to ease patients ' pain from injections and infusions , says Dr. Baxter , chief executive of MMJ Labs , Atlanta .

  11. 你有没有疼痛感,或者留意到什么变化吗

    Have you been having any pain , notice any changes ?

  12. 他们改变了态度,情绪状态和疼痛感。

    They change attitude , emotional state , and pain perception .

  13. 实验表明通过对肩关节进行静力拉伸,可以减轻肩伤的疼痛感。

    Through the shoulder joint static stretching , can relieve shoulder pain .

  14. 她无法排除这种疼痛感。

    She found it impossible to shut out the pain .

  15. 科学家们相信,这些老鼠的疼痛感是通过气味传播的。

    The scientists believe they picked it up through smell .

  16. 生活中没有疼痛感的确不是什么好事。

    Well , life without pain wouldn 't exactly be so easy .

  17. 如果你感到牙痛,疼痛感,你不会说

    If you have got toothache , pain , you don 't say

  18. 第二天早上,我讶异地发现自己几乎没有任何疼痛感。

    Next morning I was amazed at how little pain I 'd felt .

  19. 比较两组患者不同麻醉方法的并发症,以及两组患者术中配合程度及疼痛感。

    The complications , patients'cooperation and pain during surgery in both groups were compared .

  20. 卡洛琳·克洛对疼痛感并不陌生。

    Carolyn Crow is no stranger to pain .

  21. 结果显示,那些之前数过钱的人感到的疼痛感较轻,并能坚持得更久。

    The results showed those who had handled money reported less pain and lasted longer .

  22. 安多芬不仅能给我们舒适感,还能帮助我们减少疼痛感。

    Endorphins not only make us feel good , but they also help reduce pain .

  23. 这种疼痛感随着继续跑步愈发厉害并将会典型地导致跛行。

    The pain increases as you continue running and will typically cause you to limp .

  24. 因为对疼痛感很敏感,所以作品计划分两次完成。

    Very sensitive because of the pain , so work plan in two to complete .

  25. 但是绝大多数人都没有注意到它的存在,那是因为肾病很少会引起人们的疼痛感。

    Most of us don 't know we have it because it rarely causes pain .

  26. 目的探讨患者结膜充血和疼痛感与洗眼液的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relation between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash in patient after lasik .

  27. 观察不自主肌肉颤动,注射疼痛感及过敏反应等不良反应。

    The adverse reaction such as involuntary muscle thrill , pain and allergy reaction were under observation .

  28. 布鲁里溃疡通常开始时在皮肤上出现一个无疼痛感的移动肿块,称为节结。

    Buruli ulcer often starts as a painless , mobile swelling in the skin called a nodule .

  29. 科学家已经证实了学生们长期以来的猜测:数学问题真的会导致疼痛感。

    Scientists have proved what students have long suspected : Maths equations can actually trigger physical pain .

  30. 可在明显减轻术后患者肛门区的疼痛感及减少止痛药的使用。

    Can significantly reduce postoperative patients in the sense and reduce pain anus the use of painkillers .
