
shì lì mó hu
  • Blurred vision;blurring of vision
  1. 血管可能会渗漏,造成视力模糊。

    The blood vessels may leak fluid , which distorts vision

  2. 一天下来也许你觉得眼睛干涩,视力模糊,或者感觉持续性头痛?

    Maybe your eyes are dry , your vision is blurry headache that just won 't quit ?

  3. Russo同时也担心如果停止使用文迪雅,她会视力模糊和疲劳,这也会妨碍它的健康。

    Russo also worries that if she quits Avandia , she 'll experience blurry vision and fatigue that will hamper her lifestyle .

  4. 治疗组不良反应以口干、便秘为主,对照组不良反应以口干、便秘、头晕、失眠、视力模糊、Q-T间期延长为主,治疗组不良反应明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Main adverse reactions were dry mouth , constipation in the treated group , much less than those in the control group , which were mainly dry mouth , constipation , dizziness , insomnia , blurred vision and prolonged Q-T interval ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 他对他最近的视力模糊感到忧虑。

    He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision .

  6. 视力模糊的阴暗的,雾状的,朦胧的沉闷[阴暗]的天空

    Dark , misty , and gloomy . the languor of the sky

  7. 角膜发炎;眼睛疼痛,视力模糊。

    Inflammation of the cornea causing watery painful eyes and blurred vision .

  8. 双眼泛红和视力模糊对一些配戴隐形眼镜的人来说是一大梦魇。

    Redness or blurred vision can be a nightmare for some contact wearers .

  9. 你有头痛和视力模糊吗?

    Do you have headaches and blurred vision ?

  10. 严重的感冒使他视力模糊。

    A bad cold has made him bleary-eyed .

  11. 他视力模糊,经常头疼。

    He suffers from blurred vision and headaches .

  12. 患者往往自述视力模糊或视力下降。

    Patients usually report blurred or decreased vision .

  13. 他常给妻子朗读书报,因为她的视力模糊了。

    He used to read aloud to his wife , whose eyesight was failing .

  14. 它会导致视力模糊、呼吸急促,大汗淋漓,头痛,

    Well it can cause blurred vision , rapid breathing , heavy sweats , confusion , headaches ,

  15. 不过这总比视力模糊,工作效率低下,以及最终讨厌这份工作好多了。

    Which is better than being blurry eyed , inefficient , and , ultimately , unhappy at your job .

  16. 中毒症状包括呕吐、眩、肢抽筋和视力模糊。

    The victims ' symptoms included vomiting , dizziness , weakness and cramps in their limbs and blurred vision .

  17. 有人认为一些甜味素会使某些人视力模糊、头晕目眩、头痛或恶心。

    Some artificial sweeteners are thought to cause blurred vision , dizziness , headaches and nausea in some people .

  18. 突然失声或视力模糊也是寻求紧急救助的两大原因。

    Sudden changes in speech or not being able to see clearly are two other reasons to seek emergency care .

  19. 我当时正处于那种视力模糊的懵懂状态中,而他对我来说,就像个幽灵,而不是一个完整的人影。

    In my twilight , unfocused state I saw him almost as a spirit shape rather than a full blown person .

  20. 死亡前的各种症状包括视力模糊、流鼻水、胸闷以及瞳孔收缩。

    The symptoms preceding this include blurred vision , runny nose , tightness in the chest and constriction of the pupils .

  21. 其中毒的症状包括瞳孔散大、畏光、视力模糊、头痛、神志不清以及痉挛等。

    Symptoms of deadly nightshade poisoning include dilated pupils , sensitivity to light , blurred vision , headaches , confusion and convulsions .

  22. 不当使用伐地那非会导致头痛、面部潮红、消化不良、视力模糊和肌肉酸痛等副作用。

    First , vardenafil has a series of adverse effects such as headache , facial flushing , dyspepsia , visual disturbances and muscle aches .

  23. 临床表现经常性头痛、头晕、心烦、心慌、心悸、疲乏、视力模糊,BP>20/13.3kpa。

    Their clinical headaches , dizzy feelings , vexation , nervousness , palpitation , weariness , hazy eyesight and BP > 20 / 13.3 kpa .

  24. 奎宁已知能够导致恶心、视力模糊和幻觉,但是迄今为止还没有人能够解释这些副作用。

    Quinine is known to cause nausea , blurred vision and hallucinations , but until now no one has been able to explain these side-effects .

  25. 眼线膏进入泪液膜后可能会造成眼球干涩敏感,严重会造成感染和视力模糊。

    The problems with liner entering the tear film ranges from minor discomfort for those with dry or sensitive eyes to more serious infections and blurred vision .

  26. 恶心,呕吐,腹泻,视力模糊,头晕,头痛,胰腺炎,肌肉痉挛,痉挛,低血压和过敏反应,可能会发生。

    Nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , blurred vision , dizziness , headache , pancreatitis , muscle spasm , cramps , hypotension and allergic reactions may occur .

  27. 导致视力模糊、快速呼吸,出大汗,混乱,头痛,恶心,而最糟糕的情况是抽搐,瘫痪及死亡。

    it causes blurred vision , rapid breathing , heavy sweating , confusion , headaches , nausea and at the very worst cases , convulsions , paralysis and death .

  28. 而较为严重的副作用可能包括了腹泻、吐血、视力模糊、皮肤起红疹红肿且痒、喉咙痛与发烧等等。

    Serious side effects may include diarrhea , bloody vomit , haematuria ( blood in urine ), blurred vision , skin rash , itching and swelling , sore throat and fever .

  29. 经文形容老年人四肢发颤、牙齿脱落、视力模糊、听觉衰退、睡眠不稳、出现畏高和心脏问题等等。

    It mentions trembling limbs , loss of teeth , lack of eyesight , possibly deafness , inability to sleep soundly , fear of heights , heart problems , and much more .

  30. 喝一点酒后都会出现说话含糊不清、视力模糊和走路摇摆不稳等现象,但是长时间过量饮酒会导致更持久的损害和更糟糕的健康状况。

    Slurred speech , blurred vision and an inability to walk without swaying can occur after a few drinks but chronic alcohol abuse can cause more lasting damage and poor general health .