
  • 网络video game;videogame
  1. “然而,在视频游戏业中,这种情况每天都在发生。”法利在上周五的新闻发布会上告诉记者。

    " And yet that happens every day in the video game world , " Farley told reporters during a press conference Friday .

  2. 视频游戏公司的代表律师斯科特·维特林说配音演员“在制作视频游戏的工作中只占不到0。1%的比重。

    Scott Witlin , the lawyer representing the video game companies , says voice actors " represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game . "

  3. 近年来,视频游戏行业飞速发展。

    The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years .

  4. 自周五起,美国演员工会及电视和广播艺术家联合会宣布以罢工抵制11家视频游戏发行商2015年2月17日之后投入生产的游戏。

    Effective Friday , Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists ( SAG-AFTRA ) has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17 , 2015 .

  5. 艺电的动作恐怖游戏《死亡空间3》(DeadSpace3)登上了2月份最热销视频游戏榜首。

    EA had the top-selling video game in February with its action-horror Title dead space 3 .

  6. 与此同时,美国艺电(ElectronicArts)和日本任天堂等传统的视频游戏开发商的营收,则处于停滞和下滑窘境。

    Meanwhile , traditional videogame powerhouses like Electronic Arts and Nintendo have seen revenues stagnate and fall .

  7. 与电影有关的玩具,视频游戏和3D海报也将在周五公布。

    A glimpse at the toys , video game and3D poster connected to the film also will be unveiled Friday .

  8. 其中一篇是关于以《好汉两个半》(TwoandaHalfMen)成名的情景喜剧之王查克•洛尔,另一篇是关于视频游戏配音演员詹尼弗•哈尔。

    ( one is on sitcom-king chuck Lorre of two and a half men fame , the other on video-game voiceover actor Jennifer Hale ) .

  9. 任天堂终于揭开了市场翘首以盼的全新家庭视频游戏终端&WiiU的神秘面纱。

    Nintendo pulled the wraps off its highly-anticipated new home videogame console , the Wii U.

  10. 从企业管治的故事片,到视频游戏,3D角色发展它们的外观和个性时,在纸上绘制。

    From CG feature films , to video games , 3D characters develop their look and personality when drawn on paper .

  11. 新款AppleTV还包括一个遥控器,可以用来操控视频游戏。

    The new version of Apple TV also includes a remote control that could be used as a video game controller .

  12. 视频游戏发行商美国艺电(ElectronicArts,简称EA)近日宣布,公司CEO约翰•里奇蒂洛将于3月30日离职。

    Electronic Arts CEO John riccitiello will step down on March 30 , the video game publisher announced today .

  13. 相关规则自1996年以来就没有更新过,也没有覆盖视频游戏机、GPS设备之类的创新产品。

    They have not been updated since 1996 and do not include such newfangled inventions as video game consoles and GPS devices .

  14. 这就是为什么在互联网上有所有在Word打架的人在视频游戏和运动队,手机和电视节目。

    This is why all over the Internet there are people in word fights over video games and sports teams , cell phones and TV shows .

  15. 集视频游戏和DVD技术于一体的玩具受孩子们的欢迎。

    The toys that incorporate video gaming and DVD technologies are popular with children .

  16. 她也曾和艺电(ElectronicArts)就其视频游戏营销展开合作,艺电被评定为M级(成人级&译注)的视频游戏似乎正在卖给儿童。

    She has also worked with Electronic Arts ( EA ) on its marketing of video games that are M-rated but seem to be marketed to kids .

  17. Canvas2D上下文提供了一个广泛的图形API,让您可以在平台视频游戏中实现文本编辑器中的一切。

    The Canvas 2D context provides an extensive graphics API that lets you implement everything from text editors to platform video games .

  18. 同样的电影和视频游戏,消费者能在很多平板电脑上购买,不一定非要选择KindleFire平板电脑。

    Consumers can buy the same movies and video games on many tablets & you don 't need the Fire .

  19. 据知情人士称,苹果还与视频游戏发行商ElectronicArts公司进行合作,以展示该平板设备运行游戏的能力。

    Apple is also working with videogame publisher Electronic Arts Inc. to show off the tablet 's game capabilities , according to one person familiar with the matter .

  20. TrueOffice借助的是流行的“游戏化”趋势,将视频游戏的叙事和互动与求职、培训等事务结合起来。

    True office is riding the popular " Gamification " trend , which brings videogame storytelling and interactivity to mundane tasks such as job applications and , yes , training .

  21. 1994年,洛温斯坦创立了一个协会,即后来的娱乐软件协会(EntertainmentSoftwareAssociation)。当时,人们广泛认为视频游戏是充满暴力的儿童娱乐形式。

    When Mr Lowenstein founded what became the Entertainment Software Association in 1994 , there was a widespread perception that video games were violence-filled forms of amusement played by children .

  22. 但那些室友有视频游戏机的学生减少了学习时间,将更多时间花在玩《最终幻想12》(FinalFantasyXII)上。

    But students whose room-mates had video games spent less time studying and more playing Final Fantasy XII .

  23. 视频游戏是千禧年一代(millennialgeneration)(即一群精通科技的学员)熟知的学习工具。

    Video games are a familiar learning tool for the " millennial generation " , a tech-savvy crop of students .

  24. 自游戏产业发展初期以来,美国艺电(ElectronicArts,EA)已经把自己打造成为数不多的“主流”视频游戏发行商之一。

    Since the early days of gaming , Electronic Arts ( EA ) has established itself as one of the few " major " video game publishers .

  25. 2012年本应该是视频游戏商Take-TwoInteractive大获丰收的一年。

    2012 was supposed to be a banner year for video game maker Take-Two interactive .

  26. 2012年3月,拥趸者众多的几位游戏设计大家在Kickstarter上发布了视频游戏项目DoubleFineAdventure,引来了330万美元投资。

    In March 2012 , a video game project called double fine adventure was posted by well-loved industry veterans and pulled in $ 3.3 million .

  27. 现年47岁的肖恩&12539;德克尔(SeanDecker)对此有切身体会。德克尔是洛杉矶人,是美国视频游戏制造商艺电公司(ElectronicArtsInc.)设在斯德哥尔摩工作室的首席负责人。

    As the chief executive of videogame maker Electronic Arts Inc. 's Stockholm-based studio , 47-year old Sean Decker found this out firsthand .

  28. 这些图看起来像是3D声波图和“块魂”(katamari,一种视频游戏)结合的产物。

    These diagrams look like a cross between a 3-D sonogram and a Katamari .

  29. 市场调研公司NPDGroup的数据显示,2月份美国新视频游戏的硬件、软件和附属产品销售额较上年同期下降25%至8.10亿美元。

    Sales of new video game hardware , software and accessories fell 25 % from a year earlier to $ 810 million in February , the NPD group reported .

  30. 比如说研究经典游戏围棋(GO)的人工智能是为了产生挑战性最大的对手智能;而研究视频游戏的人工智能是为了产生既有挑战性又令人满意的游戏智能。

    For example , the research on the classic game AI of Go is to produce the most challengeable opponent intelligence ; while , the research on Video Game AI is to generate the both challenging and satisfying game intelligence .