
xiǎn shì tú xiànɡ
  • display image
  1. 软拷贝是一种非永久性的显示图像,如:阴极射线管显示。

    Softcopy is a nonpermanent display image , example : a cathode ray tube display .

  2. 仪器显示图像预处理主要包括倾斜度调整、图像去噪、特征提取。

    Pretreatment of instrument display image mainly includes slope angle adjustment , noise elimination , feature distilling .

  3. 然后在RichSnippet中显示图像的缩略图。

    A thumbnail of the image then displays for the Rich Snippet .

  4. Preview:尝试使用这个用于显示图像和可移植文档格式(PortableDocumentFormat,PDF)文档的MacOSX应用程序。

    Preview : Try this Mac OS X application for displaying images and Portable Document Format ( PDF ) documents .

  5. 将采集到的CCD相机数据转换成标准BMP文件来显示图像。

    And acquisition data of CCD camera is converted the standard document of BMP to show image .

  6. 在三维成像中,MIP显示图像较好,VR更佳。

    MIP and VR were better in three-dimensional images .

  7. 该设计使用了基于空间散列的帧频控制算法以优化LCD显示图像质量,并使用两级缓存结构以保证稳定的输出数据流。

    This design uses a frame rate control algorithm based on space-hash to improve the quality of the LCD display . It uses two-level buffer structure to ensure steady output flow .

  8. 结合信源熵损失率和信宿熵获取率的概念,讨论了此通信系统的保熵性,指出CRT显示器显示图像时系统不具备保熵性而显示文本时具备保熵性。

    Entropy preservation of the system is discussed combined with the concept of entropy loss rate of information source and entropy acquisition rate of information sink .

  9. 本文针对VISUALBASIC中图形控件显示图像效果的单调性,结合实际教学体会介绍了应用VB编程采解决这一实际问题的方法。

    The article aimed at the monotonous quality of the graphic control displaying the image effect at Visual Basic and combined the practical teaching experiences to recommend how to use VB program to solve such practical problems . Use for reference .

  10. 在开发基于B/S构架的Web应用系统过程中,简单地通过标签的src属性指定图像URL来引用图像的方法不能满足日益复杂的动态显示图像的需求。

    In the development of Web application based on B / S architecture , just using the common method to display an image in Web page can not content with the requirement of dynamic image display .

  11. AOM衍射效率的非线性使显示图像的灰度失真,必须实时校正。

    The nonlinearity of AOM diffraction efficiency will lead to tonal distortion . Real-time calibration must be put in practice .

  12. 然后您只需添加一个HTMLimg标记,显示图像的并添加控制前后导航的链接(见清单4)。

    Then you just need to add an HTML img tag that displays the images and add hyperlinks that control the next and previous navigation ( Listing 4 ) .

  13. 该对象还包含对在文档中显示图像的HTML标记的引用,以及移动图像、设置透明度等的helper方法。

    It also has a reference to the HTML tag that displays the image in the document as well as handy helper methods to move the image , set its opacity , and so on .

  14. 而与此同时,松下公司(Panasonic)则将其采用4K技术的平板电脑捧为明日之星。这种技术号称能用比现有高分辨率还高四倍的分辨率显示图像。

    Panasonic ( PC ), meanwhile , is hitching its star to a tablet with so-called 4K technology that it claims displays images at four times greater resolution than existing high-definition resolutions .

  15. 目前,兼容PAL信号数字电视广泛采用PAL→VGA转换器来显示图像,在一些特殊情况下,由非标准PAL的CCD捕获得图像是不能够用上述转换器进行图像显示的。

    Currently , digital television signal compatible pal widely used PAL → VGA converters to show images like that in some exceptional circumstances , non-standard pal from the CCD to capture images is not enough for these converters images show .

  16. FED器件内部必须保持真空状态,以确保电子的自由运动,而外部承受大气压力,为此需要在其内部引入支撑体用来平衡内外气压差,从而避免显示图像的失真。

    The inner space of the device have to maintain vacuum to make sure the electronic movement while the displays bear 1 atmospheric pressure outside , so spacers are required in FED to prevent the distortion of display by balancing the difference of air pressures between inside and outside .

  17. 其中包括针对专辑的信息项,所以此查询所查找的是一个专辑的艺人标识符、专辑名、WikipediaURL,以构建图3中的链接、发布日期以及封面URL以便在输出中显示图像。

    This includes entries for albums , so this query asks for an album 's artist identifier , album name , the Wikipedia URL to build the links in Figure 3 , the release date , and the cover URL to display the image in the output .

  18. 内置单端口SRAM是单片集成的TFT-LCD驱动控制电路芯片中的重要模块,主要功能是存储CPU送来的一帧画面的显示图像数据以及输出数据到显示单元,其主要性能指标是存储速度和消耗功率。

    The embedded single-port SRAM is an important module for one-chip TFT-LCD driver IC , it is used for storing a frame of image data which is sent from CPU and export image data to display unit , its main features are access speeds and power consumption .

  19. 如果希望显示图像表明进行排序的列以及排序的方向,那么可以将以下代码添加到要排序的每个列标题的onCreate处理程序中。

    If you want an image to be displayed to indicate which column is sorted and the direction of sorting , add the following code to the onCreate handler of each of the column headers to be sorted .

  20. 使用钢笔画作为显示图像的形状如下。

    Use Pen to drawn the shape as show image below .

  21. 数字电视显示图像的同心度、重显率和过扫描

    Concentricity , Reproduction Ratio and Overscanning of Digital TV Reproductive Pictures

  22. 在文章和网页旁边显示图像标题。

    Display captions of images alongside them in posts and pages .

  23. 在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素。

    The smallest display picture element on a video display screen .

  24. 用丰富多彩的颜色显示图像的电视显象管。

    A television tube that displays images in full color .

  25. 最后,对于每一幅测试图像可以得到三幅投影显示图像。

    Three types of projection displays are produced for each test image .

  26. 激光打印与监视器显示图像一致性的测试方法探讨

    Test Method about the Consistency between Laser Printed Images and Monitor Displayed Images

  27. 这种技术可以快速而准确的实时显示图像;

    This technique can show image quickly and veracious ;

  28. 您可以看到一个显示图像和卡路里数的预览视图。

    You should see a preview showing your image and the calorie count .

  29. 通过两次测试显示图像信息。

    The images were displayed in two runs .

  30. 显示图像的完整大小。

    Show the image at full size .