
In the Greek general election , the New Democracy party has claimed victory .
The night before the Greek elections , Athens exploded in joy . The Greek national team had won an unexpected victory at the European football championships .
Likewise , with the Greek elections in the same month .
Pending the second Greek election on June 17 , it is hard to make predictions .
Europe should be using the brief respite brought by the Greek elections to rethink its whole approach to the euro crisis .
But recent uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the Greek elections accelerated the deposit withdrawals as Greek politicians talked about leaving the euro .
This can only happen after June 17 , when a new coalition emerges from the election and forms a government in Athens .
The main significance of the Greek elections , however , is that it actually avoids the need for a showdown between Greece and Germany .
The elections in France and Greece over the weekend have created a crisis of confidence that could eventually drown the euro and push the continent into a deeper recession .
The most significant event in the euro crisis over the past seven days was , therefore , not the Greek election but the failure of the bailout of the Spanish banks the previous weekend .
The Swiss Franc has come under increasing pressure since the Greek elections at the start of the month .
When Wolfgang Schuble proposed that Greece should postpone its elections as a condition for further help , I knew that the game would soon be up .
Eurozone banks face many risks , including fears of a potential Greek exit from the single currency , as the country faces a snap election ; sluggish growth ; rising tensions in Russia and a falling oil price .
However , diplomats in Brussels said it was increasingly difficult to preserve a united front among the 28 members of the EU , partly because of the recent election of a leftwing government in Greece which has vowed to act as a bridge between Europe and Russia .
The devil is familiar : the never-ending demands of the eurozone for further austerity against which my people voted in the last general election .