
  • 网络Greek Parliament;hellenic parliament
  1. 希腊议会批准在周三第四亿美元的计划,并在周四的细节。

    The Greek parliament approved the forty-billion-dollar plan on Wednesday and the details on Thursday .

  2. 希腊议会就最新的财政紧缩措施做出了最后批准。

    The Greek parliament has given its final approval to the latest package of austerity measures .

  3. 但获得这些贷款的条件是,希腊议会必须支持新的紧缩措施。

    But the loans are conditional on the parliament backing new austerity measures .

  4. 希腊议会将在周二晚间对帕潘德里欧新政府进行信任投票。

    Parliament was expected to give his new government a vote of confidence late on Tuesday night .

  5. 希腊议会正在举行投票,这将会让人对政府的未来产生怀疑。

    And the Greek Parliament is holding a vote shortly which could cast doubt on the future of the government .

  6. 在雅典,在希腊议会展开为期3天的信心辩论之前,帕潘德里欧遭到各方严厉批评。

    In Athens , the Greek prime minister faced a barrage of criticism ahead of a three-day confidence debate in parliament .

  7. 这样的模式越来越熟悉了:希腊议会深夜就紧缩举行表决、议会外的广场就有骚乱。

    The pattern has become familiar : a late-night austerity vote in the Greek parliament , a riot in the square outside .

  8. 萨马拉斯退会的原因是:一项任命希腊议会议长为总理的协议在最后一刻获得通过。

    Antonis Samaras left after a deal to give the Premiership to the speaker of Parliament fell through at the last moment .

  9. 希腊议会初步通过一个新的紧缩法案,旨在解决该国日益严重的债务危机。

    The Greek parliament has given its initial approval to a new austerity bill designed to tackle the country 's deepening debt crisis .

  10. 不过,若希腊议会未能批准该协议,欧洲承诺的巨额资金12月份将无法到位。

    If the Greek parliament fails , nonetheless , to approve this deal – the promised billions from Europe will not arrive in December .

  11. 帕潘德里欧政府危机重重,命运如何,将于未来几小时内见分晓,因为希腊议会正展开一场信任辩论。

    The fate of George Papandreou 's crisis-stricken government will be decided in the next few hours with a confidence debate underway in the Greek parliament .

  12. 希腊议会在一场生死攸关的投票中通过了全面财政紧缩措施,从而使希腊从违约边缘退了回来,也避免了欧元区爆发更大规模的危机。

    Greece has pulled back from the brink of default and averted a broader eurozone crisis after backing sweeping austerity measures in a knife-edge parliamentary vote .

  13. 周二晚,希腊议会通过政府信任案,给政府留出了一些喘息空间。尽管如此,希腊违约仍然不可避免。

    Even though the Greek parliament has given the government some breathing space with its vote of confidence late on Tuesday , a default by Greece is inevitable .

  14. 上周二,希腊议会投票通过法案,开征一项非常不得人心的财产税。这一举措是其紧缩计划的一部分,而后者则这是获得欧盟援助资金的前提。

    Late Tuesday , lawmakers in Athens voted on a hugely unpopular property tax as part of a package of cuts to secure funds for a bailout package .

  15. 本周一,希腊议会未能挑选出新的总统,因此该国不得不提前举行大选,对于如何恢复其千疮百孔的经济,希腊面临着一个转折点。

    Now , after its Parliament failed to pick a president on Monday , forcing early elections , Greece faces a turning point in how to heal its devastated economy .

  16. 尽管这个星期抗议不断,希腊议会还是批准削减400亿美元开支,这是欧盟和国际货币基金组织所提出的救援要求。在议会大厦外,人们反对这样的做法。

    Despite the protests this week , Greece 's parliament approved spending cuts of $ 40 billion demanded by the EU and IMF bailout . Outside the people remain defiant .

  17. 人群再次聚集在希腊议会大楼外,反对采取任何进一步的预算缩减措施,换取国际货币基金组织和欧盟新的资金援助。

    Crowds have once again been gathering outside the Greek parliament , voicing their opposition to any further budget cuts in exchange for new funding from the IMF and the EU .

  18. 由于新的紧缩政策未能在希腊议会通过,引发国际货币市场对希腊债务危机的担忧,欧元大幅下跌。

    The euro has fallen sharply on the international money markets because of concern about the debt crisis in Greece , where fresh austerity measures have still not gone through parliament .

  19. 本周早些时候,希腊议会根据欧盟和国际货币基金组织的要求通过了严厉的紧缩措施,尽管民众走向雅典街头举行愤怒的抗议活动。

    Earlier this week , the Greek parliament passed tough austerity measures demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund , despite angry protests on the streets of Athens .

  20. 希腊议会上周通过了两项关键改革法案,化解了眼前的危机,让我们有时间设计出一个真正可持续的方案,来解决欧元区外围国家的问题。

    The acceptance of two key reform laws by the Greek parliament last week has resolved the immediate crisis and has given us the time to design a truly sustainable solution to the problems of the eurozone periphery .

  21. 欧洲各国财长在上周日开会时,曾以为这两件事已被分开,一旦新的紧缩计划得到希腊议会批准,上述款项将按计划在7月上旬支付到位。

    European finance ministers went into a meeting on Sunday believing the two issues had been separated and that the payment would go ahead as planned in early July once a new austerity plan was approved by the Greek Parliament .

  22. 欧盟(EU)可以效仿这个案例,要求希腊政府暂停议会,将政府权力移交给六名官员(三名来自希腊、三名来自布鲁塞尔)组成的委员会。

    The European Union could follow this example by asking the Greek government to suspend its parliament and turn over the powers of government to a commission of six bureaucrats , three from Athens and three from Brussels .

  23. 什么能够阻止新一届希腊政府和议会单方面更改协议呢?

    What is to stop a new Greek government and a new parliament from unilaterally changing the agreement ?

  24. 齐普拉斯说,现在,组建一个受希腊人民和议会支持的左翼政府、正式终结那些毁掉这个国家的政策的时候到了。

    ' It is now time to complete this step * to form a leftist government that will be boosted by the Greek people and in Parliament in order to put a final end to the policies destroying the country , ' he said .

  25. 首先,希腊议员必须批准更多的紧缩措施,以换取新的紧急救助。而目前不能肯定希腊议会将这样做。

    First , Greek lawmakers must approve more austerity measures in exchange for a new bailout , and it 's by no means certain they will do so .