
  • 网络Outlook;OUTLOOK ENGLISH;Hope English
  1. 我很高兴在中国能成为“希望英语”中的一员。

    I 'm very glad to be able to be a part of Outlook for this in China .

  2. 我鼓励所有的中国学生都来到希望英语,因为它给他们提供了一个像在西方一样能与外教在一起的环境。

    I encourage all the students in China to come to Outlook , because it really gives them an environment that will be like in the west with foreign teachers .

  3. 把Outlook(希望英语杂志)电视节目运用到大学英语精读课堂为大学英语教学改革提供了一条新途径。

    Applying Outlook TV program to intensive reading class is proved to be a new approach to college English teaching reform .

  4. 本文论述了学生自主学习与《希望英语》之间的联系。

    This presentation describes collaboration between learner autonomy and Hope English .

  5. “希望英语杂志”是大家永远的朋友!

    Outlook English Television Magazine is your forever friend !

  6. 完整的笔记来自希望英语论坛。

    If it 's a intact note , it comes from outlook bbs .

  7. 《希望英语》教材中分词短语作修饰语的常用法

    Sages of Participial Phrases as Modifiers in Hope English

  8. 那些希望英语授课的学生们可能会失望了。

    Some students who wish to be taught in English will be disappointed .

  9. 将30元/年的会费汇至希望英语俱乐部。

    Mail 30 $ RMB to us annually as your fee to enter the club .

  10. 会员应积极关注《希望英语杂志》节目、本俱乐部刊物及其各类活动。

    Members should show concern to our outlook program , publications , activities with enthusiasm .

  11. 当费先生口述这些文章的英文译文时,他是希望英语读者去阅读它。

    At the time he dictated a translation , Fei wanted the essays to be read by English-speaking people .

  12. 因为我想学英语希望英语流利的人来,我家做客和交流!

    Because I want to learn English fluent in English who wish to come , our house and the exchange !

  13. 我在2002年夏天和“希望英语之星”以及中央电视台相遇,并且我们今天观看了这些活动和表演。

    I met CCTV and stars of Outlook with in the summer of2002 and we 've been watching the activities and performances today .

  14. 职业院校学生大都希望英语教学能够兼顾听、说、读、写、译各项能力,同时还希望能按自己喜欢的方式学习;

    Most of vocational school students hope to acquire abilities of listening , speaking , reading and writing in the teaching of English , and learn by the mode they like most ;

  15. 第二,我希望提高英语写作能力。

    Secondly , I hope to improve my English writing ability .

  16. 我英语水平不高,所以希望对方英语比较好。

    The reward is not just English conversation with me .

  17. 我们来到这儿希望把英语学好。

    We come here in the hope that we will learn English well .

  18. 我希望在英语学习上能够提供他比现在根多的帮助。

    I wish I could give him more help than I do in English learning .

  19. 是否有任何身体在这里,在沈阳生活,并希望学习英语。

    Is there any body on here that lives in Shenyang and wants to learn English .

  20. 我希望这个英语培训能成为大家课堂英语学习的一个有益补充。

    I do hope this English training can become a helpful supplement for your English learning in class .

  21. 我希望加入英语教育的行列给学生带来更好更多学习英语的方式。

    I hope to join the ranks of English education to the students a better way to learn English more .

  22. 希望提高英语与新旧朋友聊聊爱情与人生么?

    Do you want to improve your English , talking about life and love with some new friends and old friends ?

  23. 充其量,该指标只是衡量了希望提高英语水平的成人英语技能&这已经是一个经过了自我筛选的群体。

    At best , the index measures the English skills of adults who aspire to have better English – already a self-selected class .

  24. 根据这些建议,笔者希望广大英语教师能够意识到个体差异的重要性及因材施教的意义所在,以期达到有效教学的目标。

    According to these suggestions , English teachers could learn the importance of individual difference and teach them in accordance with their aptitude .

  25. 许多学生希望其英语老师可以在对课堂活动进行说明及对语法知识进行讲解时更多的使用语码转换。

    Many students hope their teachers could use code-switching to give instructions of the class activities and to explain the knowledge of grammars .

  26. 希望所有英语爱好者,前来帮忙找错误,也可以帮我找一些更好的表达方式。

    I hope all the English lover will come here to help me finding some mistakes , and give me some useful expression_rs .

  27. 《希望&英语杂志》的代表向与会者赠送了由湖北教育出版社制作的节目光盘,此举受到了教师们的热烈欢迎。

    Outlook English Magazine program VCDs produced by Hubei Education Publishing House were presented to the participants by a CCTV representative to much applause .

  28. 作者希望大学英语教师能正确运用这些文化教学策略以推动文化教学在英语教学中的开展。

    The author holds the hope that culture teaching in CET can be promoted by college English teachers ' proper use of these strategies .

  29. 本文拟从自我编辑的意义、方法、效果等方面进行讨论,希望对英语写作课的教与学提供某种具有指导意义的见解。

    The paper discusses the importance , methods and effects of ' self edition ' , which may provide supervision for teaching and learning English writing .

  30. 我很感谢开心英语给了我这个机会,同时我也希望开心英语的小朋友们都能开心成长!

    Meanwhile , I appreciated that I can work in Kiki Happy English , so I can have a chance to enjoy the time with those children .