
zhōnɡ huá yī yào
  • Chinese Medicine
  1. 中华医药走向世界的金融对策

    Financial Policies of Chinese Medicine Advancing Towards the World

  2. 别看这座山不高,它却是中华医药的发祥地啊。

    Despite their size , these mountains are the cradle of traditional Chinese Medicine .

  3. 中华医药有着3000多年的积淀和长期的医疗诊病历史,是中国文化的重要组成部分。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), being an important part of Chinese Culture , has a history of more than 3000 years .

  4. 王一涛教授,澳门大学中华医药研究所,题目:中药药效的系统药理学评价。

    Wang Yitao , Chinese Medical Institution of the University of Macau . Topic : Systemic Pharmacological Assessment of the Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  5. 建议创立中华医药(保健)产业投资基金,并使之成为专门为中医药(保健)行业提供投资和融资服务的民营性的非银行金融机构,以此促进中医药产业经济的大发展。

    It is suggested to establish an industrial investment funds of Chinese medicine , and to make it become a profession , a civil non bank financial organization which provides investment and finance for Chinese medicine , to prompt a great development of the industrial economy of Chinese medicine .

  6. 中华民族传统医药产业化发展问题研究

    Industrialization Development to Chinese Traditional Medicine

  7. 中药是我国的优秀传统文化,是经过长期的临床和经验积累而成,为中华民族的医药事业作出了巨大的贡献。

    Chinese medicinal herb is our excellent traditional culture and has tremendous contributions in Traditional Chinese medicine with a long-term clinical and the accumulation of experience .

  8. 中药作为中华民族的传统医药,是中华民族的文化瑰宝之一。

    Chinese traditional medicine is a kind of cultural treasure in China .