
  1. 中国电视网进行的现场直播,往往是稍稍延后一段时间的。

    Chinese networks have a short time delay when broadcasting live events .

  2. 然而《越狱》并未在任何一家中国电视网里播出。

    Yet " prison break " is not shown on any Chinese television network .

  3. 产权残缺与组织博弈&解析制度变迁下的中国有线电视网发展

    Incomplete Property Righs Organization Game Analyze the development of China 's CATV net in the institution transformation

  4. 第一章概述了中国有线电视网的现阶段情况,并简要介绍了现阶段该领域的研究与进展。

    The first chapter introduces the status of china HFC networks and the research development in this field .

  5. 由于现有的中国有线电视网&CATV网络有极大的覆盖范围,并且有能力提供快速、灵活、经济的接入服务,将其作为宽带接入的方案一直就被人们所看好。

    Since the existing China Cable Television Network-CATV has great coverage , it is a desirable solution to broad-band access system for it can provide rapid , flexible and economic access to the ever increasing new services .

  6. 有线电视网络作为中国广播电视网的主要部分,急需对现有网络进行双向互动改造,承接包括宽带接入、视频点播、可视电话等多种双向互动业务。

    Radio and television cable network as the main part of the urgent need for transformation of the existing two-way interactive network , to undertake , including broadband access , video on demand , video telephony and other two-way interactive services .

  7. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .