
dǐng yuán
  • tip circle
顶圆[dǐng yuán]
  1. 本文阐述了仪器测量时座标系的建立方法以及被测齿轮齿顶圆误差对测量精度影响的分析。

    In this paper , we introduce the method to set up the measuring coordinate system and the analysis for the influence of the tip circle 's error on the measuring accuracy of the portable instrument .

  2. 齿顶圆误差对上置式齿形仪测量精度的影响

    The Influence of Tip Circle 's Error on the Measuring Accuracy of Portable Tooth Profile Instrument

  3. 顶圆半径Ra越小,压力角取值范围越小。

    The smaller the addendum radius of cam R a , the smaller the value range of pressure angle .

  4. 与传统的脉冲电源相比,此脉冲电源提高了微细WEDM速度和表面质量,并且能切割出高质量的齿顶圆直径为0.3mm的微小齿轮。

    Compared with traditional pulse generators , this pulse generator enhances the machining efficiency and surface quality of Micro WEDM . It can machine high quality micro gear with diameter of addendum 0.3 mm easily .

  5. 平顶链链轮最大顶圆直径的限制条件

    Limitation for Maximum Tip Diameter of Flat top Chain Wheels

  6. 齿顶圆与齿根圆直径的测量及其量具

    The Method and Instrument of Measuring Addendum Circle and Dedendum Circle Diameter

  7. 齿顶圆偏差对齿厚测量的影响及修正

    Deviation of Addendum Circle and Its Influence on Thickness Measurement of Gear - tooth

  8. 圆柱齿轮分度圆与齿顶圆同心度误差的测量新方法

    New method of measuring concentric grade error between graduation circle and top circle of cylinder gear

  9. 果顶圆、深凹。果皮较厚,较耐贮运。

    Round and deep concave fruit .

  10. 讨论了内外转子的基本啮合关系、瞬心的位置以及外转子齿顶圆的啮合范围等。

    The essential meshing relationship , position of instantaneous center and the meshing range of the tooth head arc are discussed .

  11. 测量齿顶圆直径估算分度圆螺旋角,用分度头在铣床上修正分度圆螺旋角,并进行误差分析。

    The spiral angle of graduated circle was rough estimated by measuring the addendum circle diameter and modified on milling machine .

  12. 适用于西服、牛仔裤等各类服装受力部位固结制圆头纽孔缝尾加固、及缝锁伞顶圆。

    Bar tacking for various kinds of clothing such suits , jeans and work clothes , also applicable for eye-let button hole tacking .

  13. 感染根管机械预备联合不同化学方法预备后细菌残余量的实时定量检测齿顶圆与齿根圆直径的测量及其量具

    Quantitative evaluation of residual endodontic microorganisms after mechanical root canal preparation different chemical preparations by real-time PCR The Method and Instrument of Measuring Addendum Circle and Dedendum Circle Diameter

  14. 在她的影子旁边,月光把一个怪可怕、怪吓人的人影清清楚楚地投了在草地上,那影子还戴着一顶圆边帽。

    Beside her shadow , the moon outlined distinctly upon the turf another shadow , which was particularly startling and terrible , a shadow which had a round hat .

  15. 通过对具有3个惰轮的定轴轮系复合齿轮泵各齿轮齿顶圆与密封块间的压力分布规律的分析,求出各齿轮与密封块间的液压油对密封块产生的液压力合力。

    By analyzing the pressure distribution between gears and sealing blocks in compound gear pump with three idlers , the resultant hydraulic forces acting on seal blocks are obtained .

  16. 根据计算结果分析:转子齿顶圆面与泵腔内壁间构成的泄漏通道面积占总泄漏面积的70%以上。

    According to the results , the leakage area between rotor and stator take more than 70 percent of the total leakage area , is the main leakage path in the pump .

  17. 分开制作好的黏土面具另外翻模用石膏灌注出石膏的面具头像,之后再用黏土在石膏面具头像上雕塑出头顶圆盔。

    The mask was done separately , so the mask was then molded and cast . I then had a cast in plaster of the mask and on top of that I sculpted the helmet in clay .

  18. 顶稍圆或尖削;

    Apices slightly rounded or tapering ;

  19. 传动部分是渐开线齿轮,工作部分可采用不同的工作面,如圆柱外圆面或圆弧形齿或渐开线齿轮齿顶修圆。

    The transmission part is an involute gear , and the working part can adopt different working faces , such as a cylinder excircle face , a circular arc tooth or an involutes tooth gear top cavetto .

  20. 岬下脚出现率为11.7%,岬小桥出现率为33.3%。颈静脉窝高位,窝顶达圆窗龛上缘者占11.7%,均未影响圆窗龛的形态。

    The appearance rate of subiculum , ponticulus , the inferior wall of round window niche with a sinus , and the tip of jugular fossa reaching the superior border of round window niche were 11.7 % , 33.3 % , 86.7 % , 11.7 % respectively .

  21. 伦敦画报展现了他的一顶高而圆的清教徒帽,一根鸵鸟翎毛凸显了其雍容华贵。

    The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall , round Puritan hat , his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather .

  22. 采用扫描电镜分析了空间齿轮在真空环境下的磨损形式,同时分析了齿轮轮齿在齿顶、节圆附近以及齿顶和节圆之间的磨损程度。

    The wear form of space gear mechanism in the vacuum environment was observed , and the degree of wear at the addendum , near the pitch and between the addendum and the tooth pitch , were analyzed by SEM .

  23. 生络腮胡子的那个戴一顶希腊式的圆统帽,另一个光着头,雪花落在他的头发里。

    The bearded man had on a fez , the other 's head was bare , and the snow had lodged in his hair .

  24. 这座堡垒可能不会像德国国会大厦顶上的玻璃圆屋顶那样吸引众多游客,但人们对它的兴趣正在上升。

    The bunkers may not be so well visited as the glass dome on the Reichstag , Germany 's parliament building , but interest is growing .