
dǐng gài
  • top cap;tectum;header;head cover;top cover
顶盖 [dǐng gài]
  • (1) [top cover]∶上部的盖子

  • (2) [topcap]∶轴颈罩壳的顶部

  • (3) [tectum]∶外形类似或其作用像屋顶的身体结构,特指包括四叠体在内的中脑背侧部

顶盖[dǐng gài]
  1. 反应堆压力容器包括顶盖、加肋管板,壳体(外壳和底部壳体)三部分。

    The pressurized vessel of a nuclear reactor consists of three parts : the top cap , the ribbed tube-plate and the shells ( the external shell and the bottom shell ) .

  2. 在更换滤网时,要按正确的操作步骤进行泄压,确定除砂罐内的压力泄尽后,才能打开除砂罐上端的顶盖,进行更换。

    Make sure the pressure in the tank of the sand separator was released to zero , then open the top cap on the upper end of the tank to replace the filter screen .

  3. 三日龄雏鸡中脑视顶盖H层神经元形态研究

    Morphological study on neurons in layer H of optic tectum in 3-d-old chicks

  4. QUICK和乘方格式在顶盖驱动方腔流动数值计算中的比较

    Comparison between QUICK and Power-law Schemes in Numerical Computations for Lid-driven Cavity Flows

  5. 通过对二维顶盖驱动流动的计算,分析了多重网格在SIMPLE算法中的收敛特性。

    The convergence characteristics of full multigrid cycle in SIMPLE algorithm were analyzed by numerical simulation of 2D lid-driven cavity flow .

  6. 谷氨酸对家鸽顶盖脑片Ⅱa~f亚层神经元自发电活动的影响

    Effects of glutamate on the spontaneous discharge of sublayer ⅱ a-f neurons in pigeon optic tectum slices

  7. 将顶盖置于端部法兰内部并平齐,由D形抗剪螺栓连接二者,采用具有自紧作用的C形环作密封元件。

    In the new structure , the head is put into and flushed mounting with the end flange , using self-energizing C ring as the sealing component .

  8. 介绍一种客车顶盖蒙皮低位作业自动焊接方法:综合采用CO2气体保护焊和单面双点电阻焊。

    The paper introduces an auto welding method being used to the outer panels of the bus roof .

  9. UG知识熔接技术在大客车顶盖骨架设计中的应用

    Application of UG / KF to Roof Frame Design for Large Bus and Coach

  10. HXD1型机车顶盖焊接工艺及质量控制

    Welding procedure and quality control for roofs of type HX_D1 locomotive

  11. 通过SIMPLER算法求解二维移动顶盖驱动方腔内不可压缩流体流动和方腔内自然对流换热。

    The two-dimensional incompressible flow in lid-driven square cavity and free convection heat transfer in square cavity are solved with SIMPLER algorithm .

  12. 家鸽顶盖脑片Ⅱ(a~f)亚层神经元对电刺激Ⅰ层的反应

    Response to Electrical Stimulation of Layer ⅰ on the Neurones Located in Sublayer ⅱ _ ( a ~ f ) in Brain Slice of the Pigeon Optic Tectum

  13. DZ型单体液压支柱顶盖的改进

    Improvement of DZ Single Hydraulic Prop Top Cover

  14. 在马自达3mps顶盖下面配备的,是不久前专门为较小型超级车型预留的发动机。

    Beneath the bonnet of the 3 MPS is the kind of engine that , not so long ago , was reserved for junior supercars .

  15. LATTICE-BOLTZMANN方法及其在顶盖驱动流数值模拟中的应用

    Numerical simulation of lid - driven cavity flow using the lattice-Boltzmann method

  16. 顶盖为Q235钢板焊接结构,具有足够的刚强度。

    Head cover is of a welded structure of the Q235 steel plate with sufficient strength .

  17. 一面坡温室透明盖层坡面的几何型式DZ型单体液压支柱顶盖的改进


  18. 用格子Boltzmann方法对方腔顶盖驱动流进行了数值模拟,并对模拟结果进行了分析和讨论。

    Finally , the lid driven flow in closed square cavity is simulated by lattice Boltzmann method , and the simulation results are analyzed and discussed .

  19. 病床上方的顶盖“病人环带”(PatientRibbon)从床头墙一直延伸到床尾墙,包含普通病房里面一般都有的电子、技术及气体设备。

    The canopy above the bed , the patient ribbon , extends from the head wall to the footwall . It contains electrical , technological and gas components normally found in any hospital room .

  20. 雏鸡视顶盖A-H层细胞形态与纤维联系

    Morphology and Fiber Connection of Cells in Layers A-H of Chick Optic Tectum

  21. 目的研究鸡视网膜视顶盖投射系母体&视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态学类型。

    Objective To study the morphological types of the retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) projecting to tectum in the chick .

  22. DFP预处理表明,鸽顶盖的Ⅲ层细胞含丰富的AChE,其他层细胞和蛙顶盖细胞含有中等和低浓度AChE。

    DFP-treatment shows that tectal cells , with the exception of cells in layer III containing rich AChE , have moderate or low concentrations of AChE .

  23. 使用GAO-YONG湍流方程组对顶盖驱动方腔流的计算

    Calculation of lid - driven cavity flow us in g

  24. 结果与NC组比较,糖尿病1周大鼠顶盖前区BDNF、NGF表达减少;

    Results In pretectal area of diabetic rat , the expression of BDNF and NGF began to decrease from 1-week DM , the expression of GFAP began to increase from 2-week DM .

  25. 介绍了微型客车顶盖冲压成型用复合材料模具的结构及其制造工艺。介绍一种客车顶盖蒙皮低位作业自动焊接方法:综合采用CO2气体保护焊和单面双点电阻焊。

    Construction and manufacturing technology of forming die set made of composite material for minivan body roof panel are presented . The paper introduces an auto welding method being used to the outer panels of the bus roof .

  26. 采用全细胞记录膜片钳技术,研究非洲爪蟾脑片视顶盖神经元微突触后电流(miniatureinhibitorypostsynapticcurrent,mIPSC)频率和振幅对电压依赖关系。

    Experiments were performed to study the voltage-dependence of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current ( mIPSC ) frequency and amplitude using patch-clamp technique with whole cell recording in optic tectal slices of Xenopus .

  27. 使用羰花青荧光染料DiⅠ逆向神经标记技术研究了这些投射向GLv核的视顶盖Ⅰ细胞的形态特征。

    To reveal the morphological features of ' I cells ' which project to GLv , they were retrogradely labeled with cyanine perchlorate DiI in chicks .

  28. 乙酰胆碱对家鸽(Columbalivia)顶盖脑片中Ⅲ层神经元电活动的影响

    The Effects of ACh upon the Layer ⅲ Neurons in Pigeon ( Columba livia ) Optic Tectum Slices

  29. 目的研究雏鸡投射向圆核的视顶盖中央灰质层(SGC)细胞的形态学特征。

    Objective To study the morphological characteristics of tectal cells in stratum griseum centrale ( SGC ) which project to nucleus rotundus ( Rt ) in chick .

  30. 目的:通过胎大鼠顶盖提取液保存视网膜神经层,观察其对视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态结构影响,了解其对RGCs保护作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of tectum extracts on the morphology of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) and to know whether tectum extracts can keep RGCs living .