
dǐng gān
  • ejector pin;knock-out pin;carrier rod;crown bar;mandrel;ejector rod;tige
顶杆 [dǐng gān]
  • (1) [mandrel]∶被打入某些物体中的薄壁管(如以后将灌入混凝土的管形钢柱)内的临时内支柱

  • (2) [ejector rod]∶一种用来顶出已成型工件的棒

  • (3) [ejector pin]∶穿入[金属]型腔背面的销杆,用以顶出制成件

  • (4) [tige]∶早期来复枪枪管尾端中的细钢杆,弹丸由推弹杆撞入顶住钢杆并配合来复线塞紧

顶杆[dǐng gān]
  1. 每一种顶杆直径有许多不同长度。

    Each ejector pin diameter has a number of different lengths associated with it .

  2. 顶杆零件的位置和数目,取决于塑件的尺寸和形状。

    The location of the ejector pin elements , and the number used , is dependent on the components size and shape .

  3. 基于CAD环境下设计直动尖顶推杆盘形凸轮无缝钢管穿孔机组顶杆小车传动装置浅析

    Based on CAD Environment Graphic Method Design Translation Apex Throwout Lever Disk Cam Analysis on Driven System of the Mandrel Thrust Block of Piercing Mill

  4. 本文主要介绍根据CAD造型数据计算上下模冲压顶杆的高度,并开发一台顶杆高度自动调节机械手调节离散型面模具顶杆高度。

    The object of this dissertation is to calculate the height of screw mandrils from CAD data and develop a mechanical hand to adjust screw mandrils ' height automatically .

  5. 为减少穿孔力以相对提高顶杆刚度,文中优化了变形锥形状参数K_0并确定了选取原则。

    For decreasing piercing resistance and increasing the stiffness of plug post rod , the shape parameter K _0 of deformation cone of plug has been optimized in this paper .

  6. 根据离散化方法制造模具型面毛坯的原理,结合CAE分析的结果,提出了一种新的顶杆错位布置方法。

    Based on the principle of discretization to manufacture rough mold surfaces , combined with the results of CAE analysis , a new stagger layout of pin - lifts is put forward .

  7. 塑料模具标准件顶杆用钢(TG2)的研制

    The Research of a Steel ( TG 2 ) Used for Ejector Pins of Plastic Dies

  8. 模孔与顶杆的间距比较适合的间距为9mm左右,机器的工况比较稳定且血粉蛋白质的消化率较高。

    It was about 9mm fit for distance between die and anti - rod , the state of extruder working was more stable and expanding blood meals protein digestibility percentage was high .

  9. 介绍了φ50mm二辊斜轧穿孔机组的改进设计方法,以及前台受料槽和后台活动小车制动机构、小车与顶杆连接方式的改进经验。

    The writer introduces the design method used for modifying the φ 50mm 2-high piercing mill and experience with respect to improving of the mill 's inlet table feeding-trough , outlet table carriage braking-mechanism as well as type of linkage between the carriage and the plug .

  10. 顶杆自动检测系统设计

    The Design of the Automatic Detecting System for M and ril

  11. 无缝钢管穿孔机组顶杆小车传动装置浅析

    Analysis on Driven System of the Mandrel Thrust Block of Piercing Mill

  12. 可靠性计算在压铸模顶杆设计上的应用

    Application of Reliability Calculation in Ejector Diameter Design of Die Casting Mold

  13. 非开挖顶杆&扩孔铺管技术中顶杆力的确定

    Axial power of pipe jacking hole expanding in Trenchless Technology

  14. 气门顶杆热挤压模具寿命研究

    Longevity study of hot extrusion die of valve stem

  15. 偏心顶杆排种器的工作过程分析

    Analysis for Working Course of Eccentric Mandril Metering Device

  16. 扩管轧制线顶杆位置补偿系统电液比例控制研究

    Electro-hydraulic Proportional Control of Mandrill Position Equalization System in Pipe Expanding Procession Compensation

  17. 顶杆法热膨胀仪在材料研究中的应用

    The Application of Push Rod Dilatometer to Material Studying

  18. 总线式多圈绝对值编码器在顶杆小车位置控制系统中的应用

    Application of Bus Loopy Absolute Encoder in Position Control System of Mandril Thrust Block

  19. 计算器下盖注射模斜顶杆机构的优化设计

    The Optimal Design of Angle Ejector of Injection Mould of The Calculator Lower Cover

  20. 普通的顶杆可以有两种使用方法。

    The plain diameter ejector pin may be used in one of two ways .

  21. 分离座架(分动箱)滚轮顶杆式断缆锁紧装置及其虚拟样机设计

    Roller and Pushing-rod Locking Device for Cable Breaking and the Design of its Virtual Prototype

  22. 回程杆的合适尺寸可以在标准的顶杆范围内选择。

    Suitable sizes of push-back pins may be selected from a standard ejector pin range .

  23. 从加速顶杆的结构看运输设备的设计理念

    Design Idea of Transportation Equipments from Construction

  24. 随着温度升高,感温元件(阀芯)内的顶杆,向A口移动。

    With rising of temperature , top material in the temperature-sensing working move to port A.

  25. 脱顶杆链前运输辊道液压马达驱动回路故障分析与排除

    Troubleshooting of the Control Circuit of Motor for the Roll Gang in front of the Extractor

  26. 叙述了气门顶杆热挤压模失效形式。

    The inaction ways of the hot extrusion die of the valve stem have been analyzed .

  27. 介绍了基于顶杆原理的主客方校准法;

    The Host and visitor calibration method based on the principle of pole balance is introduced .

  28. 因此顶杆的运动方向由这个孔来控制。

    The direction of movement of this ejector pin is , therefore , controlled by this hole .

  29. 在扩管生产中,需要实时了解每根顶杆的长度、外径、使用次数等信息。

    The length , diameter and using time of mandril are needed in the process of manufacturing the pipe .

  30. 高弹性顶杆式带锯机张紧系统时滞确定的计算机仿真研究(2)

    Study on system time lag determination computer simulation of high elasticity mandril model saw band machine tensile system ( 2 )