
hé xián
  • chord
和弦 [hé xián]
  • [chord] 两个或几个音,尤指由于其音高频率成简单比而和谐融会在一起的一些音奏响的乐音组合

和弦[hé xián]
  1. 如果把两个纯音放在一起,比如单音C和G,是第五和弦。

    When you have two pure tones together , like a C and a G a simple chord , that 's a fifth .

  2. 就好像在音乐中,当你对着C和G一起演奏时,你听到的不是和弦,而是E这个中间音符。

    It 's as if in music , when you play to the C and a G together , instead of hearing a chord , you just heard the note E the intermediate note .

  3. 这些是奏鸣曲的起始和弦。

    These are the opening chords of a sonata .

  4. 一种基于本体和弦环的Web服务发现模型

    A Web Service Discovery Model Based on Ontology and Chord-circle

  5. Massive格点Schwinger模型的准确基态和弦张力

    The exact ground state and string tension of massive lattice Schwinger models

  6. 正格终止的属于,关于或是具有调和弦前主和弦的韵律的U形弯曲回弹正弦调节试验模具的建立与讨论

    Of , relating to , or being a cadence with the dominant chord immediately preceding the tonic chord . Discussion and setting up of U bending springback sine adjusting model

  7. 对于一段十秒钟左右的MIDI文件,我们可以正确的提取其中的和弦标识。

    For a paragraph of MIDI file of ten seconds , the label in chord can be extraced correctly .

  8. 不过,研究人员说,并非是被称为震颤(beating)那粗糙、颤动的音质令我们产生厌烦,更多的是因为这样的和弦不够和谐。

    But the researchers say it 's not that rough , wobbly quality , called beating , that turns us off . It 's mostly because the chords aren 't harmonic .

  9. 相反,一些中层特征(mid-levelfeatures)包含了大量的音乐信息,能够表现音乐的属性,对音乐的分析是非常有用的。其中,和弦就是典型的中层特征。

    On the contrary , mid-level features such as chord which is the typical characteristic , contain rich information for music analysis and represent musical attributes . Therefore , the mid-level is very useful for musical analysis .

  10. CivilianMusicCoach练耳部分是针对音乐教学视唱练耳环节的计算机辅助教堂软件,是专门针对音级、双音以及和弦的听力练习。

    The ear training part of " Civilian Music Coach " is a CAI software which aims at the sightsinging and ear training in the music teaching . It 's an aural practicing tool for musical scales , bi-notes and chords .

  11. 识别过程通过Viterbi算法,对输入信号依照极大似然法来寻找最佳路径,即最佳的和弦序列。

    In the course of recognition , viterbi algorithm is applied to the model to find the optimal path , i.e , chord sequence , in a maximum likelihood sense given an input signal .

  12. 结果表明:竹层积材是一种低湿胀性材料,顺纹、径向和弦向上均远低于木材和LVL。

    The results showed that the grading bamboo strand lamination is a low-swelling material . The swelling of parallel to grain , radial and tangential is lower than that of timber and LVL .

  13. 突破传统和弦的禁锢,开拓新的音响思维&贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》Op.1主部主题中四度叠置和弦的结构特征与发展手法

    Break Through the Shackles of Traditional Chords , Open Up Original Sound Thoughts / Structure Features and Developing Techniques of the Fourth Chord in Berg 's Piano Sonata Op.1

  14. 基于枝条着枝深度(DINC)和林木变量所建立的树冠形状模型包括:基径、枝长、着枝角度和弦长等预估模型。

    Crown profile models , including branch diameter , branch length , angle of origin , and branch chord length , were developed from branch attributes and tree variables .

  15. 钢琴即兴伴奏中旋律与和弦的广泛联系

    Extensive Connection of the Melody and Chord in Piano Improvisational Accompaniment

  16. 她以断奏方式很坚定地弹出三个快速和弦音。

    She played three quick chords , very firm and staccato .

  17. 钟声是7和弦在整点后7分种敲响

    on the seventh dissonant chord , at seven past the hours

  18. 主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。

    Tonic , mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad .

  19. 浅野扫了一陈狂暴的和弦。

    The blast of the first chords sets Asano raging .

  20. 爱是人生的和弦,不是孤独的独奏曲。

    Love is a chord in life , not a solo alone .

  21. 他应该好好练习基本和弦。3.

    e.g. He should brush up on the basic chords .

  22. 终止和弦应用的扩展及其审美原则

    The Extension of the Application of Chord Cadence and Its Aesthetic Standards

  23. 我喜欢他弹吉他和弦的方式。

    I loved the way he chorded on the guitar .

  24. 就像音乐和弦一样香水也分四个层次

    Just like a musical chord , a perfume chord contains four essences

  25. 以黄竹为研究对象,测定了不同含水率下黄竹的径向和弦向干缩率。

    Comparative study on extraction-purification technics and content determination method for bamboo-leaf-flavonoids ;

  26. 强音用强音演奏的一个音符、段落或和弦。

    A note , passage , or chord played forte .

  27. 减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。

    Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords .

  28. 和弦连接的易经数理周期率

    The Cycle Ratio of Logistic in Book of Changes To Chord Sequence

  29. 第二、运用特殊和弦,创造特殊效果。

    Second , apply special chord cause special effects .

  30. 他应该好好练习基本和弦。

    He should brush up on the basic chords .