
  1. 和谐经济学初论

    An Initial Study on Harmonious Economics

  2. 构建和谐社会的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis on the Building of a Harmonious Society

  3. 和谐社会的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on the Harmonious Society in China

  4. 和谐生态伦理的经济学思考

    The consideration of harmonious ecological ethics from economics view

  5. 和谐社会引发的经济学思考

    The Economic Reflections on Harmonious Society

  6. 基于科学发展观与构建和谐社会的城市经济学变革&对饶会林先生《关于经济学变革的几个问题探讨》的探讨

    The Reform of Urban Economics based on the Scientific Development Approach and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  7. 研究内容和主要创新如下:1.和谐社会构建的经济学分析。

    Its contents and major innovations are as below : 1 . An economics analysis of building a harmonious society .

  8. 从转轨到转型&现阶段改革的历史定位及其和谐取向的政治经济学分析

    From Transition of Economic System to Transformation of Social System & Historical Positioning of Present Stage Reform and Political Economic Analysis of the Orientation of Harmony

  9. 接着,从我国传统法律文化、税收自由裁量权、和谐税收、诉讼经济学的角度论述建立税务争议和解制度的正当性。

    Then , from the Chinese traditional legal culture , discretion , harmonious tax revenue , lawsuit establishment of economics , this paper discusses the legitimacy of dispute settlement of tax system .

  10. 社会保障度决定社会和谐度&构建和谐社会的经济学思考

    Social Harmony Is Decided by Social Security

  11. 支持工业文明的种种形态的失衡经济学与和谐文明不兼容,只有和谐经济学才能成为和谐文明时代和谐发展视野下的主流经济学。

    All the kinds of imbalance of traditional economics supporting industrial civilization are not in correspondence with harmonious civilization . Only harmonious economics can be the main economics under the vision of the period of harmonious development .

  12. 以和谐经济为研究对象的学问,就是和谐经济学。

    It takes harmonious economy as its object of study .