
  1. 因此,学生管理工作必须以人为本,在管理手段、方法上,重视对情感、宗旨、信念、价值标准等培养,构建理性管理与非理性管理高度融合的和谐管理模式。

    Therefore , human-oriented management must be used , emotion , purpose , faith , and values must be trained , and establish harmonious management model integrating highly rational and non-rational management .

  2. 道路交通安全和谐管理新模式

    New Harmonious Management Mode of Road Traffic Safety

  3. 和谐文化管理模式由五要素构造,即领导、运筹、执行、监控、和谐文化。

    The cross-culture management model with characteristics of harmonious-culture comprises five elements which are leadership , planning , execution , controlling and harmonious culture .

  4. 建小政府、大社会的和谐档案管理模式&以破产企业档案管理的社会化协作为例

    Establishing Harmonious Archival Management Mode with Concept of " Small Government and Big Society " & Taking Socializing Cooperation for archival Management of Bankrupt Enterprise as an Example

  5. 为唤起企业、社会对人力资源管理工作的重视,本文通过对巴陵石化公司人力资源管理现状的剖析,提出了刚柔相济、协同和谐的管理模式。

    To make the society and the enterprises put enough attention on Human Resources management , a management style , which is characterized by integration of strictness and flexibility is set forth through the analysis of the present situation of Baling Petrochemical Corp.

  6. 摘要运用管理经济学、组织行为学、现代管理学理论,通过对企业人力资源开发和培训的探讨与实践,提出了刚柔相济、协同和谐和管理模式。

    Under the guidance of the management economics , organization & behavior and modem management theory , and through the analysis and practice of the present human resources development and training situation a management model characterized by integration of discipline and flexibility , coordination and harmony is provided .

  7. 用柔性理念构建和谐学生教育管理模式

    Constructing the Harmonious Students Educational Management Mode With the Idea of Flexibility

  8. 合作与培养&创造和谐的供应商管理模式

    Creating A Coordinate Supply Management Mode by Calibration and Cultivation

  9. 从管理学的角度看,实现和谐社会就是,如何认识、如何实现和谐管理,通过新的和谐管理模式、管理思维、管理方法的应用来实现社会的和谐与发展。

    In a vision of administration , harmonious society means the recognition and completion of harmonious management , promoting social harmony and growth through its new mode , idea and way .

  10. 论述了教育管理目标设计体现和谐振的概念,以及实现教与学的互动关系,并提出了构建和谐学生教育管理模式。

    The conception that designing ideas of educational management objective is the embodiment of harmony and interaction between teaching and learning is proposed . The idea of constructing harmonious education management mode is put forward .

  11. 从和谐管理的角度入手,以崇明生态新城的建设为例,探讨了生态城市建设的和谐管理模式。

    From the aspect of harmonious management , the author takes the example of Chongming ecological new town and discusses the harmonious management model to construct ecological city .

  12. 在当前我国构建和谐社会的大背景下,对教育界来说构建和谐校园这一目标更显出其现实意义,而创设和谐的课堂管理模式必将是构建和谐校园的重要任务之一。

    Under the background of building a harmonious society in China , constructing a harmonious campus is further considered to be endued with the practical significance in education field , and consequently creating the model of harmonious classroom management will become an important task of constructing a harmonious campus .