
  • 网络service;servitization;service-oriented;servicizing;tertiarization
  1. FORTRAN地理模型的服务化封装

    Web Service Encapsulation of FORTRAN-based Geographical Model

  2. 今后的全民营销活动会呈现出“SoLoMo”趋势,LBS定位服务化趋势,甚至涌现第三方效果测评与监测工具等。

    In the future , the whole people marketing activities will show " SoLoMo " trend , LBS positioning service tendency , even the emergence of third party effect evaluating and monitoring tools .

  3. 一种Java遗留系统服务化切分和封装方法

    A Service-Oriented Partitioning and Encapsulation Method for Java Legacy Systems

  4. 网络化和服务化是GIS的发展方向。

    Internet and Services are the trend for GIS .

  5. SaaS的核心概念是软件的服务化,即将软件看作是一种服务。

    The core concept of SaaS is service-oriented software , that is to say that software as a service .

  6. 建设国际商贸中心城市的技术路线,一是经济服务化;

    The technical route of constructing the international business center city , first , economical service ;

  7. 在实现档案信息化建设的过程中,应实现档案工作现代化、档案工作标准化、档案工作开放化、档案工作服务化。

    During archives information building , should realize the modernization , standardization , open and service of archives work .

  8. 通过对世界制造业的发展阶段、世界制造业中心的三次转移的研究得出在这一格局下现代制造业的发展呈现的趋势:制造业的全球化、集群化、服务化、可持续发展;

    With this pattern , the trend of development of the modern manufacturing industry can be featured such as Globalisation and cluster , service and sustainable development ;

  9. 控制优势权利的滥用,保障交易安全;适应经济服务化的要求,以程序界定服务。

    Ensuring the security of trade by restricting the abuse of prestigious rights , and meeting the needs of the service-oriented economy by defining service with process .

  10. 电视新闻超市的出现,新闻观念的转变,受众成了节目的主宰,电视新闻开始出现服务化、人本化趋向。

    This new pattern will make the spectators'become hereinafter the controllers of TV news programs . A new trend aimed at service and humanity has come into TV news .

  11. 而政府职能服务化、院校研究建制化、学生事务专业化是改进服务质量、增加高校竞争力的现实策略。

    Turning the government functions into service , building the Institutional Research organizational system , and making the student affairs specialization are the realistic strategies to improve service quality and increase the colleges competing power .

  12. 第二章从分工深化的角度分析了工业化后期,经济服务化发展的动力因素,并详细阐述了它们在产业结构调整中所起的重要作用,以及对服务经济形成的重要影响。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the drive factors of the transition to service economy in the late industrialization from the angle of deepening labor division , along with the important role of it in industrial restructuring and the formation of service economy .

  13. 由此,结合以上目标结构特点,具体从策略上反映为香港应该大力发展高附加值制造业、实现政府职能服务化、促进创新产业发展、培养跨文化经营的人力资源及深化区域合作。

    According to the objective structure style the concrete strategies should be executed , such as developing the highly value-added industries , making the function of government more service , enhancing the creation ability , cultivating the human resources suitable to multi-culture and tightening the cooperation in district .

  14. 随着市场需求和竞争的发展,社会经济活动的重心日趋服务化,也使企业界更加关注服务营销,把改善服务品质作为增加顾客价值和实现竞争优势的重要途径。

    Owing to increasing market demand and market competition the center of social economic activities has progressively been service-oriented , the enterprise community pays more attention to service marketing , and the improvement of service quality is taken as an important means to raise customer value and gain the competitiveness .

  15. 意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。

    Jointly the primary-level networks that provide public cultural services and expand public cultural spaces in rural and urban areas .

  16. 基于目标驱动和过程重用的Web服务客户化定制模型

    A Goal Driven and Process Reuse Based Web Service Customization Model

  17. 随着Internet的普及,Web服务商业化的发展,Web服务参与者的隐私保护问题已经成为网络用户最关注的问题之一。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of commercialization of web services , the privacy issue of actors for web service becomes one of the hottest topics .

  18. 本文用与产品无关的术语描述了ESB如何支持服务虚拟化和交互参与者之间面向方面的连接。

    The article described , in product-independent terms , how the ESB supports service virtualization and aspect-oriented connectivity between interacting participants .

  19. 此模型的主要特点是:(1)服务虚拟化;(2)可扩展的QoS度量;

    Three main features of the model are ( 1 ) service virtualization , ( 2 ) scalable QoS metrics model , and ( 3 ) muti metric based QoS optimization for composite services .

  20. 给出了一种基于逻辑Petri网的Web服务形式化描述方法,它不仅能有效刻画Web服务的输入/输出参数、质量约束及行为约束限制,而且能有效描述复合Web服务的参数不确定性。

    A formalizing description method of Web service is put forward based on Logic Petri Nets , this approach not only describes the input / output parameters , Quality of Service ( QoS ) and behavioral constraints of Web services effectively , but also describes the parameter uncertainty effectively .

  21. CNKI是我国信息资源数字化建设、信息服务网络化发展的重要代表,在推动我国信息化进程中发挥着重要作用。

    CNKI , which is an important representative of the construction of the information resources digitalization and the development of the information service networking in our country , plays an important role in promoting the progress of our country 's informatization .

  22. 服务城市化的测绘工程专业培养计划探讨

    Discussion of Raise Plan for Urbanization in Surveying and Mapping Engineering

  23. 公共服务民营化与质检技术机构的改革取向

    Public Service Privatization and the Reform Orientation of Quality Inspection Institutions

  24. 完善政府间转移支付制度实现公共服务均等化

    Improving the Intergovernmental Transfer Payment System to Achieve Equalization in Public Service

  25. 构建高校后勤服务社会化的新模式

    New Pattern for the Socialization of Rear Service in Colleges and Universities

  26. 医院后勤服务社会化、产业化改革的探索

    The study on socialization and enterprization of hospital logistics services

  27. 构筑社区医学服务集约化优势实现可持续发展

    Construct the collective advantages of community medical service to realize sustainable development

  28. 实现高校后勤服务标准化、规范化的有效途径

    An Effective Way to Realize Standardization Services of University Logistics

  29. 推动中小城市科技中介服务产业化的思考

    Considerations about Promoting the Industrialization of Minor Cities ' Sci-tech Intermediate Service

  30. 当代中国公共服务市场化论析

    Discussing and Analyzing the Present Public Services Marketization in China