
shí fǎnɡ
  • Marble Boat ;stone-boat-shaped pavilion in Chinese gardens
石舫 [shí fǎng]
  • [the Marble Boat] 园林中用石头建成的船形建筑物

  • 颐和园内的著名石舫

  1. WoodieAlan乐队定期在北京使馆区日坛公园内的“石舫”酒吧(TheStoneBoat)演出。

    Woodie Alan plays regularly at The Stone Boat , inside Ritan Park , within one of the city 's Embassy districts .

  2. 经营石舫酒吧的是来自美国的乔纳森•安斯菲尔德(JonathanAnsfield)和他的妻子。

    American expat Jonathan Ansfield and his wife run the Stone Boat .

  3. 这座园林中的石舫精巧别致、与众不同。

    The Marble Boat in the garden is exquisite and unique .

  4. 在石舫上雕刻着九条龙,据说那里是唐玄宗洗浴的圣地。

    In the Marble Boat lies the Nine Dragon Tang ( the Nine Dragon Hot Spring where Emperor Xuan Zong used to take baths ) .

  5. 走廊西部的九龙池直接通向石舫,它很像一个游荡在水面上的龙船。

    The Nine-Bend Corridor West of the nine dragon pool leads directly to the marble boat , which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface .

  6. 这个小酒吧其实就是一条石舫,位于湖中,小小的舞台伸展到水面上,桌子则散布在岸边。地处北京市区中心地带,这里却是一幅难得的幽静田园风光。

    The little bar is actually a stone boat and sits on a lake with a small stage extending over the water and tables spread along the banks , a surprisingly serene , pastoral setting right in the middle of downtown Beijing .

  7. 我们常常在未名湖上划船,在水中央的岛边石舫上开种种的讨论会,或者作个别谈话。这种个别谈话就更深入了!有个人的择业与择婚问题等等!

    We often went boating on the Weiming Lake , or had discussions about various things on the marble boat by the island in the middle of the Lake , or had heart-to-heart private talks about , for instance , job selections or marriage .