
shí fānɡ
  • Shifang;stone memorial archway
石坊 [shí fāng]
  • [stone pai-lou] 用石头建成的牌坊

  1. 再往前,是高大的石坊,俨然给人一种“王者风范”的感觉。

    Beyond is Shihfang tall , as if giving a " King style " feeling .

  2. 石坊正门前额刻着“少林胜迹”四个金色大字。

    Four golden characters meaning " Cultural Site of Shaolin " are carved above the stone archway .

  3. 在石坊之下,从数块巨石之下,生长出一株茶树,传说这就是铁观音母树。

    In Shihfang under the rock from several blocks , the growth of a tea , this is the legend Distylium Tieguanyin .

  4. 接下来,我们会前往石坊,据说,那里的灾情也很严重,很多物资还没有抵达一些地区,急需帮助。

    We will move to Shifang later , it said Shifang is another serious damaged palace with few donations arriving , they need people to help .

  5. 李氏兄弟一生只雕刻过两座石牌坊,兖州石坊比庵上“节动天褒”坊还好。

    Lee 's brother lives only carved two stone arch , Yanzhou Shihfang than the Temple on the " Day Activity Days praised " Square okay .

  6. 在石坊两根中柱下部的东西两面,都蹲着一只圆雕的雄狮,高踞于底座基石上。

    Shihfang column in the lower part of two sides of things , are squatting a lion sculpture in the round , has remained the cornerstone in the base .

  7. 在“节动天褒”石坊石坊两根中柱上部的东西两面,分四组雕刻了仙风道骨的八仙图画。

    In the " moving-day festival praised " Shihfang Stone arch two things in the columns at the sides , divided into four groups of carved cents Eight Immortals duct bone picture .

  8. 石坊的坊额、格板等其他部位,运用透雕或浮雕手法雕出珍禽异兽和花卉图案,雕工精巧,玲珑剔透。

    Shihfang 's Square , the amount of lattice panels and other parts , the use of engraved or relief means rare birds and animals and flowers carved patterns , carving delicate , exquisitely carved .