
yān liào
  • Marinade;cure
腌料[yān liào]
  1. 鸡肉加入腌料,静置10分钟左右

    Place the chicken dices in the marinade for 10 minutes .

  2. 鸡软骨解冻,洗净,下腌料腌一小时。

    Defrost chicken cartilages . Rinse and marinate for 1 hour .

  3. 牛肉洗净沥干,切片,加入腌料腌匀。

    Rinse and drain beef , cut into slices , marinate fully .

  4. 涂上腌料,以密实袋装好,放在雪柜腌过夜。

    Marinate with seasoning in zip-lock bags , and leave overnight in refrigerator .

  5. 把所有腌料拌匀,加入鱼中腌2小时;

    Marinate the salmon fillet for2 hours .

  6. 免治猪肉及鱼肉加入腌料及姜、蒜茸拌匀,搅至有黏性;

    Mix minced pork and fish with marinade and chopped ingredients , stir well to a paste .

  7. 同时,把腌料放在平底锅里用中低火小煮至成浓浆状。

    Meanwhile , in a small saucepan over medium-low heat , reduce the marinade to a syrupy consistency .

  8. 鱼柳与腌料拌匀,甘笋及西芹放入沸水中灼1分钟,沥乾。

    Mix fish with marinade . Cook carrot and celery in boiling water for 1 minute . Drain .

  9. 胡萝卜切丁,葱切花,鸡蛋打散备用。牛肉丝加入腌料置15分钟左右。

    Dice the carrots , chop the spring onion , and beat the egg . Mix the beef with the marinade and let stand for about 15 minutes .

  10. 鱼片解冻洗净后切成3段。抹干水份后加入腌料腌制15分钟左右。

    Defrost the fish fillets , clean and cut into 3 pieces . Dry them with the kitchen paper and mix in the marinade and let stand for 15 minutes .

  11. 腌料:生抽2茶匙、厨酒1茶匙、糖1茶匙、粟粉1茶匙、胡椒粉少许、麻油少许。

    Marinade : 2 tsps Light soya sauce , 1 tsp Cooking wine , 1 tsp Sugar , 1 tsp Corn starch , some Pepper , some Sesame seeds oil .

  12. 大吃一顿酸橘汁腌鱼套餐(degustacióndeceviches),总共包含三条入味的酸橘汁腌鱼,有的还腌在一种餐厅自制的鱼香腌料“老虎奶”(lechedetigre)中。

    Tuck into the degustaci ó n de ceviches , three flavorful ceviches , some served in their own fishy marinade known as leche de tigre .