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  1. 以我国南海捕获的长条蛇鲻(SauridafilamentosaOgilby)为原料,经腌制、油炸、调味、真空封装和杀菌等工序,制得剁椒蛇鲻软罐头。

    The technology of Saurida filamentosa Ogilby retort pouch was studied in this paper . By salted , fried , seasoned , vacuum packed and sterilized , the Saurida filamentosa Ogilby retort porch was prepared .

  2. 星期一的特色菜是剁椒鱼头。

    Monday 's special is fish head with chopped pepper .

  3. 与川菜一样,湘菜也是以“辣”来收服大家的心,例如这道“剁椒鱼头”——鲜嫩的鱼肉佐上红红的辣椒,仅从外观就令人食欲大开。

    Those craving Hunan food , or Xiang cuisine as it 's known , the " Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers " is quite popular for its fresh and spicy flavors .
