
  • 网络Heats;MIAMI HEAT
  1. 在NBA方面,达拉斯小牛队战胜了迈阿密热火队夺得了冠军。

    In the National Basketball Association , the Dallas Mavericks defeated the Miami Heat for the NBA championship .

  2. 阿伦随波士顿凯尔特人和迈阿密热火队夺得过2次NBA总冠军,并10次入选NBA全明星。

    Allen won two NBA championships with the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat , and made 10 All-Star Games .

  3. 今年在圣安东尼奥NBA总决赛上马刺队对阵迈阿密热火队的场均收视率为9.3。

    The 2014 NBA Finals between the San Antonio Spurs and the Miami Heat earned an average per-night rating of 9.3 .

  4. 本周二,布希总统在白宫接见了NBA上赛季总冠军迈阿密热火队,并对球队给予了高度赞扬。但布希说,他对热火队可谓是爱恨交加。

    President George W.Bush highly praised the Miami Heat 's championship season at a White House ceremony Tuesday but said he had mixed emotions .

  5. 整个NBA休赛期,大家谈论的都是勒布朗·詹姆斯的荣归故里。重回克利夫兰骑士队的他发表声明称,他想弥补当初出走迈阿密热火队给家乡造成的伤害。

    The defining story of the NBA offseason could have been LeBron James 's triumphant return to his home state to heal the hurt of his previous defection .

  6. 该节目在去年播出,詹姆斯花了整整一个小时的时间,告诉全世界,他将要离开克里夫兰骑士队(ClevelandCavaliers),转投迈阿密热火队(MiamiHeat)。

    Aired last year , James took a full hour to tell the world that he was leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers to play for the Miami Heat .

  7. 另外,7月份NBA的决赛上,当地篮球队圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵迈阿密热火队的时候,两队的一些球迷都曾找到法瑞尔要求做一些篮球主题的发型。

    And when his local basketball team San Antonio Spurs played Miami Heat in the NBA finals in July , several fans of both teams came in requesting styles with basketball themes .

  8. 迈阿密热火队(MiamiHeat)后卫德维恩•韦德(DwyaneWade)更是大胆出位,他像时装模特们一样戴起了无镜片(甚至塑料镜片)眼镜。

    Like Mr. Westbrook , Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade has gone so far as to wear glasses without glass in them ( or even plastic ) as fashion models are sometimes known to do .

  9. 第一个例子是NBA超级巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBronJames)。他在迈阿密热火队度过辉煌的四年后,今年7月份宣布将回归没落的克利夫兰骑士队。29岁的他成为返回故乡的最富有的美国孩子之一。

    Exhibit A may be LeBron James , the N.B.A. superstar who in July announced that he would be going back to rust-belt Cleveland after four glamorous years in Miami , becoming , at age 29 , one of America 's wealthiest boomerang children .

  10. 76人队与迈阿密热火队存在对奥卡福的潜在交易。

    Sixers sit Okafor vs. Heat due to potential trade .

  11. 他喜欢芝加哥公牛队而我喜欢迈阿密热火队。

    He likes Chicago Bulls while I like Miami Heat .

  12. 今晚圣安东尼奥马刺队将主场迎战卫冕冠军迈阿密热火队。

    The San Antonio Spurs will host defending champion Miami Heat tonight .

  13. 与我们所期待的相反,迈阿密热火队赢了这场比赛。

    Contrary to our expectation , the Miami Heat won the game .

  14. 迈阿密热火队今天宣布他们签下了自由球员朱万·霍华德。

    The Miami Heat announced today that they have signed free agent forward Juwan Howard .

  15. 在今天的篮球动作,洛杉矶湖人队战胜了迈阿密热火队。

    In today 's basketball action , the Los Angeles Lakers won against the Miami Heat .

  16. 过去的一年里迈阿密热火队成为了众矢之的。

    As with many things over the past year , the complaints focused on the Heat .

  17. 迈阿密热火队退役后卫韦德与中国李宁公司签订了一份终身合同。

    Retired Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade has a lifetime contract with Chinese apparel company Li-Ning .

  18. 迈阿密热火队后卫迪昂·维特斯似乎在2019-20赛季初就已经做出了太多导致自己职业生涯毁灭的举动。

    It appears Miami Heat guard Dion Waiters has done a substantial amount of damage to his career in the early goings of 2019-20 .

  19. 《永远的科比》周五晚上在电视上首次亮相,也正是东部联盟决赛第二场,迈阿密热火队主场对阵印第安纳步行者队。

    Forever Kobe makes its television debut Friday night as the Miami Heat hosts the Indiana Pacers for Game 2 of the Eastern Conference final .

  20. 詹姆斯宣布他将加入自由球员波什和韦德,并会与迈阿密热火队签署后两月审议和无尽的猜测。

    James announced he would be joining free agents Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade and will sign with the Miami Heat after two months of deliberation and endless speculation .

  21. 2003年,詹姆斯通过选秀进入骑士队,后来加盟迈阿密热火队,离开时闹得很不愉快。詹姆斯在热火两次获得总冠军,他上个赛季回到骑士队。

    He was drafted by the team when he entered the league in 2003 , but left on bad terms to Miami where he won two championships before returning to Cleveland last season .

  22. 看看星期五晚凯尔特人队在北岸花园球馆以117比114击败迈阿密热火队的比赛吧,他得到了生涯新高的52分,包括创队史纪录的第四节单节29分。

    Try Friday night , when he scored a career-high 52 points , including a team-record 29 in the fourth quarter , in the Celtics ' 117-114 win over the Miami Heat at TD Garden .

  23. 第四年,罗斯忍受着与他纠缠不休的伤病,帮助公牛队冲到了东部头号种子的宝座、得到了再次与劲敌迈阿密热火队在季后赛上交锋的机会。

    In his fourth season , Rose fought through nagging injuries to help the Bulls stampede to the top seed in the Eastern Conference and a potential rematch with the rival Miami Heat in the playoffs .

  24. 在伤愈复出的第一场比赛中,大帝上场30分钟,交出了23分,7篮板,4助攻,3盖帽的数据,率队击败迈阿密热火队,赢下了系列赛的第三场胜利。

    Playing for the first time since March 28 , Embiid had 23 points , 7 rebounds , 4 assists and 3 blocks in 30 minutes in the Sixers ' 128-108 Game 3 win over the Miami Heat .

  25. 当时,科比和加索尔领衔的湖人队正值巅峰,而与此同时詹姆斯所在的骑士队、以及后来的迈阿密热火队在东部也是顶级球队,总决赛的最终对决看起来是板上钉钉的。

    With Bryant and the Pau Gasol-led Lakers hitting their stride at the same time James was on the top team in the East with Cleveland and later the Miami Heat , a Finals matchup seemed inevitable to observers .

  26. 他和迈阿密热火队的队友穿着帽衫拍了合影。那身穿着恰恰马丁当晚的穿着,就在那天晚上,齐默曼认为他“行为不轨”,决定跟踪。

    He and other members of his team , the Miami Heat , also posed in hooded sweatshirts like the one Mr Martin was wearing when Mr Zimmerman decided to follow him , convinced he was " up to no good . "

  27. 这是迈阿密热火足球队。

    This is the Miami Heat of soccer .

  28. 如今,他离开迈阿密热火重归骑士队,詹皇预计将带领骑士赢得第一个总决赛冠军。

    Now that he has left the Miami Heat and returned to the Cavaliers , the king is expected to take Cleveland to its first championship win .

  29. 如今,他离开迈阿密热火重归骑士队,“詹皇”预计将带领骑士赢得第一个总决赛冠军。

    Now that he has left the Miami Heat and returned to the Cavaliers , the " king " is expected to take Cleveland to its first championship win .

  30. 去年,只控球后卫可以开始设置的播放,但对于像迈阿密热火或洛杉矶湖人队的团队,这是不现实。

    Last year , only the point guard could start a set play but for teams like the Miami Heat or Los Angeles Lakers , this was not realistic .