
  1. 它几乎能点亮我们整个味蕾,为我们带来甜、咸和酸的味觉享受。

    And it lights up nearly our entire range of taste , giving us sweet , salty , sour and

  2. 如果没有嗅觉,我们的基本味觉是:甜、酸、咸和苦。

    Without our sense of smell , our only taste sensations would be : sweet , sour , salty , and bitter .

  3. 温泉镇井盐生产技术发展史,可分为四个阶段,即掏沙作凼、匝井建灶、烧笼炼咸和烧冰打鹾。

    We can divided the developing history of well salt production of Wunquan town into four stages : digging well , building stove , firing basked and boiling brine .

  4. 我把韩国拉面和各种汤料混一起吃,碰到比较咸和偏辛辣的我就稍微少放点汤料。

    I use Korean ramen with soup mix ; for types that are very salty or picante , I might use less than the full packet of soup mix .

  5. 然而,在高纬度,水面迅速冷却,海水变得更咸和更加密集并下沉,把溶解的二氧化碳带到海洋最深的部分。

    However , at high latitudes , surface water quickly cools , becomes saltier and denser and sinks , carrying the dissolved carbon to some of the deepest parts of the ocean .

  6. 但是如果我们允许自己的味蕾在甜,咸和开胃菜之间来回转换,我们通常会吃得过饱。

    But if we allow our taste buds to jump around from sweet , to salty , to savory , and back again , we tend to eat past the point of fullness .

  7. 第二天,爱尔兰人打开盒饭看到咸牛肉和卷心菜便跳楼死了。

    Next day the Irishman opens his lunch b box , sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death .

  8. 爱尔兰人打开饭盒说:“咸牛肉和卷心菜!下次午饭还吃咸牛肉和卷心菜,我就从这楼上跳下去。”

    The Irishman opened his lunch box and said , " Corned beef and cabbage ! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch I 'm going to jump off this building . "

  9. 咸卦和艮卦的性心理学解释

    An interpretation of the hexagrams Xian and Gen by sex psychology

  10. 我点了咸猪肉和凉拌生菜丝。

    I 've ordered savory pork and cole slaw .

  11. 蛤、番茄、洋葱、咸猪肉和牛奶做成的稠杂烩汤。

    A thick chowder made with clams and potatoes and onions and salt pork and milk .

  12. 咸牛肉和卷心菜餐是爱尔兰的传统食物,为圣帕特里克节。

    Corned Beef and cabbage meal is the traditional Irish food for the Saint Patrick 's Day .

  13. 我嘴里有几块地方疼,咸的和酸的都螫着疼。

    There are several painful spots in my mouth , and salty and sour things make it sting .

  14. 我们的味蕾让我们体味甜的,酸的,咸的和可口的,当然,还有苦的。

    Our taste buds allow us to detect sweet and sour , salty and savory , and , of course , bitter .

  15. 有些单位最多可能会额外提供节日购物票证用于购买西瓜子、咸花生和带鱼等。

    At best , a work unit might add coupons for dried watermelon seeds , salted peanuts , and a ribbonfish for the holiday dinner table .

  16. 当牲口们都被照顾好了后,骑手们共享了一顿由伴着淡啤酒下咽的咸猪肉和冷白豆组成的晚餐。

    After the animals had been tended to , the riders shared a simple supper of salt pork and cold white beans , washed down with ale .

  17. 结论家庭主妇的运动习惯、嗜咸食和高脂饮食习惯与其家庭成员相应行为的发生率有关。

    Conclusion The chronic disease-related behaviors of high-salt intake , high-fat intake and lack of physical activity of housewives may be associated with those of their family members .

  18. “我们关于它表面的照片现在必须被扩展到包括以咸水沟和池为基底的雾冰洞穴之类可能的东西,”斯宾塞写到。

    " Our picture of its subsurface must now be expanded to include the possibility of misty ice caverns floored with pools and channels of salty water ," Spencer wrote .

  19. 另一道潮州名菜是以蛋清裹着鸡肉丁,配以细碎的咸鸡肉和蘑菇,看上去赏心悦目,就像是一件让人意外的包好的礼物。

    Another Chiu Chow favourite was the delightful diced chicken wrapped in egg-white crepe , filled with tiny chopped bits of savoury chicken and mushroom . It looked like a wrapped surprise gift .

  20. 甜点是精美的镀金三层的黑醋栗甜酒柠檬乳酪蛋糕,巧克力联盟咸焦糖和榛果蛋白酥皮奶油卷筒,浇上纯巧克力酱汁,白巧克力饼,和芒果,木莓和柠檬的水果拼盘。

    Dessert was a beautifully plated triple threat of cassis lemon cheesecake , chocolate alliance salted caramel and hazelnut dacquoise accompanied by a pure chocolate sauce , white chocolate finger , and mango , raspberry and lemon fruit reductions .

  21. 由于近年来持续干旱少雨,上游基本无下泄流量进入,加之沿河未经处理的国有、城镇生活污水的排入以及蓟运河闸年久失修海水倒灌多年污染河床,致使蓟运河水质咸化和恶化。

    Owning to continued drought in recent years , there is almost no upstream flow discharging . And untreated state-owned and urban waste water were discharged combined with river bed contaminated for years because of seawater flow backward caused by disrepair gates , which lead to water salinization and deterioration .

  22. 热干面来自河南省南侧的湖北省:面条筋道,有黏性但不粘牙,前一晚煮好,淋上芝麻油,第二天早上再煮一下,加入芝麻酱、咸辣椒和葱花搅拌。

    From Hubei Province , Henan 's southern neighbor , comes re gan mian , or hot-dry noodles : muscular strands , clingy but not sticky , cooked the night before and doused with sesame oil , then cooked again and tumbled with sesame paste , salted chiles and scallions .

  23. 受影响的驾驶人士,可选择改经漆咸道北和浙江街前往高山道。

    Affected motorists are advised to travel via Chatham Road North and Chi Kiang Street onto Ko Shan road .

  24. 分析了地层温度、咸化环境和还原环境等因素对阳信洼陷沙一段生物气生成、聚集和保存的控制作用。

    Upward micro-seepage of hydrocarbon causes reductive environment in the overlying strata and the oil & gas exploitation intensifies formation of the reductive environment .

  25. 此外,该规定还禁止民众穿着包括牛仔裤在内的西方服饰。据报道,该规定主要集中在咸镜北道和两江道。

    The rule , which also forbids wearing Western clothing such as jeans , has reportedly focused on the North Hamgyong and Yanggang provinces .

  26. 咸的薯片和薯条用嘴的侧面来品尝,而酸柠檬、醋之类的东西以及像它们那样的东西也由边上的味蕾来尝味。

    Salty crisps and chips are tasted by the side of the mouth and things like sour lemons , vinegar and things like that also get tasted by the taste buds at the sides .

  27. 土壤污染和土壤盐碱化的加剧使得土壤溶质运移成为研究的热点问题,由于不断增长的人口对粮食和水的需求增加,微咸水利用和开发利用盐碱地具有重要意义。

    The increasing severity of soil contamination , salinization and alkalization make soil solute transport one of the key issues in soil science study . With the increasing demands of growing population for food and water , saline water utilization and saline-alkaline soil amelioration are of great importance .

  28. 事实上,这是咸猪肉、鸡蛋和蘑菇在锅里油炸的香味。

    It was , in fact , the smell of bacon and eggs and mushrooms all frying in a pan .

  29. 蘸点咸咸的豉油和酸酸的蒜蓉辣椒酱,丝滑的鸡肉和松软的米饭搭配得浑然天成。

    With a slightly salty soy sauce gravy and a sourish chilli-garlic blend , the silky chicken and fluffy rice were the perfect match .

  30. 目前我国咸鸭蛋的生产和消费数量巨大,但熟制咸鸭蛋普遍采用真空包装,包装成本高,所用包装材料不可降解,造成严重的白色污染。

    But now the cooked salted duck eggs are commonly packaged using vacuum package , of which the cost is higher than coating package and could cause " white " pollution .