
  • 网络linguistic study;language study
  1. 性别与语言研究有很长的历史。

    Gender and language studies have experienced a long history .

  2. 简单句是语言研究中一个核心而复杂的现象。

    The simple sentence is a kernel and sophisticated phenomenon in language studies .

  3. 我将一辈子感激我以前的老师,是他把我引入语言研究大门的。

    I shall always be grateful to my former teacher for introducing me to the study of language .

  4. 一种基于XML的工作流过程定义语言研究与应用

    Research and Application of an XML-based Workflow Process Definition Language

  5. Agent应用系统模板语言研究

    Research of pattern language for Agent-based application

  6. ERP与语言研究

    ERP and Language Research

  7. 它属于Halliday等语言学家倡导的工具语言学的范畴,即为了理解别的东西(如社会制度)而进行的语言研究。

    The linguistic research on CDA has became a tool initiated by Halliday and other linguists areas to understand other things ( such as social system ) .

  8. 模糊语言研究是语言学中的一个崭新的领域。

    Fuzzy language research is a new field of the linguistics .

  9. 产品工艺计划描述语言研究现状及设计特点

    Existing Work and Design Features for the Language of Process Planning Specification

  10. 中国濒危语言研究新进展

    New Development in the Study of Endangered Languages in China

  11. 双语命名实体等价对是自然语言研究和应用领域的一种重要资源。

    Bilingual Named Entity pairs are valuable resources for many NLP applications .

  12. 从计划语言研究看术语标准化问题(二)

    On Terminological Standardization from the View of Planned Language ( 2 )

  13. 历史语言研究所的抗战史学初探

    The research on The Institute of History and Philology and its anti-Japanese historiography

  14. 逻辑学对语言研究和语言运用的指导作用不能低估。

    Logical knowledge provides necessary guiding rules for language use and linguistic study .

  15. 语言学家认为语境因素与语言研究有着密切的联系。

    Linguists maintain that the contextual elements are closely related to language study .

  16. 法庭审判问答冲突的语言研究

    The Conflict between Questioning and Responding in Chinese Courtroom : A Linguistic Research

  17. 比较是人类认识事物,研究事物的一种基本方法,也是语言研究的一种基本方法;

    Comparison is a basic method of acknowledging , researching and linguistic study .

  18. 情报检索语言研究的新领域

    The New Study Domain of Information Retrieval Language

  19. 将现实生活中活生生的方言与传统的静止的书面文献结合起来研究,相互印证、阐发,在语言研究中无疑是非常必要的。

    It 's necessary for language research to compare living dialects with static literature .

  20. 两个层面&风景园林规划设计中的艺术语言研究

    Art Language in Planning and Design of Landscaping

  21. 步骤1:开发视觉语言研究

    Step 1 : Develop visual language studies

  22. 步骤3:开发形式语言研究

    Step 3 : Develop form language studies

  23. 现象与规律&漫谈语言研究

    Phenomenon and Regularity & On Language Study

  24. 电脑在语言研究中有巨大的作用。

    Computers are useful in language research .

  25. 性别语言研究发展透析

    Research on the development of gender language

  26. 政治语言研究:评述与思考

    Political Language Studies : a Critical Survey

  27. 二十世纪九十年代中期以来我国听力障碍学生语言研究的内容分析

    Content Analysis of Language Study of Students with Hearing Impairment since the Middle of 1990s

  28. 油画色彩语言研究

    The Colorful Language of Oil Painting Research

  29. 统计方法在第二语言研究中的应用

    Statistical Methods in Second Language Research

  30. 现场促销语言研究

    A Linguistic Study on Sales Talks