
chánɡ yīn
  • Long tone;prolonged sound
长音 [cháng yīn]
  • (1) [prolonged sound]∶拖长的声音

  • (2) [long vowel]∶长元音

  1. (指音步韵律)两个短音后跟一个长音。放在元音上标示短音的发音符号(u形)。

    ( of a metric foot ) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one . a diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .

  2. 还有她在《纽约欢迎你》中用甜蜜的长音唱“beat”这个字,以及在《你只需要留下》(AllYouHadtoDoWasStay)里不肯服从的背景合唱。

    Or the way she sweetly drags out the long e in " beat " on " Welcome to New York " ; or the bratty background chorus chants on " All You Had to Do Was Stay . "

  3. 你应该说一个词以长音开头的。

    You should have said a word beginning with'cee ' .

  4. 他拖着长音数着数,他害怕出错大声数着数,他等着那震荡。

    He counted long , he counted loud , he waited for the shock .

  5. 日语长音、拨音、促音对声调的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Long Tone , Dial Tone and Promote Tone on Intonation

  6. 匹配修饰符号,如抑扬音、抑音符号和长音符号。

    Matches modifier symbols such as circumflex accent , grave accent , and macron .

  7. 武汉方言的长音结构

    The Long Sound Structure in Wuhan Dialect

  8. 一听到她拖着南方长音,我就会被撕扯。

    And it tore me up every time I heard her drawl , Southern drawl .

  9. 放在元音上表示发长音的发音符号(-)。

    A diacritical mark ( - ) placed above a vowel to indicate a long sound .

  10. 然而,当涉及到持续原则(长音-短音)时,那些被测试者显示明显的差异。

    However , the listeners showed a sharp difference when it came to the duration principle .

  11. 不管前面所讲的,已经有大量成功的使用长音圈的低音。

    In spite of the foregoing , there are numerous examples of successful commercial woofers using overhung coils .

  12. 一条长长的浮云预示强烈的暴风雨。重复长音练习,弱进渐强至强音然后渐弱。

    A long cloud - fied a violent storm . Repeat starting pianissimo and making a crescendo to forte and then a diminuendo .

  13. 首先以长音开始,以饱满的音色演奏乐器音域内的每一个音。慢慢去体会并确保每个音的音准。

    Play a chromatic scale for the full range of the instrument in long tones , taking the time to check and correct each note 's intonation .

  14. “在莫尔斯电码和类似的密码中,长音或信号用在写点和无声的间隔中来代表字母或数字.”

    " In Morse and similar codes , the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers . "

  15. 从新派方言基本上不用长音结构表达的情况看,长音结构将逐步淡出武汉方言的舞台。

    Because the long sound structure is no longer expressed in the new Wuhan dialect , we can forecast that the structure will gradually died in the Wuhan dialect .

  16. 女性中正在流行一种低哑的长音——“气泡音”,这种发音效仿了许多美国明星的发音,包括真人秀明星卡戴珊家族。

    Females are adopting a croaky drawl known as ' vocal fry ' and showcased by the likes of many US celebrities including reality TV stars the Kardashian family .

  17. 日语语音体系中的拗音、长音、拨音、促音一般被称为特殊音,它们有着日语固有语音所不具备的特点。

    Chinese three big foreign dialects of Japanese speech system in difficult tone , long tone , dial tone , promote tone is generally referred to as " special sound ", they have a Japanese natural speech which has its characteristics .

  18. 音声长、音声生、学问僧、留学生、民间人士构成了唐代中日音乐交流的几重通道。

    Sound long , knowledge monk , foreign student , non-governmental personage are the basic channels for Sino-Japanese music exchange in the Tang Dynasty .

  19. 应用程序开发公司XiaYiZhan的首席执行长王勤(音)在排队等待购买新iPad时说,他认为新的系统让苹果店的秩序好了很多。

    Wang Qin , the chief executive of application development company Xia Yi Zhan , said while waiting in line for his new iPad that he thought the new system helped make the situation at the store smoother .

  20. 第四节,把旋律进行的特征主要归为以下五个方面:小三度进行的旋律、全音进行的旋律、半音上行的旋律、固定音型式的旋律、长时值持续音和同音重复。

    Section TV , the characteristics of the main melodies into the following five areas : small three times the melody , the melodic whole tone , chromatic melody up , fixed the sound patterns of melodies , continue to sustain long homonym repeat value .

  21. (可拉后裔的诗歌,交与伶长,调用女音。)神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助。

    God is our refuge and strength , an ever-present help in trouble .