
  • 网络changsha;Changsha County
  1. 长沙县农村孕妇孕期暴露C、D类药物状况及其影响因素研究

    Research on the Influential Factors and the Occurrence of Exposure to C 、 D Drugs in Rural Pregnant Women in Changsha County

  2. 长沙县农户经营模式的调查与思考

    An investigation and study of the business model of Changsha County

  3. 长沙县大气环境受到轻度污染。

    The atmospheric environment of Changsha County also has been slightly polluted .

  4. 她在1977年生于长沙县谭阳村。

    She was born in1977in a village of Tanyang in Changsha county .

  5. 长沙县县城概念性总体规划的编制

    The Practice of Conceptual Planning for Changsha County

  6. 论城镇化建设与耕地保护&以长沙县为例

    On Urbanization Construction and Cultivated Land Protection & A Case Study of Changsha County

  7. 近年来国家连续颁布了重大产业政策,为长沙县的产业结构优化带来了机遇。

    In recent years the state has issued a major industrial policy , industrial construction of Changsha County opportunities .

  8. 长沙县产业经济发展机遇与挑战并存,产业发展是长沙县经济发展的重要问题,具有极强的经济和政治意义。

    Industrial development is economic development in Changsha County , an important issue , with strong economic and political significance .

  9. 《要点》提出今年将在长沙县、望城县建立食品作坊试点园区,通过树立典范,把长沙建成全国食品安全城市。

    This move aims to make Changsha a national food safety city in three to five years through setting up models .

  10. 近年来,湖南省长沙县在国民经济与社会发展方面取得了较大成就。

    In recent years , Changsha County , Hunan Province has made more good results in the national economy and social development .

  11. 这种经验,全国各地已经不少,不止是长沙县高山乡一处。

    This experience is shared by many other places in the country and is not peculiar to Kaoshan Township , Changsha County .

  12. 以期通过该课题的研究,对长沙县的公开选拔领导干部工作有所借鉴,对推进公开选拔领导干部制度化建设有所启示。

    By doing so , this research may promote and give some inspirations in the institutionalization of open selection of leading cadres in Changsha County .

  13. 通过以上的研究和论述,本文希望无论在理论研究还是现实工作中,都能够为长沙县经济和社会的发展献上一份微薄的力量。

    The article hopes that its study would make a contribution to both economic and social development of Changsha County either in theory or in reality .

  14. 在长沙县20个乡镇中,几乎每个乡镇都有比较重要的景源,但景源之间相距甚远。

    In Changsha County , 20 townships in almost every township has a more important source of the King , but King among far from the source .

  15. 住宅小区地下汽车库技术保障措施&兼析长沙县联社住宅小区地下车库设计

    Technological Measures of Safeguard about the Underground Garage in Residential District & Concurrent Analysis of Underground garage Design of the Credit Cooperative Residential District in Changsha County

  16. 大气环境中二氧化硫超标最多,占点位的17.16%;长沙县大气环境受到轻度污染。

    The sulfur dioxide exceeds standard most , accounts for 17.16 % in the atmospheric environment ; the atmospheric environment of Changsha County also has been slightly polluted .

  17. 田间试验在湖南的衡山县和长沙县进行,探讨了不同肥力水平水稻土上水稻控释氮肥对早、晚稻的增产效果和肥料氮利用率。

    Field experiments were conducted in Changsha and Hengshan county of Hunan province . Yield increase efficiency and nutrient utilization of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer in different paddy soils was studied .

  18. 对比近三年的存款、贷款业务的增幅,长沙县农村信用合作社的不良贷款比率总体上呈下降趋势,但仍然占较高比例。

    Contrast of nearly 3 years of deposits , loans business growth of rural credit cooperatives , changsha of non-performing loan ratio overall declined , but still holds a higher proportion .

  19. 本文以长沙县农村信用合作社为例,分析了长沙县农村信用合作社近3年的不良资产现状,并对其形成原因进行了系统研究。

    Taking changsha rural credit cooperatives as an example , this paper analyzes changsha rural credit cooperatives nearly 3 years of bad assets of the present situation of the forming reason systematically studied .

  20. 为了解决这些问题,第五部分根据实际情况,提出了促进长沙县经济发展的六个政策建议,这六个政策建议涵盖产业结构、政府规划、金融系统建设、农业发展、财政收入等方面。

    Finally , the article provides six policy suggestions which involving industry structure , government plan , financial system construction , agriculture development , government revenue to promote the economy development of Changsha County .

  21. 表示监狱里面的犯人因为做了一些好的行为而被减刑我之前因为抢劫珠宝店在长沙县监狱关了一阵子。

    good time good conduct time good time credit means time deducted from an inmate 's sentence for good behavior while in prison I did time at the Changsha county jail for robbing the jewelry store .

  22. 通过分析本文还认为:长沙县农村信用社不良资产的形成,有体制,贷款对象,信用社内部管理和工作人员素质等方面原因。

    Through the analysis , this article also think : changsha rural credit cooperatives of non-performing assets of form , system , loan object , credit cooperatives internal management and the quality of staff in aspects of reason .

  23. 人文景主要是以宗教建筑、风景建筑和纪念建筑为代表的建筑景源为多。二、资源评价成果:长沙县风景名胜资源空间分布较散。

    King of the humanities major religious architecture , landscape architecture and construction of the building as the representative of the King source for more . Second , resource evaluation results : Changsha County scenic resources spatial distribution of more casual .

  24. 第二部分是结合现实案例通过研读长沙县人民政府近年来政府工作报告内容来对它的法定职权行使现状进行了实证分析,为下一步的找出问题、分析原因和提出合理性对策做准备。

    The second part is combined with the realistic case of exercising status of authority by empirical analysis , through the government work reports in recent years of Changsha County , so that find out the problems and analyze reasons and puts forward the countermeasures for the next step prepare .

  25. 创新城郊县农村土地管理制度的思考&以长沙市望城县为例

    Reflection on Innovation of Land Management System in Rural of Suburb County

  26. 对湘潭,湘乡,衡山,醴陵和长沙五个县的情况做了第一手的调查。

    I made a first-hand investigation of conditions in the five counties of Hsiangtan , Hsianghsiang , Hengshan , Liling and Changsha .

  27. 旧城逐步改建,近郊调整配套,远郊积极发展创新城郊县农村土地管理制度的思考&以长沙市望城县为例

    Reforming the old city step by step , adjusting and matching installations in the outskirts , and making active development in remote outskirts Reflection on Innovation of Land Management System in Rural of Suburb County

  28. 湖南省长沙市10个县肺结核患者费用分析

    Analysis of cost for TB patients in 10 counties , Hunan

  29. 长沙话是湘方言的代表,以往的研究主要是对长沙市区话进行描写,对于长沙县境内的长沙话以及长沙话的内部差异涉及不多。

    The dialects of Changsha is the representation of the dialects of Xiang dialects , The depiction of dialects of Changsha is the main subject of previously studies of Changsha dialects . Studies of Changsha dialect in Changsha county and inside difference are not very detailed .