
kè lǐ ào ěr yǔ
  • Creole
  1. 当时欧洲各地区都讲克里奥尔语形式的拉丁语。

    Creolized forms of Latin were spoken in various parts of Europe .

  2. 她开始说海地克里奥尔语。

    She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti .

  3. 如果你想读懂一些抒情诗,学点法语和克里奥尔语是有帮助的。

    It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics

  4. 敬请通晓法语或克里奥尔语加入IACMSP心理援助资料翻译志愿者团队。

    All the people who understand French or Creole are very welcome to join the IACMSP volunteer team of information translation of psycho and mental health aid .

  5. 语言:英语为官方语言,广泛使用西班牙语和克里奥尔语。

    Language : english is official language , Spanish and creole .

  6. 很多人说克里奥尔语或法语

    they 'd grown up speaking Creole or French

  7. 语言:克里奥尔语为国语,通用英语和法语。

    Language : Creole is the first language , English and French are also spoken .

  8. 其他包括团体,全能艺术家表演的克里奥尔语和路易斯安那州的凯郡文化的音乐。

    Other Rounder artists include groups that perform the music of the Creole and Cajun cultures of Louisiana .

  9. 语言:官方语言为法语和为大多数居民所通用的克里奥尔语。

    Language : Official languages are French and Creole , which is spoken by the majority of the population .

  10. 下一代的洋泾浜语言使用者还会为其继续增加词汇和语法,它会变成一种截然不同的克里奥尔语。

    When the next generation of pidgin speakers begins to add vocabulary and grammar , it becomes a distinct Creole language .

  11. 在大多数情况下,我们有足够的翻译人员,法语和克里奥尔语的翻译人员,让他们维迟在不低于一个排的人数。

    In most cases we have sufficient translators to get them to platoon level , not lower , both French and Creole .

  12. 在世界诸多语系和语种中,混合语、洋泾浜和克里奥尔语等“边缘”语言不为大众所了解。

    Among a large variety of languages in the world , lingua franca , pidgin and Creole are hardly known to the public .

  13. 勒梅尔家里除了说法文之外,还说克里奥尔语、英语和西班牙语,所以她也学会了这些语言。

    In addition to French , LeMaire 's family also speaks Creole , English and Spanish - and she learned those languages as well .

  14. 当海地是由1月份的地震,救援队在灾区倒在破碎的岛屿,说几十种语言-但不是海地克里奥尔语。

    When Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in January , aid teams poured in to the shattered Island , speaking dozens of languages - but not Haitian Creole .

  15. 她会用她的克里奥尔语,说有许多无形的众生去找她,有许多在折磨她。

    She felt as if she was being tortured , and she would tell me in Creole , that she had many invisible visitors , many of whom she felt were torturing her .

  16. 它地处偏僻,时至今日也很难到达,岛上土著和西非的文化繁荣了几个世纪,在那里听到的更多的是英语或者克里奥尔语,而不是西班牙语。

    Remote and difficult to access even today , the region 's indigenous and West African cultures have flourished over the centuries , and one usually hears more English or Creole than Spanish here .

  17. 卡内基梅隆大学即刻发表了海地克里奥尔语口语及文字资料,以及志愿开发生产网络只不过是长周末更是粗糙的准备海地克里奥尔语机器翻译系统。

    Carnegie Mellon University instantly released its Haitian Creole spoken and text data , and a network of volunteer developers produced a rough-and-ready machine translation system for Haitian Creole in little more than a long weekend .

  18. WeFarm拥有一个翻译国际答案的志愿者网络,例如从一位用英文或斯瓦希里语答复的肯尼亚农户到一位说西班牙语的秘鲁农户,还可以提供法语和海地克里奥尔语的解答。

    WeFarm has a network of volunteer translators for international answers - say from a Kenyan farmer replying in English or Swahili to a Spanish-speaking one in Peru - and can also provide answers in French and Haitian Creole .

  19. 语言学家正在研究父母和孩子使用克里奥尔混合语时的不对等现象。

    Linguists are studying the asymmetric use of Creole by parents and children .