
  • 网络Claudius;Appius Claudius;Claude
  1. 深夜,老国王的幽灵现身给王子哈姆雷特,告诉他,克劳狄杀害了他的父亲。

    One night a ghostly spirit visits Hamlet and tells him that Claudius killed his father .

  2. 当哈姆雷特的父亲意外死亡之后,他的叔叔克劳狄成为国王,并娶哈姆雷特的母亲为妻。

    When Hamlet 's father unexpectedly dies , his uncle Claudius becomes ruler and marries Hamlet 's mother .

  3. 由于罗马帝国面临着严重威胁,克劳狄需要所有可能的战争力量。

    With the Roman Empire hanging by a thread , Claudius needed all the brazen war power he could get .

  4. 因为相信未婚的战士打仗更勇敢,克劳狄发布了一项不得人心的禁令,不允许年轻人结婚。

    Claudius made the unpopular decision to ban marriage among young people , believing that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers .