
  • 网络Treaty of London;London Convention
  1. 1839年的今天,《伦敦条约》的签订标志着比利时的独立王国地位。

    1839-The Treaty of London establishes Belgium as a kingdom .

  2. 网友提供的意见:海军裁员在1930伦敦条约签署的时候达到最高潮。

    Naval disarmament reached a pinnacle of achievement with the London Treaty of1930 .

  3. 法国总统萨科齐和英国首相卡梅伦在伦敦签署了这些条约。在随后举行的新闻发布会上,卡梅伦表示两国签署这些条约具有历史性的意义。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameroon signed the treaties in London , during the press conference that followed , Mr. Cameron said it was a historical step .