
  1. 力士乐的驱动设计已经成功地运用于英格兰的伦敦眼(LondonEye)项目,它目前是欧洲最大的摩天轮。

    The Rexroth drive concept has already been operating successfully on England 's London Eye , which is currently the largest Great Wheel in Europe .

  2. 但是,当该开发项目的二期工程在九月份上市时,足够幸运住进去的人将有机会一览无余地欣赏西敏宫(thePalaceofWestminster)和伦敦眼(LondonEye)的全景。

    But those people lucky enough to live there will have a flawless panorama of the Palace of Westminster and the London Eye when the second phase of the development is released to market in September .

  3. 游览伦敦眼是为了看到那令人难忘的伦敦全景图。

    For an unforgettable view of London visit the London Eye .

  4. 但是在伦敦眼上面我们会看到伦敦的全貌。

    But we 'll see all of London from the London eye .

  5. 据传言说他实际上是在伦敦眼那求的婚。

    Its rumored that he actually proposed in London Eye .

  6. 伦敦眼的开放时间是上午10点到晚上9点。

    It is open from 10 AM to 9 PM .

  7. 英国航空公司伦敦眼的结构和建造

    Construction of the British Airways London Eye , London

  8. 我上周去了伦敦眼。

    We went to the London Eye last week .

  9. 伦敦眼是一个大的,令人吃惊的圆轮。

    The London Eye is a big , it 's.

  10. 他们可以从伦敦眼那看到每样东西。

    They saw everything from the London Eye .

  11. 我们将要去伦敦眼上。

    We 'll go on the London Eye .

  12. 我们一起在伦敦眼上了。

    Were all together on the London Eye !

  13. 那里有一个叫伦敦眼的建筑物。

    There is a building called London Eye .

  14. 像伦敦眼和奥尔顿塔这样的景点也参与了该项目。

    Attractions , such as the London Eye and Alton Towers , are also taking part .

  15. 伦敦眼将一直屹立在泰晤士河畔,它是新千年的标志性建筑。

    The London Eye will last for years to come as a monument to the new millennium .

  16. 游览了这个壮观的城市后,周董带着昆凌来到了著名的摩天轮伦敦眼。

    Taking a tour of the spectacular city , Jay took Hannah to the famous ferris wheel attraction , London Eye .

  17. 壮观的英国航空公司伦敦眼,亦称为千年轮,是为了迎接新千年而建造的。

    The spectacular British Airways London Eye , also known as the Millennium Wheel , was constructed to celebrate the new Millennium .

  18. 这不禁让人联想到2006年那时世界最高摩天轮伦敦眼摩天轮。

    It 's reminiscent of Ferris wheels like the London Eye , which was the world 's tallest Ferris wheel until 2006 .

  19. 第4名伦敦眼的标签引用次数接近200万,而有超过160万张图片引用了第5名帝国大厦的标签。

    Rounding out the top five are \# LondonEye , with nearly two million uses and \# EmpireStateBuilding , with over 1.6million photos hashtagged .

  20. 不过,另一消息声称周董是在12月8日在海德公园的冬日仙境求的婚,而不是在伦敦眼。

    However , another source claimed that Jay proposed at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park on December 8 , and not on the London Eye .

  21. 就是这个巨大的摩天轮被誉为“伦敦眼”,对所有观光客来讲去转一圈是非常值得的。

    Yes , it 's a giant ferris wheel , and , yes , it 's for tourists & but it 's a worth a spin .

  22. 的确,南岸和萨瑟克汇聚了诸多景点——伦敦眼、泰特现代艺术馆,还有莎士比亚环球剧院。

    Indeed , the South Bank and Southwark are home to many a tourist attraction - the London Eye , Tate Modern , Shakespeare 's Globe .

  23. 因为它的名气,我们将游览很多著名的景点,比如,威斯敏斯特宫,伦敦眼,大本钟,白金汉宫。

    For its reputation , we will visit many famous tourist destination , such as Westminster Abbey , London Eye , the Big Ben , the Buckingham Palace .

  24. 它是新建的。是伦敦巨眼摩天轮。

    It 's new . it 's the London eye .

  25. “伦敦之眼”什么样?

    What 's the London Eye like ?

  26. 按她的说法,伦敦之眼绝对是最受欢迎的,另外一个受欢迎的景点就是伦敦塔。

    Jo : So Rae said there are hundreds and thousands of sightseeing places to choose from but in the last couple of years , as it is quite a new attraction , the London Eye has been the most popular .

  27. 其它用果蔬重塑的伦敦著名地标还包括“伦敦眼”,其轮辐由青豆制成,吊舱则用小西红柿制成。

    Other high profile London landmarks given a makeover include The London Eye which has GREen beans as spokes and its pods made out of baby plum tomatoes .

  28. 途中你会经过伦敦著名的标志性建筑,如大本钟、伦敦眼和特拉法格广场,然后引人注目地开进泰晤士河,在河上观赏风景。

    On a tour you 'll drive past famous London landmarks like Big Ben , the London Eye and Trafalgar Square before dramatically launching into the River Thames to get a view from the water .