
měng yī
  • Mongolian medicine
蒙医[měng yī]
  1. 【中英文摘要】蒙医药学是传统医学的重要组成部分。

    Mongolian medicine is the important component section of traditional medicine .

  2. 基于信息技术平台的中蒙医药学研究

    The research of the Mongolian medicine basing on platform of information technology

  3. 结论:①蒙医三穴配伍灸疗法对衰老模型大鼠血清SOD活性、CAT活性、MDA含量具有调节作用。

    Mongolian moxibustion three matching points on aging model rats serum SOD activity , CAT activity , MDA content has a modulatory role .

  4. 发展蒙医蒙药,振兴民族医药产业

    Develop traditional Mongolian medicine and pharmacy and promote national medical industries

  5. 蒙医眼科在十七世纪前已形成了系统。

    Ophthalmologic system of Mongolian Medicine was evolved in 17th century .

  6. 蒙医高等教育改革与发展思路

    Thinking of Reform and Development of Higher Mongolian Medical Education

  7. 溃疡性结肠炎的蒙医治疗特色与优势

    Treating Ulcerative Colitis ( UC ) with Mongolian Medical Therapy

  8. 蒙医正骨发展特点与展望

    Developing Characteristics and Prospect of Bonesetting of Traditional Mongolian Medicine

  9. 蒙医传统温针疗法对机体的生物效应

    Biotic-Effect Of Mongolian Medical Traditional Warm-Acupuncture Therapy To Organism

  10. 蒙医药学文献资源与服务体系的构建

    Construction of Mongolia medical literature resource and service system

  11. 浅谈蒙医临床实践教学模式改革的思路

    Discussion on the Reform in Teaching Pattern of Clinical Practice for Mongolian Medicine

  12. 研究建立蒙医体质学理论体系的构思

    The speculation of researching and establishing theory system of somatoplasm about Mongolian medicine

  13. 蒙医三穴配伍灸疗法具有增强衰老模型大鼠体力作用。

    Mongolian three matching points moxibustion with enhanced physical function in aging model rats .

  14. 这是我们蒙医界迫切的、艰巨的一项任务。

    It is an urgent and arduous task of the circles of our Mongolian medicine .

  15. 蒙医药业的发展对于弘扬民族文化,发展民族地区经济,增进民族团结具有非常重要意义。

    The development of Mongolian medicine promote national culture and economic development in minority areas .

  16. 蒙医传统骨折喷酒按摩法及其在临床中的应用

    Brief Introduction of the Traditional Method of Spraying Wine and Massaging on the Bone Fracture

  17. 蒙医内科学的发展及基本病因剖析

    Development of Department of Internal Medicine and Analysis to Basic Disease Cause of Mongolia Medicine

  18. 浅述蒙医浸泡疗法之发展

    Development of Immersion Therapy in Mongolian Medicine

  19. 蒙医三穴配伍灸疗法对衰老模型大鼠学习记忆能力具有提高作用。

    Mongolian three matching points of moxibustion on learning and memory capacity of aging rats with improved effect .

  20. 蒙医传统整骨术与小夹板外固定治疗四肢骨折临床研究

    Clinical Research on Osteopathy of Traditional Mongolian Medicine and Fixation with Small Splint to Fracture of the Extremities

  21. 目的研究中国蒙医整骨术的骨折固定生物宏观特征及其准则。

    Objective To study the biological macrofeatures and criterion thereof for fracture immobilization in Chinese Mongolian traditional osteopathy .

  22. 浅谈循证护理与蒙医护理理论概念以及两者之间联系。

    Talking about the concept and link between evidence-based nursing ( short for EBN ) and Mongolian medical nursing .

  23. 目的:探讨蒙医温针治疗慢性疲劳综合征的作用机理。

    Objective : To research the effect mechanism of tepid acupuncture treatment method of Mongolian medicine treating chronic fatigue syndrome .

  24. 蒙医药学作为一种古老的民族医学,是我国医学和东方医学的重要组成部分。

    The traditional Mongolian medicine and pharmacy is regarded as a brilliant pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese medical sciences .

  25. 蒙医传统整骨术的整骨疗法系统模型及其数理表述方法

    Systematic models and mathematical expressive method for the traditional Mongolian dynamic reduction A Preliminary Approach to the Andrology of Mongolian Medicine

  26. 其中观察组42例,采用正骨疗法治疗;蒙医传统整骨术中的整体观思想与生物力学原理

    The treatment group received bone setting manipulation . Total body consideration and principles of biomechanics in bone setting manipulation of traditional Mongolia medicine

  27. 现就苦参有效成份及蒙医复方制剂药理作用研究现状做一综述。

    The author reviews the current situation in the study on the effective constituents , pharmacological actions of complex prescription in Mongolian medicine for Kushen .

  28. 那么,清代蓬勃发展的蒙医学也必定存在符合其自身发展规律的内外在因素。

    So , the rapidly development of Qing dynasty 's Mongolian medicine must have some internal and external factors which fit for it 's development rules .

  29. 本文从数理观点和方法出发,对蒙医传统整骨小夹板外固定疗法所蕴寓着的几何动稳定结构与力学动稳定平衡特征进行了探析。

    The geometrical stable structure and mechanics stable balance characteristic in Small splints of boneselting outer fixing therapy of trad : tional Mngolian medicine and Studied .

  30. 结论:针刺、牵引配合蒙医放血拔罐疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病具有疗程短、疗效快、不易复发等特点。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture Drawn combined with Mongolian Medical bloodletting cupping medication has short course of treatment , rapid curative effect and not easy to have a relapse .