
nà liáng
  • enjoy the cool;enjoy the cool in the open air
纳凉 [nà liáng]
  • [enjoy the cool in the open air] 乘凉

  • 纳凉而凉逐之生。--明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》

  • 庭院纳凉。--清. 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》

纳凉[nà liáng]
  1. 河岸边的广场上聚集了纳凉休闲的人们,他们在唱歌,跳舞,拉二胡的、吹唢呐的,奏响了委婉动听的城市夜晚交响曲。

    Square along the river enjoy the cool air casual gathering of people , they sing , dance , play the Erhu , and play the Suona , and played a euphemism sweet symphony of urban night .

  2. 1.FANCHAIRS风扇�18世纪80年代,美国费城的乐器匠人约翰·克莱姆发明了一种巧妙的纳凉装置。

    Philadelphia-based musical instrument maker1 John Cram2 invented a clever cooling device in the 1780s .

  3. 许多人依靠空调和水来纳凉。

    And while many are air-condition and water to stay cool .

  4. 它是夏夜纳凉的绝妙去处。

    It 's a fantastic spot to spend a summer evening .

  5. 我们撑起一把雨伞纳凉。

    We set up an umbrella to cool ourselves .

  6. 别纳凉了!回来宣布戒严。

    Get off your butt , get down here * And declare martial law .

  7. 人们常在午后纳凉时饮用冰茶。

    This drink is often consumed in the afternoon while relaxing in the shade .

  8. 她用扇子纳凉。

    She cooled herself with a fan .

  9. 各色各样的培训班满足了大家纳凉、嬉水的心理愿望。

    A wide variety of training satisfy everyones wish of enjoying the cool and dabble .

  10. 一伙伙老年人闲坐聊天,借着浆洗后搭晾的衣服的阴影避暑纳凉。

    Groups of elderly people sit in the shade of laundry put out to dry .

  11. 今年夏天,人们成群结队来到泳池纳凉,躲避热浪。

    This summer , people flocked to the swimming pool to keep cool during the heat wave .

  12. 另外还写了民居在纳凉和通风方面一些适应环境的做法。

    In addition , there are some ways to adapt to the environment about the cool air and ventilation .

  13. 富人夏天用冰纳凉,穷人也有冰,只不过那是冬天。

    The rich man has his ice in the summer while the poor man gets his in the winter .

  14. 每到晚上华灯初上,湄公河边坐满了纳凉的人群,远眺对岸泰国乌隆的点点灯火,菩提树影婆娑。

    At every night , many people sit besides Mekong River to overlook lights and whirling banyans of Thailand Udon .

  15. 我无法相信有人发行了单曲,然后就在旁边纳凉。

    " I don 't believe in releasing a single and then just watching it . " - Lady Gaga to NME magazine .

  16. 有的地方则搭起凉棚,招呼路上往来的客人,形成纳凉聊天的盛会。

    In other places , people would erect tents , calling out to passers-by to join them for cool shade and merry conversation .

  17. 园区内竹影碧绿、古木参天,尤其是面积达200平方公里的茂密水森林,更是夏季避暑纳凉的天然帐幕。

    Green bamboo and ancient trees are seen inside the garden , with its200 square kilometers of rank water forest 's being the natural tent for summer resort .

  18. 两年过去了,有些老人开始在树苗的树荫下下棋,有些孩子在树荫下纳凉、嬉戏。

    Two years later , some elders begun playing chess in the shade of the sapling , and children enjoyed the cool and played in the shade , either .

  19. 我在北京逗留期间,看到中国人非常喜爱扇子,这不仅是因为他们煽扇子纳凉方便,而且也是他们的美学性。

    During my stay in Beijing , I saw the Chinese people are very fond of fans , not just for their handy cool practicality , but also for their aesthetic beauty .

  20. 种子在初期也许是渺小的,但是谁也无法预言它会长多大,会生出多少美丽的叶子,又会有多少人在下面纳凉。

    A seed may start off small , but there 's no telling how large it will become , how many beautiful leaves it will grow , and how many people will find shelter under it .

  21. 漂流活动自20世纪80年代在我国兴起以来,已成为民众在景区游览中,为实现避暑纳凉、体验刺激挑战、与自然亲密接触等诉求的首选游憩活动之一。

    Drifting activities since the 1980s the rise in China , has become a tour of the people in scenic area , to achieve preventing sunstroke , experiencing the excitement challenges , and the natural aspirations of intimate contact , such as the first choice of recreation activities .