
  • 网络Flint;Flintshire;Larry Flynt;FNT
  1. 他们将水送到密歇根州的弗林特,一个饮用水不卫生的城市。

    They took the water to Flint , Michigan , a city that had unsafe drinking water .

  2. 他们上岸有一星期左右,结果只有弗林特一个人回来了。

    They were on shore nearly a week , then Flint came back alone .

  3. 伙计们,我说,这里有弗林特的宝藏,我们上岸去找吧。

    Boys , I said , let 's go ashore5 and find Flint 's treasure .

  4. 时间过去了几周,我用了很多时间研究弗林特的藏宝图,有时梦想着得到那些宝藏。

    Weeks passed , and I spent many hours studying Flint 's map and dreaming of treasure .

  5. 弗林特和六个船员藏宝的时候我正在船上,他说。

    I was in Flint 's ship when he and six seamen4 hid the treasure , he said .

  6. 八个里亚尔!八个里亚尔!八个里亚尔!是西尔弗的鹦鹉,弗林特船长!

    Pieces of eight ! Pieces of eight ! Pieces of eight ! It was Silver 's parrot , Captain Flint !

  7. 弗林特已经死了,但船上有几个是弗林特的同伙,这是个不幸的消息。

    Flint is dead , but there are some of Flint 's men aboard , and that 's bad news for us .

  8. 通用汽车(gm)是弗林特的最大雇主,以底特律为基地的汽车业的危机严重损害了当地经济。

    General Motors is the biggest employer in Flint , and the local economy has been devastated by the crisis in the Detroit-based motor industry .

  9. 三十年前,在加州库珀蒂诺弗林特表演艺术中心(FlintCenterforthePerformingArts)的一间宽敞的礼堂里,史蒂芬·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)向人们介绍了初代麦金塔电脑(Macintosh)。

    Thirty years ago at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts , a roomy auditorium in Cupertino , Calif. , Steven P. Jobs introduced the original Macintosh .

  10. 在展现密歇根州弗林特(Flint)贫困状况的一个场景中,有个女人在卖兔子,她问顾客要买宠物还是兔肉。

    In a scene that was meant to highlight the poverty of Flint , Michigan , a woman selling rabbits is shown asking customers if they want pets or meat .

  11. 我们预计纽卡斯尔大学(NewcastleUniversity)将成为首批申请者之一,这所大学在照顾线粒体疾病患者方面拥有丰富经验,审查小组成员、伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)临床遗传学教授弗朗西丝.弗林特(FrancesFlinter)表示。

    We expect the first applications to come from Newcastle University , where they have huge experience looking after patients with mitochondrial disease , said Frances Flinter , professor of clinical genetics at King 's College London and a member of the review panel .

  12. IBM成立之初名为Computing-Tabulating-RecordingCo.(C-T-R),1911年由华尔街金融家查尔斯•弗林特收购的三家初级信息公司合并而成。

    IBM began life as computing-tabulating-recording Co. ( C-T-R ) , a rag-tag amalgamation of pseudo-information companies assembled in an acquisition by Wall Street financier Charles flint in 1911 .

  13. 在展现密歇根州弗林特(Flint)贫困状况的一个场景中,有个女人在卖兔子,她问顾客要买“宠物还是兔肉”。

    In a scene that was meant to highlight the poverty of Flint , Michigan , a woman selling rabbits is shown asking customers if they want " pets or meat . "

  14. 三十年前,史蒂芬·乔布斯在弗林特演艺中心(位于库比蒂诺的苹果公司总部附近)展示Macintosh电脑;

    Thirty years ago Steve Jobs commanded the stage at the Flint Centre for the Performing Arts near Apple 's headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer .

  15. 11月1日,索尼电子(sonyelectronics)美国业务董事长、索尼公司电子营销和销售执行副总裁小宫山英树(hidekikomiyama)将接替弗林特的职务。

    He will be replaced on November 1 by Hideki " Dick " Komiyama , chairman of the US operations of Sony electronics and executive vice president of Electronics Marketing and sales .

  16. 弗林特于2003年开始执掌这家日本索尼(Sony)和瑞典爱立信(Ericsson)各占50%股份的合资公司。外界普遍认为,他正将该公司打造成音乐和摄像手机技术领域的领军企业。

    Mr Flint , who took the helm at the 50-50 joint venture between Japan 's Sony and Sweden 's Ericsson in 2003 , is largely credited with establishing the company as the leader in music and camera phone technology .

  17. 弗林特虽然是四个女儿的父亲,但是从来没有对美容美发感兴趣过——直到他听说宝宝与宝宝集团(BumbleandBumble)于2000年以据说1亿美元的价格把雅诗兰黛卖了出去,他才对这个行业上了心。

    Despite being dad to four daughters , Flint was never interested in hair and skincare -- until he heard about Bumble and Bumble 's 2000 sale to Est é e Lauder ( EL ) for a reported $ 100 million .

  18. 他们正在弗林特几年前建的寨子里。

    They 're inside the stockade that Flint made years ago .

  19. 妈妈,你觉得弗林特船长是怎么做到的?

    How do you think Captain Flint did it , mom ?

  20. 所以现在他在弗林特降落。

    So that 's why he 's landing right now in Flint .

  21. 当然,严峻的经济形势对弗林特市来说并不陌生。

    Of course , grim economic news is nothing new to Flint .

  22. 我以前跟弗林特谢尔伯爵。

    I used to be with the Earl of flintshire .

  23. 对于弗林特人来说参军是个极好的选择。

    The military is an excellent option for the people of flint .

  24. 当弗林特埋宝的时候,我在他的船上。

    I were in Flint 's ship when he buried the treasure ;

  25. 像帮助弗林特一样使当地社会从面临的挑战中恢复过来。

    and to help communities like Flint recover from their own challenges .

  26. 那时弗林特是船长,不是我,西尔弗说。

    Flint was captain ot me , said Silver .

  27. 《那时,弗林特船长仍是个好人》尼克迪贝克著

    When Captain Flint Was Still A Good Man . By Nick Dybek .

  28. 这样就可以把弗林特一帮全抓起来&所有余下的人。

    They can catch Flint 's crew-all that are left-at the Admiral Benbow .

  29. 弗林特笑得直不起腰,用新扫帚支撑着。

    Flint was doubled up , hanging onto his new broomstick for support .

  30. 他在弗林特曾经是个基督摇滚乐团的成员。

    He used to be in a Christian Rock Band down in flint .