
  • 网络fleming;flemming;Alexander Fleming;Renée Fleming;Renee Fleming
  1. 英国细菌学家弗莱明逝世。他发现青霉素可能成为一种能全身应用的抗菌药物。

    British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming died who discovered a powerful antibiotic , penicillin .

  2. 亚历山大。弗莱明(AlexanderFleming)当年能发现青霉素(penicillin)正是因为他臭名昭著的散漫邋遢的个性:他当时落了只培养皿(petridish)没洗,真菌孢子因而有机会对细菌产生作用。

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin because he was notoriously untidy , and didn 't clean a petri dish , thus allowing fungal spores to get to work on bacteria .

  3. 伊恩·弗莱明未出版的原版笔记将在伦敦的苏富比拍卖行进行拍卖。

    Ian Fleming 's original unpublished notes are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby 's.

  4. 几天后,弗莱明递交了辞呈,回到他的母校耶鲁大学法学院(yalelawschool)担任教职。

    A few days later , Fleming tendered his resignation to accept a teaching position at Yale Law School , his alma mater .

  5. NPR新闻,埃琳·弗莱明新奥尔良报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Elin Flaming in New Orleans .

  6. NPR新闻,艾琳·弗莱明新奥尔良报道。

    From NPR News , I 'm Ilene Fleming in New Orleans .

  7. 头顶西雅图寒冬的暴风雨,沙琳.斯特朗(CharleneStrong)正在往家里赶,这时她接到同性伴侣凯特.弗莱明的电话。

    Charlene Strong was on her way home in a pounding Seattle winter storm when the call came from her partner , Kate Fleming .

  8. NPR新闻,记者艾琳·弗莱明,从新奥尔良发回的报道。”

    For NPR News , I 'm Eileen Fleming , in New Orleans . "

  9. IS-LM模型与蒙代尔-弗莱明模型货币传导机制的比较与借鉴

    Differences of Conduction Mechanism between IS-LM and Mundell-Fleming Model

  10. 主要内容和分析方法本文共四章。第一章主要介绍了蒙代尔&弗莱明模型(M-F模型)。

    Main content : The 1st chapter introduces what is Mundell-Flemming model ( M-F model ) .

  11. “他的个人风格非常低调,”美林联席总裁格雷格•弗莱明(GregFleming)表示,“他不会表现出来,但他有强烈的成功愿望。”2006年,美林的资产管理业务与黑岩合并。

    " His personal style is very low key ," says Greg Fleming , co-president of Merrill Lynch , whose as-set management business was subsumed into BlackRock in2006 .

  12. 格雷戈里•弗莱明(GregoryFleming),44岁,投资银行家,以过去10年为美国金融服务领域一些最大规模的交易提供咨询而闻名。

    Gregory Fleming , 44 , made his name as an investment banker advising on some of the biggest US financial services deals of the past 10 years .

  13. 我国在资本账户开放过程中的资本管制不对称,以及我国经济的市场化程度不高,反映在蒙代尔&弗莱明模型中,其BP曲线斜率大于LM曲线。

    China 's asymmetric capital control during the process of opening its capital account , as well as insufficient liberalization of its economy , is reflected in the Mundel-Flemming model with the slope of BP line in M-F model bigger than LM line .

  14. 赫洛维兹承认,他这样做时不得不小心翼翼,以保存这部间谍小说的首位作者伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming)所创造的007的个性和态度。弗莱明于1964年逝世。

    Horowitz admitted that while doing so he has had to work carefully to preserve 007 's characters and attitude as created by the spy novel 's first author Ian Fleming , who died in 1964 .

  15. 据WNO成员站的艾琳·弗莱明报道,英国石油公司正在同制度对抗,这一制度是为弥补英国石油公司四年前在墨西哥湾发生石油泄漏所引发的损失而建立的。

    Ilene Fleming , a member stations of WNO reports , the company is battling the system established the cover losses caused by BP 's oil spill four years ago in the gulf of Mexico .

  16. 蒙代尔&弗莱明模型与货币政策:一个综合分析

    The Mundell-Fleming Model and Monetary Policy : A Synthetic Analysis

  17. 弗莱明注意到了盘尼西林对人体感染的作用。

    Fleming noted the behaviour of penicillin on human infections .

  18. 尽管他的发明具有令人难以置信的成效,但是弗莱明本人却很谦逊。

    Despite the incredible outcome of his discovery , Fleming remained modest .

  19. 《红色英勇勋章》中英雄典型弗莱明的心理解读

    A Reinterpretation of the Hero Model in the The Red Badge of Courage

  20. 证券市场的开放、创新与蒙代尔&弗莱明模型的扩展

    The Opening-up and Innovation of Securities Market and the Development of Mundell-Fleming Model

  21. 他名叫弗莱明,是一个贫穷的苏格兰农夫。

    His name was Fleming , and he was a poor Scottish farmer .

  22. 尽管如此,弗莱明在这笔交易完成后不久就离开了合并后的公司。

    Nonetheless , Fleming left the combined firm shortly after the deal was completed .

  23. 内心的声音&蕾尼·弗莱明

    The Inner Voice & Ren é e Fleming

  24. 弗莱明在1928年偶然发现了青霉素。

    Fleming discovered penicillin by accident in 1928 .

  25. 弗莱明先生,我还给你带了些茶叶来,先生。

    Mr , fleming , I brought you some tea as well , sir .

  26. 战争终于停息,弗莱明有了时间回顾他的经历。

    At last the fighting ceases , giving Fleming time to contemplate his experiences .

  27. 试论蒙代尔&弗莱明教学模型的发展

    Comment on the Development of Mundell-Fleming Model

  28. 欧元区财政与货币政策非对称性搭配的经济效应分析搭便车问题的蒙代尔弗莱明模型分析

    The Analysis of Economical Effects of Asymmetry Fiscal and Monetary Policy Arrangement in Euro Area

  29. 蒙代尔&弗莱明模型与我国的宏观经济政策

    Mundel-Flemming Model and China 's Macro-economic Policy

  30. 弗莱明为这种侮辱所激怒。

    Flemming is enraged by this slur .