
  • 网络Franky;Frankie;FRANK
  1. 弗兰奇最早关于布鲁克林的记忆提及了他在襁褓中死去的妹妹,而在爱尔兰的生活更是灾难连连。

    Frank 's earliest Brooklyn memories capture the death of his baby sister , and more tragedy unfolds in Ireland .

  2. 上周二上午九点,弗兰奇和布鲁斯站在桌旁等待股市开张来进行交易。

    At nine o'clock last Tuesday morning , Frankie and Bruce were standing at their desk waiting for the market to open , so they could trade .

  3. 《荒唐阿姨》《荒唐阿姨》是首批讽刺时下名流文化的喜剧之一,最初出现在电视剧《弗兰奇和桑德斯》中,当时只是一部滑稽短剧,之后《荒唐阿姨》便成为上世纪九十年代最成功的情景喜剧之一。

    One of the first comedies to skewer our current celebrity culture , Absolutely Fabulous emerged as a sketch on the show French & Saunders before becoming one of the most successful sitcoms of the 1990s .