
wú xiàn
  • wireless
无线[wú xiàn]
  1. 无线时代正在扩展,不仅包括我们的手机、平板和笔记本电脑,而且还包括我们的汽车、住宅,乃至整个社区。

    The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones , tablets , and laptops , but also our cars , homes , and even whole communities .

  2. 当我们所购买的几乎每一个新设备都在其底端有插头或者无线网络连接时,物联网的新应用正在快速发展就不足为奇了。

    It 's no wonder shat new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet .

  3. 愈来愈多的电视台和广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤。

    More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves .

  4. 无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。

    A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties .

  5. 他们的仪器检测到一个3千赫的微弱无线电波。

    Their instruments detected very faint radiowaves at a frequency of 3 kilohertz .

  6. 拦截无线电报是非法的。

    It is illegal to intercept radio messages

  7. 无线电报消息很简短。

    The radio message was brief .

  8. 军官发来无线电报请求指示。

    The officer radioed for advice

  9. 对我来说,表演就是在麦克风前通过无线电波面对看不见的听众进行的。

    For me , a performance is in front of a microphone , over the radio , to an unseen audience

  10. 声波、光波或无线电波等都有特定的频率,或者说是每秒的波数。

    Sound waves , light waves , and radio waves have a certain frequency , or number of waves per second .

  11. 他以水波为例讲解无线电波的特性。

    He used water waves as an example to illustrate the nature of radio waves .

  12. 这家无线电台用四种不同的频率播放节目。

    This radio station broadcasts on four different frequencies .

  13. 然而,来自无线业余卫星组织和其他技术发展领域的证据显示,围绕新技术的产生,负责人的非专业团体确实出现了。

    Yet the'evidence from AMSAT and other areas of technology development suggests that responsible amateur communities can and do emerge around novel technologies .

  14. 入室盗窃者可以阻断你的无线安保系统吗?

    Can Burglars Jam Your Wireless Security System ?

  15. 无线安保供应商通常会采取措施帮助应对阻断攻击的威胁。

    Wireless security providers will often take steps to help combat the threat of jamming attacks .

  16. 这种方法将消除大多数线路被切断的担忧——但万一他们的无线信号被阻断了呢?

    That approach will eliminate most cord-cutting concerns — but what about their wireless equivalent , jamming ?

  17. 让我们想象一下,你住在一个配有反阻断功能的无线安保系统的小房子里。

    Let 's imagine that you live in a small home with a wireless security setup that offers a functional anti-jamming system .

  18. 正如之前所述,使用合适的设备和合适的技术,任何无线传输都是可能被阻断的。

    As said before , with the right equipment and the right know-how , it 's possible to jam any wireless transmission .

  19. 使用无线设置,你可以将电池供电的传感器安置在家里的各个地方,保持对窗户,门以及所有活动的监视。

    With a wireless setup , you stick battery-powered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows , doors , motion , and more .

  20. 任何以特定频率接收无线信号的设备都可能被在相同频率上进入的更强的信号所覆盖。

    Any device that 's built to receive a wireless signal at a specific frequency can be overwhelmed by a stronger signal coming in on the same frequency .

  21. 如果在系统布防时检测到异常情况,它们将向基站发送无线报警信号,然后基站将引发报警。

    If they detect something wrong while the system is armed , they 'll transmit a wireless alert signal to a base station that will then raise the alarm .

  22. 在6月份,联邦通讯委员会对美国电话电报公司处以1亿美元的罚款,指控该公司在顾客使用一定数量的数据后私自降低无线网速。

    Back in June , the Federal Communications Commission fined AT & T $ 100 million over accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of data .

  23. 但随着电子病历越来越普及,医生们不得不整天依靠电脑办公,而让医生们远离临床一线的台式电脑,正迅速被无线设备所取代。

    But the growing popularity of electronic medical records has forced hospital-based doctors to become dependent on computers throughout the day , and desktops — which keep doctors from bedsides — are fast giving way to wireless devices .

  24. 学生房内不允许有的物品包括:蜡烛、吊扇、烟火、水床、日光灯和无线路由器。

    Items that are not allowed in student rooms include : candles , ceiling fans , fireworks , waterbeds , sun lamps and wireless routers .

  25. 大多数智能家居技术和设备都是无线的,只需使用指导信息就可以使用最少的工具对其进行设置。

    Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools , using only the guiding information .

  26. 通过掌中设备和无线网络来提升电视节目观看体验的人就叫mediamesher。

    Media meshers are people who use wireless connections and the handheld devices at their disposal to enhance their viewing experience .

  27. 无线嗅探器是一种802.11b网络嗅探器及网络剖析器

    The Kismet wireless sniffer is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector . Kismet

  28. 她的汽车里有一部无线通讯电话机。

    She has a cellular telephone in her car .

  29. 来自外层空间的无线电波

    radio waves from outer space

  30. “速递按钮”是免费的,可以直接连接无线网络,只有一包口香糖的大小。

    The device is free , connects directly to Wi-Fi and is about the size of a pack of gum .