
jú hónɡ sè
  • tangerine;orange color;flame
  1. 但是我不太喜欢这种橘红色。

    But I don 't like this orange color .

  2. 哦,橘红色在绿色树林的对比之下,大桥真是美妙绝伦。

    Oh , the bridge is magnificent and splendid with orange color contrasted with the green woods .

  3. 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

    The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains .

  4. 三天后,我顺着街道慢跑,脑子里充斥着恼人的小事,忽然,一片耀眼的橘红色映入眼帘。

    Three days later , I was jogging down the street , my mind swimming with petty worries , when a splash of bright orange caught my eye .

  5. 请注意,单击范围活动右上角的橘红色“x”号可以在错误处理程序的显示和隐藏之间进行切换。

    Note that clicking the orange and red'x'at the top-right of the scope activity toggles between showing and hiding the fault handler .

  6. 起诉书称,abc的地毯“除了图案中米黄色与橘红色相间的土地外,与派克的设计非常相似。”

    The ABC carpet , the lawsuit says , was " substantially identical to the Parker design but with off-white , red - Orange fields . "

  7. 结果表明:酸法降解所得低分子CS硫酸基脱除率高达3.97%,并伴随有4,5-不饱和糖醛酸等不饱和结构产生,产物颜色为橘红色。

    It showed that the sulfate removal rate of acid degradation products reached 3.97 % , and some 4 , 5-unsaturated uronic acids were generated . The color of products was orange-red .

  8. 吖啶橙染色则使Cpn感染的Hep-2细胞呈现鲜明的橘红色;免疫荧光抗体染色后,在Cpn感染细胞内可见亮苹果绿色包涵体。

    It also showed Cpn infected Hep-2 cell would turn amethyst or magenta using Romanowsky-Giemsa staining , bright orange using AO staining and apple green cytorrhyctes using DI staining .

  9. 还有一个事,我们设法做到了保密,乔布斯1999年介绍蓝莓色和橘红色等颜色的iMac时欢快地说。

    There is one more thing , and we 've managed to keep it secret , Jobs exulted in 1999 as he introduced iMacs in colors like blueberry and tangerine .

  10. 传代后第7d即可汇合,第14d出现矿化结节,茜素红染色呈橘红色,VOnKossa染色呈黑色;

    The merging osteoblasts were found from passage culture on day 7 , and there were apparent mineralized nodules on day 14 . Von kossa and Alizarin red staining showed positive with jacinth and black respectively .

  11. 在STS-114发射时,一只土耳其秃鹫撞上了火箭橘红色燃料箱并受到致命一击,直接从几百米高空坠亡。

    During the STS-114 launch , a turkey vulture fatally flew into the shuttles orange fuel tank , leaving it to fall hundreds of feet to its death .

  12. 黑色和橘红色是万圣节的标配。

    Black and orange are the international colors of Halloween .

  13. 我是橘红色或浅棕色的,上有深棕色的圆环和斑点。

    I 'm orange or light brown with dark brown circles or spots .

  14. 美国东南部直立多年生植物,有美丽的橘红色的花。

    Erect perennial of eastern and southern United States having showy orange flowers .

  15. 旧大陆热带开花藤蔓植物,有红色或橘红色长瘤的果实。

    A tropical Old World flowering vine with red or orange warty fruit .

  16. 东印度的灌木,由于其多毛的叶子和橘红色的花而载植。

    East Indian shrub often cultivated for its hairy leaves and orange-red flowers .

  17. 他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。

    He wore a suit and tie , she a coral knit dress .

  18. 他穿着橘红色的囚衣,躺在犯人的铺位上。

    He is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and lying on a prison bunk .

  19. 这一色系包括从橘红色到深酒红的一系列红色。

    The colors ranging from orange-red to deep Bordeaux 's a series of red .

  20. 细胞形成的钙结节茜素红染色呈橘红色。

    After Alizarin red staining , the calcium nodules formed in cells are orange .

  21. 荧光染色可见细胞突起缩短、胞核固缩、胞质染成橘红色的凋亡细胞;

    Apoptotic cells which nucleolus shrinked and rounded could be coloured orange by fluorescent colouration .

  22. 我好喜欢花花绿绿且大胆的图案,橘红色、黄绿色已经取代我去年经历的灰色时期。

    Persimmon and chartreuse have replaced the seriously gray phase that I went through last year .

  23. 如果胸没有旗子,鲜红或橘红色的衬衫也可以,这是必须措施。

    If you Don 't have a flag , a bright red or orange shirt will do .

  24. 一块牌子上用橘红色的大写字母醒目地写着“西九文化区”。

    And a sign announcing in big orange capital letters : " West Kowloon Cultural District . "

  25. 有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。

    And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon .

  26. 答:我每次都会穿橘红色、粉红色的衣服,而大家都穿黑色蓝色。亮色会吸引注意。

    I wore orange or pink while everybody was wearing black or blue . Bright colors attract attention .

  27. 大桦斑蝶翅上的鲜橘红色,对于饥饿的猎食者具有警告的作用:这个昆虫有毒。

    The radiant oranges of a monarch butterfly 's wings alert hungry predators that those insects are poison .

  28. 落日就像大自然全能的艺术家,不情愿地向人们说着再见,利用最后一丝余晖将那抹天蓝染成了橘红色。

    The sun , nature 's omnipotent artist , reluctantly bids farewell , turning the azure into tangerine .

  29. 去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。

    Last year in another play , she had to wear short socks and a bright , orange-coloured dress .

  30. 成脂诱导第8天油红O染色,镜下可见被染成橘红色的脂滴。

    Adipogenic induced for 8 days and oil red O staining was performed . Lipid droplets were found in microscope .