
  1. 树立科学发展观同保持国内生产总值(GDP)的增长是内在统一的。

    To establish the view of scientific development and to keep the increase of GDP is united into one .

  2. 障碍来自家庭,朋友,还人价值观同,期待同,以及官方手续。

    The obstacles come from family , friends , personal values , expectations , bureaucratic procedures .

  3. 中国经济水平的快速提高,使得价值观同消费紧密地联系在一起。

    China 's economy rapidly improve the level , making the same values closely linked to consumption .

  4. 这里的规则和价值观同我出生地方的大不一样。

    A world where the rules and values are so different from ones I was born to .

  5. 中学教师、学生、学生家长的心理健康观同专家的心理健康观还有一定差距。

    There is still some disparity in mental health conception between experts ' and students ' , teachers ' & parents ' .

  6. 第二、成功的秘密在于一种将权力主义的价值观同国家主导的资本主义相融合的亚洲模式(这差不多是神话)。

    Second , the secret of its success lies in an Asian mixture of authoritarian values and state-directed capitalism ( largely myth ) .

  7. 传统义利观同市场经济利益原则的冲突是诚信秩序失范的思想根源,也有制度原因。

    Beside the current system , the ideological roots which cause the decline of Trustworthiness are the conflicts between the traditional moral concepts and the market economy benefit principles .

  8. 在三者之中,马克思尤其强调能动性和创造性,把它作为自身实践观同旧唯物主义实践观的根本区别所在。

    Among them , Marx emphasizes dynamic role and creativity especially and regards it as the fundamental difference between one 's own practice view and old materialism practice of view .

  9. 本文首先揭示了知识发展战略的内涵,认为以人为本的发展观同以知识为基础的经济增长理论相结合而形成的知识发展战略,实现了发展战略的重大进步。

    A strategy of knowledge development , integrating human based development with a theory of knowledge based economic growth , is proposed in this article , representing a great progress in development strategy .

  10. 本文就力求通过辨析其真理观同以往观点的异同,尽量显示其真理观的真面目,并对其真理观进行客观地分析和评价。

    Here I want to point out the differences between his view of truth and traditional view of truth and show the real features of his truth in order to analyze it objectively .

  11. 因此,他们的戏剧美学观也是同中有异,异中见同,有很大的可比性。

    This paper will analyze their similarities and differences in dramatic aesthetics by using Chinese and western aesthetic methods .

  12. 他们二人生活的年代相近,但所受的中西方文化相差甚远。因此,他们的戏剧美学观也是同中有异,异中见同,有很大的可比性。

    Though they lived in the same era , western and eastern culture that they were effected by are quiet different .

  13. 阿飞1观看着同一个节目,关上了电视,捡起一把自动步枪,转向阿飞3。

    Punk # 1 , watching the same program , switches off the TV , picks up an automatic rifle and turns to Punk # 3 .

  14. 应将传统的主导价值观教育同价值澄清理论结合起来,引导大学生从容应对价值冲突和混乱。

    The author believes that college students have the abilities to deal with the value involved with conflict and confusion by combining the education of traditional leading value with that of value clarification .

  15. 刑法所保障的价值观,同一般社会多元道德价值观是不同的,因法定而具有国家意志性、最低道德性、文化独特性和普遍性的特点。

    Idea of values protected by punishment is different with normal multi-idea of the society , and has four special features , that is , state-will , lowest moral level , culture distinction and generalization .

  16. 作者认为主客观世界同语篇之间存在着对应关系,小情景集应该是原文语篇情景产生的基础,也自然应该是译文语篇中情景产生的基础。

    The author argues that there is a correspondence between discourse and the mental or physical world , and that sub-situation sets should serve as the basis for the target text as they do for the source text .

  17. 在旋涡空化发展的个同阶段,其所导致的振动和空蚀呈观了个同的特性。

    It is found that both the vibration and erosion appeared different characteristics in different cavitation development stages .

  18. 生命价值观下的同命同价与同命不同价

    " The Same Value for the Life " and " the Different Value for the Life " under the Concept of the Life Value

  19. 同时,分别于收缩末期与舒张末期,对左心长轴与乳头肌水平短轴观上的同一参量进行比较。

    At the systole or diastole , the same parameter was compared between the long axis view and the short axis view of two dimensional echocardiography .

  20. 甚至在他的哲学探索中,他也无法无视这些陈规;他的真理谬误观仍将同他特有的传统风俗有关。

    Even in his philosophical probing he cannot go behind these stereotypes ; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs .

  21. 中国将坚持互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,希望同各国建立不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方的安全合作关系。

    China will stick to its new security concept featuring mutual trust , mutual benefit , equality and cooperation , and hopes to establish a security relationship and cooperation featuring non-alignment , non-confrontation , and non-targeting at any third party .

  22. 从明清金陵、苏州版画的演变观其风格的同异

    Style of Nanjing and Suzhou Print in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  23. 表观遗传学及其在同卵双生子研究中的新进展

    Epigenetics and Its New Progress in Monozygotic Twins

  24. 但它却是从静态观点出发,把一切观测量视为同一时刻、同一状态下的静态观测量而参与处理。

    However , it is based on static point of view , i.e. all the observed data are regarded as data measured at the same time and the same static state .

  25. 名实问题是先秦思想界非常流行的一个讨论话题,韩非子作为法家代表人物,也在书中表达出自己独特的名实观&刑名参同。

    The issue as names and reality is that the pre-Qin intellectual is very popular topic of discussion , Han Feizi as Legalism representative figure , also the book to express their own unique perspective-Legal Advisors Tong .

  26. 哲学作为理论化、系统化的世界观,它对同时代的艺术起指导作用,不仅影响艺术的内容与形式,而且直接影响到艺术思潮的形成以及艺术风格和艺术流派的变化。

    As a theoretical and systematic world outlook , philosophy not only affects the content and form of art , it also affects the formation of artistic trend and the change of artistic styles and schools of art .

  27. 在中国传统的婚姻观中,女人同男人结婚后,应当与男方家人住在一起,或者夫妻住在由男方家庭购买的房子里,孩子应随男方的姓。

    In a traditional view of marriage in China , a woman marries a man and lives with his family , or the couple lives in their own house , bought by the husband 's family , and their children take the husband 's surname .

  28. 从伦理之来源、道德依据、行为规范、人性论、社会意义等方面对基督教和佛教的伦理观进行了比较,分析二者伦理观之同异,从而阐扬了两教的伦理价值。

    Through the source of ethics , ethical basis , conduct standard , the theory of human nature and social significance , the article compares and analyzes ethical differences and similarities between the two , and expounds their ethical value .

  29. 和谐社会观的确立,标志着辩证矛盾观尤其是矛盾同一性理论的系统创新。

    The concept of establishing a harmonious society marks a dialectical contradiction to the concept of systems theory Identity particularly innovative .