
  • 网络Security consulting
  1. 从事公司安全咨询服务、登录程序安全的PerThorsheim表示,他对泄漏的数据十分怀疑,但他尚未浏览这些数据。

    Per Thorsheim , who advises companies about security and safe log-in procedures , said he was " sceptical " about the data but added that he had not had chance to look through it himself .

  2. 全球疫苗安全咨询委员会(GACVS)注意到,WHO将组建一个工作小组来审议由新的细胞基质制备的疫苗中细胞DNA残留量的国际规范。

    GACVS noted that WHO will be setting up a Working Group to consider international specifications for the quantity of residual cellular DNA in vaccines from new cell substrates .

  3. SpringSource的安全咨询部门也详细分析了这些问题并给出了修复这些问题的方案

    The SpringSource security advisory also described these issues in detail , and explained how to fix both issues

  4. 总部设在劳德代尔堡的安全咨询公司阿克曼集团(AckermanGroup)的创始人兼董事长、旅行相关恐怖主义问题专家迈克·阿克曼(MikeAckerman)则表示,空中恐怖主义的风险可能比较小,却会引起严重担忧。

    The risk of air terrorism may be small said Mike Ackerman , the founder and chairman of the Ft. Lauderdale-based security consulting firm Ackerman Group who is an expert in travel-related terrorism , but the fear around it is big .

  5. 51岁的索拉斯在亚利桑那州梅萨(Mesa)拥有一家工作场所安全咨询公司,他妻子是当地一家医院的重症监护护士。索拉斯痛恨离开妻子&即使她只是去医院上夜班。

    Mr. Sollars , 51 years old , who owns a workplace-security consulting firm in Mesa , Ariz. , hates being away from his wife even when she is just going to work , as an intensive-care nurse on the night shift at a local hospital .

  6. 而在今年9月,菲利普离开索尼,创立了自己的安全咨询公司VisionSpear。

    This September , he left Sony to start his own security consulting business , VisionSpear .

  7. 气体安全咨询委员会

    Gas Safety Advisory Committee

  8. 你能提供全球疫苗安全咨询委员会审查研究方面的更多信息吗?

    Can you provide more information on the studies reviewed by the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety ?

  9. 我们提供:工厂和设备的布局规划、项目管理、量身定制的专题研讨会、环境法律咨询、工厂安全咨询。

    We provide : plant-facility layout planning , project management , customized workshop , service of environment legislation , and occupational safety .

  10. 通过独立安全咨询师和客户的反馈可以得到更安全和可靠的产品&但只有启用了才能实现此目标。

    Feedback from independent security consultants and customers results in a more secure and robust product & but only if you enable it .

  11. 基于此,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会认为,所开展的药动学与发育研究不能支持对疫苗中硫柳汞安全性的担忧。

    On that basis the GACVS considers that pharmacokinetic and developmental studies undertaken do not support concerns over the safety of thiomersal in vaccines .

  12. 专家协商以及向全球疫苗安全咨询委员会提供的数据显示,乙基汞的药动学特征与甲基汞存有实质性区别。

    Expert consultation and data presented to GACVS indicate that the pharmacokinetic profile of ethyl mercury is substantially different to that of methyl mercury .

  13. 疫苗安全咨询委员会邀请了更多的专家提交证据、资料和意见并参与讨论佐剂的安全性这问题。

    The discussions on the safety of adjuvants took place with additional experts who presented evidence , information and opinion , and participated in the discussions .

  14. 今年年初,英国血液、组织与器官安全咨询委员会的专家们完成了对该禁令进行的评估。

    Earlier this year experts from the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood , Tissues and Organs ( Sabto ) completed a review on the ban .

  15. 对此,大同市煤气化总公司结合企业清洁生产实践,建立职业健康安全咨询委员会。

    Datong Coal Gasification Co. ( DCGC ), for example , establishes the Occupational Health and Safety Consultative Committee ( OHSCC ) during the on-going cleaner production practice .

  16. 阐述安全咨询在国家安全规划及决策、国家安全生产技术研发及推广、信息系统构建、人才培训等方面的应用,以解决行政监管效率低、事故救援及处理不及时不透明等问题。

    Build safety consulting system from safety technology research and promotion , safety production information consultation , safety personnel training in order to solve the low efficiency of administrative supervision and accident rescue .

  17. 网络安全咨询师建议各企业要求员工每八周更新一次密码,并使用额外的安全手段,比如新登录时要求通过手机认证。

    Cyber security consultants advise companies to require employees to change passwords every eight weeks and use additional security , such as requiring authentication through a mobile phone , for new sign ons .

  18. 论文描述了PocketPC特点,探讨了基于PocketPC的核动力装置安全信息咨询系统的开发过程。

    This paper introduces the designing and achieving of the nuclear safety information management system based on PocketPC .

  19. 有关建立职业安全管理咨询体系的研究

    Research on Establishing Occupational Safety Management Consultancy System

  20. 化学品安全健康咨询委员会

    Chemical Safety and Health Advisory Committee

  21. 防火安全上诉咨询委员会

    Fire safety appeals Advisory Board

  22. 安全主任咨询委员会

    Safety Officer Advisory Committee

  23. 建立适合我国的职业安全管理咨询体系不仅能够帮助企业减少内部损失,完善安全管理机制,还能够创造良好的社会效应。

    Establishing the occupational safety management consultancy system not only helps enterprises decrease their internal losses and perfect their safety management system , but also can ensure the safety and health of the society .

  24. 通过150余位志愿者专家的共同努力,俄勒冈州地震安全政策咨询委员会预测,在接下来的五十年内,俄勒冈州近海将会发生一场8.0——9.0级的地震。

    Through the joint efforts of more than 150 volunteer experts , the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission predicts that an 8.0-9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami will occur off the coast of Oregon within the next 50 years .

  25. 企业安全和风险咨询公司ControlRisks的首席执行官理查德芬宁(RichardFenning)表示:企业及其增长前景所面临的最大风险是中国经济减速。

    The biggest single risk facing companies and their growth prospects is a slowdown in China , says Richard Fenning , chief executive of Control Risks , the security and risk consultancy .

  26. 而他目前协助中情局及在国土安全部外事咨询委员会中任职。

    who currently assists on the CIA and DHS external advisory committees .

  27. 关于危险货物安全运输信息咨询及抢险系统的探讨

    Probe into the Information Consultation and Emergency System of the Dangerous Freight Transportation

  28. 中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会

    Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa

  29. 我们提供安全领域的咨询服务,做一切能做的事情来筹集资金。

    We did consultancy work in the security area – anything to raise cash .

  30. 我们将继续为阿富汗安全部队提供咨询和协助,保证他们能够取得长期的成功。

    We 'll continue to advise and assist Afghanistan 's security forces to ensure that they can succeed over the long haul .