
  • 网络inventory cycle time;kitchin cycle
  1. 而库存管理则是供应链管理中非常重要的环节,本文就是从库存周期和顾客需求角度出发对库存管理进行了探讨。

    The inventory management is the important part of supply chain management . This paper conducts some study and discussion in the aspect of demand and inventory cycle time .

  2. 复苏苗头之说直接来自于库存周期。

    The green shoots story is pegged on an inventory cycle .

  3. 库存周期长意味着货物在仓库储存的时间更长,流转更慢。

    Higher days-on-hand means longer stays in the warehouse and slower movement .

  4. 无论是在何种状况下,预计全球库存周期将在2010年中期结束。

    At any rate , the global inventory cycle is expected to end by mid-2010 .

  5. 传统的库存周期计算方法对多品种多批次的混合存货并不适用。

    The traditional method for calculating inventory period is not applicable for hybrid stock of multi-products .

  6. 产品库存周期过长,占销售总额的比例过高;

    Products The inventory period is a long time and the high proportion of the gross sales .

  7. 今年晚些时候,经济将在典型的库存周期推动下出现短暂增长。

    There will be a temporary Filip to growth later this year from a classic inventory cycle .

  8. 考虑到第四季度生产规模降幅之大,这种库存周期的反弹可能会相当强劲。

    Given the abruptness of the fourth-quarter contraction , this inventory cycle rebound may be quite strong .

  9. 此外,在销售和最终需求有所企稳之前,甚至库存周期也不太可能好转。

    Moreover , even the inventory cycle is unlikely to turn until there is some stabilisation in sales and final demand .

  10. 在实体经济领域,制造业产出已经企稳:随着库存周期转变,出现大幅反弹也有可能。

    In the real economy , manufacturing output has stabilised : a substantial rebound is likely , as the inventory cycle turns .

  11. 鉴于此前库存周期导致的产出下降异常迅猛,那么库存主导的产出上升可能也会相当强劲。

    Since the downswing of the inventory cycle was unusually brutal , the inventory-led element of the upswing could be quite vigorous too .

  12. 这提醒人们,虽然制造业可能随着库存周期的结束得到可观的提振,但规模大得多的服务业部门却未必如此。

    This is a reminder that while manufacturing may get a decent lift as the inventory cycle ends , the much larger service sector may not .

  13. 此外,复苏严重依赖政府支出的激增和库存周期,美国尤其如此。

    Moreover , the recovery is hugely dependent on the surge in government spending and the inventory cycle , particularly in the US ( see chart ) .

  14. 基于作业的多品种混合存货的库存周期研究一种复合混凝土膨胀剂类制品氯含量测定方案

    Research on the Inventory Period for Hybrid Stock of Multi-Products Based on Operation ; A Way to Determine Chlorine of Such Samples as Composite Expansive Agents for Concrete

  15. 图片将在2011年的变化,届时库存周期可能已经走完了其历程和净出口将作出积极的贡献增长。

    The picture will change in2011 , by which time the inventory cycle is likely to have run its course and net exports will be making a positive contribution to growth .

  16. 研究比较了库存周期计算的价值方法和实践中常常使用的实物方法,并以钢铁制造企业的钢卷产品为例加以说明。

    The paper studies and compares the value method with physical method in inventory period calculation and takes steel rolls of Iron Steel manufacturing enterprises as an example to illustrate the viewpoint .

  17. 仿真实例表明,基于交货期的逆序递推算法是可行的,也是有效的,能实现分段加工时间、分段库存周期和生产成本等方面的优化。

    Simulation indicates the recursive reasoning algorithm based on delivery date is feasible and effectual . It can carry out the optimization in subsection processing time , subsection storage cycle and production cost , etc.

  18. 此模型还考虑了不同货位的相同规格轴承在下一个库存周期的锈蚀状况,使在下一个库存周期产生较少锈蚀和较少维护成本的轴承继续保持在库存储状态。

    This model also considered the corrosion status of the same specification bearings in different storage locations in next inventory cycle . It makes unselected bearings get less corrosion and less maintenance costs during the next inventory cycle .

  19. 一些企业高管表示,库存周期的变化预计在未来两个月内到来,涉及行业广泛,包括手机、钢铁和消费品等,并将带动销售增长。

    The turn in the inventory cycle is due to be reached in the next two months in industries as diverse as mobile phones , steel and consumer goods and that should lead to a rise in sales , according to some executives .

  20. 这远远高于近几年平均10个月的库存消化周期。

    That is well above the average 10-month inventory of recent years .

  21. “库存周转周期”指的是库存全部卖出(装运出库)所需平均天数。

    Days-On-Hand " Days-on-hand " indicates the average days of sales ( shipments ) in inventory .

  22. 一些人担心,这一段长时间的平静期不仅仅是一个去库存化周期。

    Some are worried that this protracted quiet period is more than just a destocking cycle .

  23. 有报道称,在截止今年4月的一年里,北京未售房屋库存消化周期从7个月升至12个月。

    Inventories of unsold homes in Beijing are reported to have risen from seven to 12 months ' supply in the year to April .

  24. 根据库存变化周期和经济订货批量,采用定期与定量相结合的订货方法,实现最低库存成本。

    The lowest stock cost is achieved by adoption of combination order of regular and quantitative ways based on the stock cycle and economical order quantity .

  25. 我们所有的客户都在告诉我,帕特里克,我希望我们的员工队伍更灵活。'在前一份工作中看到的去库存化周期,只不过是一种恐慌反应。

    All our customers are telling me , Patrick , I wish we had more flexible labour . ' The destocking cycles that I 've seen from my previous job these were nothing but panic reactions .

  26. 供应链管理的好处有库存,生产周期、业务流程、客户服务。

    The benefits of supply chain management are inventory levels , cycle time , business processes , and customer service .

  27. 欧洲企业正为削减库存的恶性周期可能接近尾声而欢呼,它们认为这表明,尽管全球衰退仍在继续,但消费者需求可能正在企稳。

    European companies are hailing a possible end to the vicious round of cuts in inventory levels as a sign that customer demand could be stabilising in spite of the continuing global recession .

  28. 在确定型模型情况下讨论允许缺货和不允许缺货的情形,提出了具有一定理论和实用价值的数学模型;在随机型模型情况下,讨论库存的单周期和多周期订购策略。

    In the deterministic model situation , We discusses situations of permit stock out and non-permit stock out , proposed mathematical models that have certain theory and the use value ; In the stochastic pattern model situation , the article discuss the single-cyclical and the multi-cyclical stock order strategy .

  29. 假设两级库存补充均采取周期订货策略,在每个零售商处的客户需求是随机的,且服从Poisson分布。

    The customer demand at each store is assumed random and follows a Poisson distribution .

  30. 结果显示改进的DBR调度方法能有效克服了原有DBR方法的缺点,提高了系统的效率,降低在制品库存,缩短生产周期,从而证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。

    The results show that the improved DBR scheduling method can effectively overcome the weakness of original DBR , which is proven to be feasible and effective to increase the efficiency of system , lower WIP and shorten the production cycle .