
  • 网络kush;Kusch;P.Kusch
  1. 喜马拉雅山脉也位于印度河流域附近,就与印度库什山脉一样。

    The Himalayas are also located near the Indus Valley , as is the Hindu Kush mountain range .

  2. 贾马汗的地产是位于印度库什山脚下的一小块地方,清理这些需要一段时间。

    IT TOOK a while to sort out Jama Khan 's estate , a small plot at the foot of the Hindu Kush .

  3. 很难认为贝纳德。库什内是一位外交官。

    IT IS hard to see Bernard Kouchner as a diplomat .

  4. 斯科尔斯不可思议的失误让墨菲能够轻松的击败库什萨克。

    Paul Scholes'uncharacteristic error enabled Danny Murphy to step forward and beat Tomasz Kuszczak .

  5. 考什克库什被留下来慢慢地死去。

    Koskoosh was being left to die .

  6. “我能理解福斯特,”库什萨克告诉曼彻斯特晚报。

    " I could understand Ben 's position ," Kuszczak told the Manchester Evening News .

  7. 有一个人的鞋把雪给压实了,他就站在考什克库什的旁边,温柔地把手放在他苍老的头上。

    A man stood beside him , and placed a hand gently on his old head .

  8. 而在高地野生动物园,饲养员们也在庆祝库什的诞生。

    Over at Highland Wildlife Park zoo keepers have been celebrating the birth of a little boy .

  9. 人们要考虑这是库什萨克6周以来的第一场比赛。

    People need to take into account it might be Tomasz 's first game for six weeks .

  10. 电影版剧本由托尼·库什纳操刀,库什还担任过斯皮尔伯格电影《林肯》的编剧。

    This film version was written by playwright Tony Kushner , who also wrote Spielberg 's Lincoln .

  11. 托马斯。库什萨克认为自己在对斯肯索普的联赛杯上的表现不算什么。

    Tomasz Kuszczak quickly sought to play down his contribution to United 's Carling Cup victory at Scunthorpe .

  12. 女人们正在干活,老考什克库什听到他儿子让那些女人快点干活的说话声。

    As the women worked , old Koskoosh could hear his son 's voice drive them to work faster .

  13. 库什萨克做得很好,但希望我也能很快打上比赛。

    Tomasz has come in and done really well , but hopefully I 'll get a few games soon .

  14. 同时,库什萨克也将在周三的联赛杯上得到出场机会。

    Tomasz Kuszczak , meanwhile , is expected to receive a run-out against Wolverhampton Wanderers in the Carling Cup tomorrow night .

  15. 北部地区的白昼在变短,部落的人不能等死,而考什克库什正在渐渐地死去。

    The days of the northlands were growing short . The tribe could not wait for death . Koskoosh was dying .

  16. 这里的气氛很好,能和范德萨,库什萨克共事也对我有很大帮助。

    The team spirit here is fantastic and working along side Edwin and Tomasz has been a great influence on my career .

  17. 库什内外长说,采取制裁是其他没指明的各种可选择途径之一,但是他又说,必须通过谈判化解目前僵局。

    Bernard Kouchner says sanctions are a possibility among other unspecified means , but he adds the current impasse must be solved through negotiations .

  18. 不管何时库什萨克进入球队大比赛,人们都会说他应该做的更好。

    Whenever Tomasz comes into the team and plays one game , some people might say he could have done this or that better .

  19. 他的脚下能力也被认为比范德萨和库什萨克更好。

    His kicking is also regarded as better than the other members of United 's glove triangle – Van der Sar and Tomasz Kuszczak .

  20. 库什萨克在曼联好容易保持一场不失球之后称赞了后卫们的表现。

    Tomasz Kuszczak was full of praise for his makeshift defence as the Reds kept a valuable clean sheet en route to victory over Wolves .

  21. 曼联希望大事化小,但库什萨克告诉一个俱乐部职员他很高兴自己能公开表达不满。

    United tried to defuse the spat but Kuszczak told a club employee that he was " glad " his grievances had been made public .

  22. 根据他的描述,柠檬库什较为柔和,但在几个月前,另一个品种带给他完全不同的体验。

    In his accounting , Lemon Kush was relatively mellow , but a few months back , he had a different experience with a different strain .

  23. 曼联的二号门将托马斯-库什萨克告诉《曼联视点》他有足够的耐心继续向范德萨学习。

    Tomasz Kuszczak , United 's second-choice goalkeeper , tells United Review he has the patience to bide his time and learn from Edwin van der Sar .

  24. 托马斯。库什萨克披露他和范德萨关系并不好,说荷兰人不喜欢他,总是忽视他。

    Tomasz Kuszczak has laid bare his bitter relationship with Edwin van der Sar by claiming that his rival Manchester United goalkeeper dislikes him and ignores him .

  25. 这可是福斯特等了很久的机会,不过库什萨克也有机会证明自己的价值。

    This could be the opening Foster has waited so patiently for , although Tomasz Kuszczak will also see this as an opportunity to prove his worth .

  26. 库什萨克去年在曼联电视的访问中说范德萨讨厌他,波兰人认为自己虽然状态好却被无视了。

    " I 'd like to go on record as saying what a good job Tomasz did over the last couple of months ," Van der Sar said .

  27. 福斯特上赛季在联赛杯上品尝了胜利的滋味,他希望旧梦重温。虽然库什萨克现在是首选门将。

    Foster tasted success last term in this competition and is keen to experience it again , even if Tomasz Kuszczak has edged in front in the current pecking order .

  28. 布朗尼坐在自己的起居室里测试柠檬库什,一边使用一边写下详细的笔记,观察它是如何在自己身体里游走。

    Seated in his living room testing out the Lemon Kush , Mr. Browne kept detailed notes from the moment he ingested , and observed how it moved through his body .

  29. 上半场的补时阶段费迪南德又一次欢庆进球,这次是瑞安。吉格斯的角球,把球顶进了库什萨克的球门的右上角。

    In first-half stoppage time Ferdinand gambolled forward again , this time for a Ryan Giggs corner , and directed a twisting header into the top right-hand corner of Tomasz kuszczak 's goal .

  30. 弗莱彻可以率领苏格兰在周末和威尔士比赛,库什萨克被波兰队征召参加和罗马尼亚以及加拿大的比赛。

    Darren Fletcher has been passed fit to lead Scotland against Wales in Cardiff on Saturday , and Tomasz Kuszczak has been recalled to Poland 's squad for the home outings against Romania and Canada .