
  1. 这卷胶卷,还剩下多少张底片了?

    How many exposures have you got left on this film ?

  2. 上课时老师问学生:“如果有5只苍蝇在你的书桌上,你打死了一只,还剩下多少只?”

    The teacher asked her students in class : " If there are five flies on your desk and you kill one , how many will remain ? "

  3. 问:如果ET离开了还剩下多少个字母?

    Ask : if ET was gone how many letters will remain ?

  4. 爱尔兰房地产无论还剩下多少泡沫,现在都已被粗暴地刺破本周,该国财长布赖恩勒尼汉(brianlenihan)透露了位于爱尔兰银行业核心的“黑洞”。

    Any air left in the Irish property bubble was unceremoniously ejected this week , as Brian Lenihan , Irish finance minister , revealed the " black hole " at the heart of Irish banking .

  5. 我想知道他们还剩下多少个。

    I just need to know how many they have left .

  6. 倒底他们几个和我的存货里还剩下多少?

    Are they numbered and what 's left of my stock ?

  7. 那么,除了做这些事情,我们还剩下多少时间?

    So except these things , how much time has remained yet ?

  8. 我一直在问她们“还剩下多少名额?”

    I 've been asking people ," how many spots are left ?"

  9. 氧气瓶还剩下多少空气?

    NO04 , How much air is left in the scuba tank ?

  10. 不停地提醒他你还剩下多少时间可以用来接电话。

    Keep reminding him how much time you have left .

  11. 我们正在看碗橱里还剩下多少空间。

    We were just seeing how much room was left in this cupboard .

  12. 在瓶子里还剩下多少只蚂蚁?

    How many ants are left in the bottle ?

  13. 你想知道自己还剩下多少时间吗?

    Would you want to know exactly how much time you 've got left ?

  14. 说实话,你自己都不知道你还剩下多少时间。

    Truth be told , you dont even know how much you have left .

  15. 无论这段关系还剩下多少。

    No matter how shattered a relationship is .

  16. 我们还剩下多少张票?

    How many tickets do we have left ?

  17. 她这样拒绝治疗,还剩下多少日子

    how long does she have by refusing treatment

  18. 你认为你还剩下多少个这样的夜晚?

    How many of these nights do you think you have left in you ?

  19. 因为有胎记预示,大家都知道他们还剩下多少时间。

    Because of the birthmark , everybody knows exactly how much longer they 've got .

  20. 你们还剩下多少人?

    How many of you remain ?

  21. 你说我还剩下多少东西可以期待?

    How would you gonna tell me how much I have left to look forward to ?

  22. 无论我的时间还剩下多少,我将使我的婚姻做到最好。

    I would make my marriage the best that I could with whatever time I have left .

  23. 还剩下多少张底片没照?

    How many exposures have you got left ? ie How many pictures remain on the camera film ?

  24. 每一次有食死徒倒下,我就会在括号里计出还剩下多少食死徒。

    Every time a Death Eater falls , I 'm going to count how many Death Eaters are remaining in parentheses .

  25. 学校管理人员们说,通过这种途径,学生们将更好地知道他们还剩下多少钱用于还贷。

    That way , school administrators say the students would know better what the money is left to pay the debt .

  26. 每年约有2000万名游客涌入威尼斯,让这座城市的居民——不论还剩下多少——有被淹没其中之感。

    The city 's locals , whatever is left of them anyway , feel inundated by the 20 million or so tourists each year .

  27. 所以,无论你的水平怎样,不管还剩下多少时间,永远不要让自己输在半路上。

    Thus , no matter what your real level is , or how little time remains , never allow yourself to lose in the halfway .

  28. 用唇刷把唇膏管里剩余的一点唇膏挖,你会惊讶于还剩下多少好用。

    Scoop out that remaining bit of lipstick from the tube with a lip brush . You 'll be surprised at how many applications remain .

  29. 可是,妈妈,这是我的作业的一部分。如果你取走整个蛋糕的八分之一,还剩下多少。

    Mary : But , Mum , it 's part of my homework . " If you take an eighth of a cake from a whole cake , how much is left " .

  30. 克雷顿博士指出,这一刻,人生发生了根本性转变:人们开始思考他们的生命还剩下多少时间,而不是已经过去了多久。

    Dr. Clayton says there 's a point in life when a fundamental shift occurs , and people start thinking about how much time they have left rather than how long they have lived .