
  • 网络Princess Pearl;My Fair Princess;Pearl Princess;Princess of China;Chuckle Of Huan Zhu
  1. 答:中国是我的主要主场。他们因为「还珠格格」而喜欢我。

    China 's my main market : they like me because of Princess Pearl .

  2. 片中的主角周星驰,从「还珠格格」这部台湾电视剧中看过我的演出,他亲自来接洽我。

    Stephen Chow , who stars in the movie , had seen me in Princess Pearl , the Taiwanese television series , and approached me directly .

  3. 而在诸如《还珠格格》、由网络小说改编的电视剧《步步惊心》以及TVB经典作品《金枝欲孽》等热播电视作品中出现的其它宫殿,也是前来参观故宫博物院的忠实观众的热门景点。

    Other palaces that have appeared in popular TV products , including drama series Princess of Pearl , online novel adaptation Treading On Thin Ice and TVB 's classic work War and Beauty , are also hot destinations among faithful audiences who came to visit the Palace Museum .

  4. 电影由赵薇主演,她在90年代末期因为在电视剧《还珠格格》中扮演天真烂漫的女主角而享有盛名。

    The film stars Vicki Zhao Wei , who shot to fame in the late1990s playing the wide-eyed lead role in the television series Princess Pearl .

  5. 新版《还珠格格》毫无例外地证明了一条定律:一般来说,翻拍经典电视剧是个彻头彻尾的坏主意。

    The new Princess Huanzhu is not the exception which proves the rule : as a general thing , remaking classic TV shows is a truly bad idea .

  6. 她被指定为阿里影业的动画版《还珠格格》的导演,该片曾在90年代让她成名。

    She is set to direct Alibaba Pictures " " My Fair Princess " an animated feature version of the TV series that made her a star in the 1990s .

  7. 记得几年前,当电视刚播映“还珠格格”时,我便以其原著作为全级阅读比赛的指定书籍。

    Some years back , when " My Fair Princess " was being shown , I made the novel on which the drama series was based the subject for a reading contest .

  8. 林心如从《还珠格格》后走红,近期她静极思动,将成立工作室,担任制片人。

    Ruby Lin was known by audience after the TV play " Princess Returning Pearl " in the near future , she will set up a studio and act as a producer .

  9. 如果画成一组气球在天上飘来飘去,看上去会很俗气,那是“还珠格格”的水平。

    I could have drawn a bunch of balloons floating around in the air , but that would have been too plain , like the level of " Xiao Yan Zi " .

  10. 《当》(《还珠格格》的主题曲)、《好想大声说喜欢你》(日本动画片《灌篮高手》片头曲)这些熟悉的音乐在剧中响起的时候,我仿佛又回到了中学时代。

    When ( from TV series Return of the Pearl Princess ) and I Want to Shout I Love You ( from Japanese animation Slam Dunk ) played , I was taken back to my high school days .

  11. 通过对《金粉世家》和《还珠格格》的对比分析,可以看出张恨水和琼瑶的小说在创作心态、作内容和创作方法上有显著的差异。

    By comparing Jin Fen Shi Jia and Huan Zhu Ge ge , it can be concluded that there exists significant differences between Zhang Henshui and Qiong Yao at the aspects of writing mentality , writing contents and writing methods .

  12. 然而,这三个字组合在一起,就成了华裔英国演员张铁林的名字,他最著名的就是在电视剧“还珠格格”中饰演的乾隆皇帝,所以球迷们开始称格林为“皇阿玛”。

    However , when you put these characters all together , " Zhang Tie Lin " is also the name of a famous Chinese-born British actor best known for playing the Qianlong Emperor on the Chinese television series My Fair Princess .