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  • alpaca
  1. 然而,大羊驼的血液中也许就藏着每年可以拯救成千上万生命的秘密。

    But maybe llama blood holds the secret to saving hundreds of thousands of lives from flu each year .

  2. 美国加州斯克里普斯研究所的这支团队从大羊驼的血液中选取了四种最强效的抗体来制作合成抗体。

    The team at the Scripps Institute in California picked four of the most potent5 llama antibodies to design their own synthetic6 antibody .

  3. 白色青年羊驼皮肤cDNA文库的构建及毛色相关基因的表达分析

    CDNA Library Constructure of White Young Alpac and Coat Color Related Genes Expression Analysis

  4. 采用原核表达载体pet-32-a+构建了羊驼皮肤组织cDNA文库。

    A cDNA library from the skin of alpaca in china was constructed using the prokaryotic expression vector pet-32-a + .

  5. 根据国际基因组命名委员会的命名原则,该基因命名为羊驼禽传染性支气管炎样病毒(AvianInfectiousBronchitisViruslikeinalpaca)基因。

    According to the name rules of International Genomics Committee , the gene was named Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus like in alpaca Lama pacos .

  6. 羊驼核糖体蛋白S5(RPS5)全长基因的筛选及其序列分析

    Alpaca ribosomal protein S 5 ( RPS5 ) span gene Screening and sequence analysis

  7. 核糖体蛋白S5(RPS5)基因对羊驼毛色调控的研究

    Study of effect of ribosomal protein S5 ( RPS5 ) gene on colour of Alpaca fleece

  8. 羊驼核糖体蛋白S5(RPS5)基因与绒毛生长发育的研究

    Study on the Relation of Ribosomal Protein S 5 ( RPS5 ) Gene and Alpaca Fleece Growth

  9. 确保一张专辑登顶排行榜、跨越文化界线的最佳办法是摆脱一些实力雄厚的大财团的羁绊,比如三星(Samsung)、百威(BudLight)等,这些大财团不仅做音乐,还做羊驼养殖之类的业务。

    the best way to ensure a chart-topping , culture-conquering album is to shake the tendrils of some deep-pocketed mega-corp ( Samsung , Bud Light ) that has as much to with music as it does with , say , llama husbandry .

  10. 本试验首次从羊驼体内获取了禽传染性支气管炎样病毒的膜蛋白基因,并克隆到了pMD-18T载体中,获得了膜蛋白基因的克隆质粒。

    The membrane protein gene of Infectious Bronchitis Virus like was obtained from alpacas for the first time . And it was cloned into the pMD-18T vector .

  11. 德国Dettelbach,一只名叫俄勒冈的羊驼正准备在羊驼和骆驼展厅展示自己。

    An alpaca named Oregon gets ready for its appearance at allama and alpaca showcase in Dettelbach , Germany .

  12. 门那边是朵拉(Dora),它专营连衣裙和女式外套,是拥有30年历史的家庭店铺,由朵拉·卢比奇(DoraRubic)经营,展示自省设计的丝绸、羊绒、羊毛和羊驼毛服饰,式样优雅高贵。

    Just beyond the gate , you 'll find Dora , specializing in dresses and women 's coats . The three-decade-old family business , run by Dora Rubic , displays elegant in-house designs made of silk , cashmere , angora and alpaca .

  13. 用小羊驼的羊毛制成的柔软的毛纺纤维。

    A soft wool made from the fleece of the vicuna .

  14. 现在的巴克斯有一个更有理由爱羊驼。

    The Barkers now have one more reason to love alpacas .

  15. 外源褪黑激素对羊驼春季绒毛生产性能的影响

    Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Performance of Alpaca Fleece in Spring

  16. 外源褪黑激素对羊驼部分血液生化指标的影响

    Effects of exogenous melatonin on blood biochemical index of female alpaca

  17. 事实证明,羊驼才是顶级的派对达人。

    It 's settled : Llamas are the ultimate party animals .

  18. 羊驼皮肤结构基因(原)胶原的表达特点

    Expression of the Structure Gene ( Pro ) collagen of Alpaca Skin

  19. 建立羊驼毛囊干细胞的分离和培养方法。

    Screening , evaluation and in vitro cultivation of epidermal stem cells ;

  20. 羊驼生长激素基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of growth hormone gene from alpaca

  21. 羊驼的群居本能使得它们愿意保护幼小。

    It 's part of alpaca 's herd instinct to protect youngsters .

  22. 对一例因病死亡羊驼的病理变化进行了详细的观察,并对其死亡原因进行了分析。

    The pathological findings of a alpaca died of illness was observed .

  23. 一例死亡羊驼的病理变化及死因分析因传染病而成群死掉

    The Pathological Findings of an Alpaca Died of Illness and its Causes

  24. 羊驼系统发育和种群内亲缘关系的研究

    Studies on System Phylogeny of Alpaca and Its Genetic Relationship in Population

  25. 羊驼毛囊干细胞分离培养的初步研究

    Preliminary study of isolation and culture of alpaca hair follicle stem cells

  26. 羊驼疑似禽支气管炎病毒感染的病理变化观察

    Pathological change of a Alpaca infected by avian bronchitis virus - like

  27. 羊驼头骨外形的研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Skull Bones of Alpacas

  28. 羊毛和羊驼毛纤维弯曲性能的评价

    Evaluating the softness of wool and alpaca fibers based on single-fiber bending test

  29. 不同精料蛋白质水平对羊驼绒毛品质的影响

    Effect of Different levels of Protein in Concentration on Fleece Quality in Alpacas

  30. 南美羊驼采食习性观测与分析

    Observation and Analysis on Grazing Behavior of Alpaca