
yáng pái
  • mutton chop;lamb chop
羊排[yáng pái]
  1. 我们今天的特别菜品有牛排、洋葱和羊排。

    Our specialities today are beef steak with onion and mutton chop .

  2. 那样的话,我就不用吃爸爸烧的难吃的羊排了。

    So I wouldn 't have to eat Daddy 's sucky lamb chop .

  3. 我们晚餐吃羊排。

    We 're having lamb chops for dinner .

  4. 我们在当地的肉铺停下,买了几块羊排,几个土豆和一些青豆,用箔纸严严实实地包好,小心地放在我的福特Ka车(FordKa)的引擎上,然后就出发了。

    We stopped at the local butcher and bought a handful of lamb chops , a few potatoes and some green beans , wrapped them very thoroughly in foil , carefully put them on the engine of my Ford Ka and set off .

  5. 非常适合搭配羊排、肉或意大利面食。

    A great wine with lamb , beef and pasta dishes .

  6. 你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?

    Which do you prefer , lamb chops or pork chops ?

  7. 烤羊排,配黑松露酱(及薄荷酱)

    Grilled lamb chops with black truffle sauce ( and mint sauce )

  8. 你还要买羊腿或羊排吗?

    Do you also want a leg of lamb or lamb chops ?

  9. “你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?”

    " Which do you prefer , lamb chops or pork chops ?"

  10. 我们的小羊排不错,是最受欢迎的主菜之一。

    Our lamb chops are one of the most popular main dishes .

  11. 你太太让我给你留的小羊排。

    Your wife wanted me to save these lamb chops for you .

  12. 也可以烤羊排和猪排。

    Or maybe you might also cook lamb chops or pork chops .

  13. 我想要些薄荷酱来配羊排。

    I 'd like some mint sauce with my lamb .

  14. 先生,这只是,哦…哦,羊排。

    Sir , that 's just , oh ... Oh , mutton chops .

  15. 我把他晚餐吃的羊排里的蛋白质转变成氨基酸。

    I turn the protein in his dinner lamb chop into amino acids .

  16. 剔下羊排上的肥肉。

    Cut the fat off the lamb chops .

  17. 我只吃了一块羊排

    But I only ate one lamb chop .

  18. “小婴儿”羊排叹气说;“我们该如何帮你?”

    " A baby !" sighed Lambchop . " What can we do to help ?"

  19. 《金钢狼》中的男星休·杰克曼以一副羊排络腮式胡须示人,这款造型最近越来越火哟。

    Wolverine actor , Hugh Jackman sporting the increasingly popular style ' mutton chops ' 。

  20. 猪脚或羊排和你我的骨头没有多大区别。

    Pig 's feet or sheep ribs are not much different from yours or mine .

  21. 两块鸭胸、两块羊排,快点

    Two duck breast , two rack of lamb . Let 's go , people .

  22. 这是淋上酱汁烧烤的小羊排。

    It 's roasted lamb with sauce .

  23. 传统的浪漫食物包括烤羊排,菲列牛排和龙虾。

    Traditional romantic fare includes rack of lamb for 2 , filet mignon , and lobster .

  24. 这六种食物是:巧克力面包、冰淇淋、果仁、糖果、羊排和香肠。

    They are chocolate bread , ice cream , nuts , candy , lamb chops and sausage .

  25. 一只鸭、两块生牛肉和一块羊排

    Yeah . Give me one duck , two beef rare , and a rack of lamb .

  26. 她把羊排放进烤肉器里以后,便坐下来开那盒子。

    After she put the lamb chops in the broiler , she sat down to open the package .

  27. 比利嚼着嘴里那块羊排,看来足有五分钟之久。

    Billy had the same morsel of lamb chop in his mouth for what seemed like five minutes .

  28. 请给她拿罗非鱼块,给我烤羊排。

    Get her a fillet of orange roughy , and get me a roast rack of lamb , please .

  29. 他接着说:再来一份羊排,还有一份烤马铃薯,再配些酸奶油,最后再来份甜点。

    Then the lamb chops , he says , and baked potato with sour cream . We 'll see about dessert later .

  30. 可根据喜好以鹅肝、牛柳、牛排、羊排、烤鸭等来尝试搭配。

    Up to your own favor you can try foie gras , beef , steak , lamb chops , duck and so on .