
  • 网络Japanese right-wing forces;right-wing forces in Japan;the rightist force of japanese
  1. 战后日本右翼势力的演变及特点

    Researches on the Evolution & Characteristics of the Japanese Right-Wing Forces

  2. 评论中指出,日本右翼势力试图在钓鱼岛问题上兴风作浪由来已久。

    It says Japanese right-wing forces have long caused trouble on the Diaoyu Islands

  3. 第二个部分,分析了日本右翼势力的主张、动向和实质。

    The second chapter analyzes political opinion of the right-wing forces .

  4. 论日本右翼势力存在的历史文化原因

    On Historical Cultural Causes of the Existence of Japanese Rightist Forces

  5. 日本右翼势力与历史教科书问题

    The Right Power in Japan and the History Textbook Issue

  6. 第四部分,分析了日本右翼势力与政治右倾化的发展趋势及影响。

    The four chapter analyzes the tendency and influence .

  7. 警惕日本右翼势力复活军国主义的企图

    Warning the Japanese right-winger 's attempt to revive militarism

  8. 冷战后日本右翼势力的兴起与危害

    Analysis on the Rise and Harm of Japanese Right-Wing Forces after Cold War

  9. 试析近年来日本右翼势力的抬头及原因

    Analyzing the Reasons of the Rise of Japanese Right-wing Force in Recent Years

  10. 是日本右翼势力的典型代表。

    He is a representative of the Japanese right-wingers .

  11. 试析冷战后日本右翼势力的发展及其存在根源

    On the Development and Resource of the Right in Japan after the Cold War

  12. 战后日本右翼势力与海峡两岸统一

    Japanese Right Wing Force and the Reunification of China 's Taiwan and its mainland

  13. 胡乔木晚年对日本右翼势力的批判

    HU Qiao mu 's Criticism of the Japanese right wingers in his late years

  14. 日本右翼势力的美英同罪史观辨正

    Distinguishing " the History View of the Same Crime about America and Great Britain " of Japanese Right-wing Forces

  15. 与日中关系相比,他在日本右翼势力中无论丧失多大的威信,都只是很小的代价。

    Whatever credibility he might lose among right-wing Japanese is a small price to pay for friendship with China .

  16. 以期批驳日本右翼势力掩盖侵略罪行,美化殖民教育的言论。

    Also effectively repelled by the Japanese right-wing forces to conceal the crime of aggression , colonial education beautify statements .

  17. 深入研究日本右翼势力的演变及其影响,对于准确把握日本政局走向,推动中日关系健康发展,都具有重要意义。

    By researching their evolution and influence we can grasp accurately Japan 's political situation and push relation between China and Japan forward healthily .

  18. 日本右翼势力认为,在第二次世界大战战争责任问题上“英美与日本同罪”。

    The Japanese right wingers said that in World War II " the USA and GB should be responsible for the war as Japan did " .

  19. 洪磊说,日本右翼势力近来再三炒作所谓中方马上就要在南海划设防空识别区。

    Hong Lei says the right-wing forces in Japan have repeatedly clamored about the alleged plan of China to set up the air defense zone over the South China Sea .

  20. 日本右翼势力的膨胀和猖獗,导致和加速了日本政治右倾化的发展,对亚洲乃至世界和平构成直接威胁。

    It is right-wing forces rampancy that induces and accelerates the development of Japan political right deviation and that is a threat to the peace of Asia and even the whole world .

  21. 本文通过对二战结束以来,特别是近20年来日本右翼势力的活动作一历史的考察,分析了右翼势力在日本不断猖獗的原因,并在此基础上提出了遏制日本右翼势力的对策思考。

    Through the historical investigation into the past twenty years'activities of Japanese Right Wingers , this dissertation gives an explanation of the reason of the Right-wingers'continuous furious doings and the countermeasure thinking to prevent the Right-Wing force .

  22. 对此,我们要洞悉日本右翼势力膨胀的原因,以制定灵活务实的战略,排除日本右翼势力对海峡两岸和平统一的干扰,粉碎其阴谋分裂中国的政治图谋。

    We must be clear of the cause for the expansion of the Japanese right wing force so as to make a realistic and flexible strategy for getting rid of its interference in the peaceful reunification of our motherland and smashing its political scheme in splitting China .

  23. 在日本极右翼势力日益猖獗的形势下,该书中译本出版有着一定的现实意义。

    With the rage of the ultra right wing power , it has some significance to publish the Chinese version .

  24. 在甲午战争中,日本民间右翼势力更是为日本军队提供了相应的军事情报,对日本的军事行动起了协助作用。

    During the period of the war , the Right-wing forces made a lot of contribution to Army by providing military intelligence .

  25. 日本新右翼势力的言行伤害了中国人民的感情,使中日合作缺乏互信,严重阻碍着中日友好关系的发展。

    In a word , what have been done by Japanese New Right-wing groups greatly hurt the feelings of Chinese people and blocked the normal development of the Sino-Japanese relationships .

  26. 自1996年夏开始,日本的右翼保守势力围绕着新世纪历史教科书开始了关于教科书问题的第三次斗争。

    Starting from the summer of 1996 , the right-wingers of Japanese conservative forces , revolving around the coming new century 's history textbook , started another round of conflict about the textbook problem .

  27. 紧接着,着重从日本国内的政治、经济和群众基础三个方面深刻论述日本新右翼势力复兴的内在原因。

    Then in the aspects of domestic politics , economy and its masses elements , the thesis discusses the reason why Japanese New Right-wing groups came back to life .