
zhàn zhēnɡ wù zī
  • war materials;materials of war
  1. 对战争物资和消费品的大量需求扩大了美国产品的市场。

    High demand for war materials and consumer foods created huge markets for US goods .

  2. 我介绍我们会使那些国家继续在美国获得战争物资从而调整他们的程序成为我们自己的程序。

    I recommend that we make it possible for those nations to continue to obtain war materials in the United States , fitting their orders into our own program .

  3. 战争物资的储备,也在不断变化。

    The types of war material stockpiled are also continually changing .

  4. 美国人迫使他们对美国人提供的战争物资一直付出极大的代价。

    The Americans have been making them pay through the nose for the war supplies they 've received .

  5. 发展农业,确保战争物资的供应成为国民政府后方建设的重中之重。

    The development of agriculture which ensured wartime goods and materials supply was an emphasis on the rear development of Kuomintang Government .

  6. 在北约的直升机杀死边境上的部队后,被激怒了,巴基斯坦本月暂时关闭了他们送战争物资到阿富汗的主要的路上通道。

    Pakistan this month temporarily shut down its main land crossing for war supplies into Afghanistan , outraged after a NATO helicopter killed Pakistani troops along the border .

  7. 到1942年年底,美国的战争物资产量已经超过了德国、意大利和日本三大轴心国的总和。

    By the end of 1942 America 's output of war materiel already exceeded the combined production of the three Axis powers , Germany , Italy and Japan .

  8. 实际上,在整个二战期间,西亚人民积极协助盟军运送战争物资,为反法西斯战争的胜利作出了自己的贡献。

    In fact , West Asian people had been positively helping the allies to transport warfare commodities throughout wwii , offering their contribution towards the victory in the anti-fascism war .

  9. 高技术局部战争作战物资保障一体化探讨

    On integrated combat material support under high & tech conditions

  10. 如何优化分配,合理调运,及时准确地完成后勤保障任务,是现代战争中战区物资调运面临的重要问题之一。

    How to optimize assignment and complete logistic supply mission duly is an important problem of war-zone material transportation in modern war .

  11. 转运司自建立后,无论在唐、五代时期,还是在宋、元时期,都在军事战争、国家物资供应等方面发挥了重要作用。

    It plays an important role in both military and national supply since its establishment in Tang 、 Wudai 、 Song and Yuan Dynasty .

  12. 现代局部高技术战争中军事物资的物流保障充分体现了实施军地物流耦合发展是优化军事物流改革、提高物流保障效率和效费比的有效途径之一。

    The military material logistics in modern regional high tech war fully embodies the implementation of military logistics development is one of the effective ways to optimize the military logistics reform , improve logistics efficiency and the benefit-cost ratio .

  13. 非战争军事行动经费物资保障审计研究

    On audit of non-war operation funds and materials ensuring

  14. 现代高科技战争对战伤急救物资和设备的运输提出了更高要求。

    Modern high-tech war sets a higher standard on the transportation of first-aid materials and equipments .

  15. 这位女士的套装是在1941年制造的,由于战争的关系,物资非常紧张。

    The lady 's suit was designed in 1941 when materials were restricted because of war .

  16. 基于运输问题,就现代战争条件下战区物资调运问题的各种情况建立了数学模型。

    In this paper , the mathematical model of war-zone material transportation under the condition of modern war is put forward , which is based on transportation problem .

  17. 有了这种想法,他就制定计划,改造他的汽车制造厂,使其在战争到来时,能生产战争物资。

    With this in mind , he made plans for changing his automobile factories so that they could produce war materials when the time came .

  18. 在正要发生战争的世界的这个角落,最缺少的恰恰是最需要的,最急需的战争物资并不是武器,而是能发出这样声音的东西。

    The part of the world where battle may be joined in is shortest on what it needs the most . So the most crucial war material doesn 't go bang , it goes .